Human Intelligence (HUMINT): competitive intelligence, social engineering

In 90% of cases, Molfar analysts work exclusively with open sources, and the information obtained from them is publicly available. At the same time, the remaining 10% is non-public data: we talk about information that is not published on the Internet, is not contained in registers, and is not disclosed on social media. This is entirely unique data. Non-public data is collected through HUMINT.

What is human intelligence or HUMINT?

HUMINT intelligence is a set of methods and algorithms for collecting non-public information directly from experts, key persons, and people in the field of research. According to the type of data collected by a human intelligence collector, it is divided into "white" and "gray". Let's look at some examples.

Here’s a human intelligence task for receiving white information   
Let's imagine that your company has a support department, and you need to test it according to the following criteria: speed of response, stress resistance, flexibility in solving non-standard issues – this is the service of a so-called "mystery shopper". For this purpose, a Molfar’s human intelligence specialist calls the support team and collects the particulars you need under the guise of a client. The process of collecting such information is easily scalable – we have a large department for serious tasks.

Here’s another task for receiving gray information   
Let's imagine that your competitor is launching a new project, and you need the details of this project before it is made public. To receive such non-public information, an analyst creates the image of a journalist from a reputable media and offers your competitor an interview. During the online interview, using special HUMINT techniques, the analyst will find out either all the data you need or at least some of it. Of course, this interview will be exclusively yours and no one will know about it.

What tasks does HUMINT perform?

HUMINT is generally defined as obtaining non-public information on various types. Molfar's human intelligence service is provided on a confidential basis.

To find out how we are able to complete your request, please contact us, and we will be happy to discuss the details of cooperation.

For business

Cyber HUMINT in the context of business research is most often used as an additional service when compiling a report on a company or analyzing the market. These techniques allow you to get insights and unique data that deepen and expand the previously collected figures.

Also, HUMINT targeting has proven to be effective in developing business hypotheses in new industries. If you have ideas, the results of which cannot be predicted and planned based on numbers and charts alone, entrust them to us. Molfar's analysts will first specify all the details, then take a break and come back to you with specific offers.

For a private person

HUMINT uses many methods and tools, including those from the field of social engineering. The reason for this is the wide use of such intelligence in the competitive struggle. The areas of headhunting, reputation management and competitor research are well suited to the use of HUMINT techniques. In situations where competitors know everything about each other, the insights gathered by human intelligence collectors give an advantage. And this advantage is sometimes the basis for making strategic business decisions.

For a military structure

HUMINT intelligence allows you to obtain information from various sources, including those in the military sphere. The evidence collected in time, verified facts or refuted statements, saves priceless lives of military personnel and protects precious military equipment. Agent intelligence is part of the information warfare.

Please note that the Molfar team does not cooperate with authoritarian countries, countries that sponsor terrorism, or countries that are terrorists.

Why Molfar?

Molfar analysts have been organizing and conducting HUMINT targeting since 2019. Our main field of activity is the USA, EU, Scandinavia and Ukraine. In addition to direct HUMINT tasks, we are experts in OSINT research. Molfar analysts are ready for the most complex requests: we will offer you all possible ways to obtain data.

Stages of conducting HUMINT intelligence

Although human intelligence is a universal method of obtaining information, the algorithm for providing the service remains the same.

Preliminary research   
First, you contact us, we confirm all the details and conduct a free test search.

Agreeing on terms and conditions   
If we have established that we can satisfy your request, it’s time to discuss the deadline and price. As soon as we receive confirmation, we get to work. 

The result of the work   
We give you the result of the work to check. If necessary, we look for more details.


Security Awareness Testing

What is the Purpose of the Service?

Security Awareness Testing offers a means to assess employees' knowledge of information security and identify vulnerabilities in business cyber security and data protection. Each employee has a certain level of access to corporate data and resources like NDAs, VPNs, antivirus software, and secure electronic document systems. All of these services are used to maintain confidentiality and boost cyber security for business. However, even the most robust networks can be vulnerable to breaches due to employee negligence. The human factor is the weakest link, and it should be addressed with proper cyber security training for business. 

Our services help detect the vulnerabilities in a company's security system by evaluating employees' awareness and behavior in crisis situations. We also offer preventive measures to strengthen protection against potential threats with our business cyber security services. 

How Does It Work?

The core service involves creating a tailored scenario and sending emails with links to collect data and assess employees, which is equally useful as cyber security training for small business and big corporations. This helps identify the following issues:

  • Are employees using VPNs?
  • Do they open suspicious links?
  • Do they check the sender's identity?
  • Do they analyze the content of the page?

Additional services include sending messages through Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, and phone calls. This provides a comprehensive overview and checks how well employees adhere to corporate culture and use cyber security software for business. 

Who Needs This Service?

This service is beneficial for companies in the IT sector, as well as military organizations and media outlets. The risks are higher if a company handles sensitive data (reports, documents, marketing plans, etc.). Thus, Security Awareness Testing is essential as a cyber security policy for small business and big companies.

Here is a breakdown of the Security Awareness Testing steps:  

  1. Preparation: We negotiate with the client to craft a scenario and set goals to analyze the business as well as the types of data that need to be checked. We confirm the attack level, which ranges from basic checks to in-depth attacks with document access.
  2. Attack: We choose the scenario and prepare resources and software. We conduct the attack by collecting data about link clicks, IP addresses, locations, personal data, logins and passwords, as well as document access.
  3. Report: After the attack, we provide the client with a report analyzing all collected data. We also offer an information literacy course to enhance employees' awareness level about business cyber security solutions. 

Why Choose Molfar?

Molfar has been a leading company in OSINT and HUMINT intelligence since 2019. We serve companies in the US, the EU, Scandinavia, and Ukraine. Our information security verification service enables companies to protect their data effectively and be aware of cyber security threats for business. 

Contact us for a personalized consultation and an information security check plan for your company.

What's included in the report?

Each Molfar report is unique, we spend time only on the information you need. The HUMINT report is no exception, you will get the result we discussed before starting work. Schematically, a report looks like this.
  • Answers to the questions of the research according to the terms of reference (technical task).
  • Expert evaluation of the intelligence received.
  • Comments and insights collected during the research that complement the request and are worth your attention.
  • Media files obtained during the work.
  • Recommendations for continuing the search and expanding it, or completing the research according to the comprehensive result.
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