Our team

Molfar's team is the company's main strength. Thanks to the well-coordinated team work, we not only exist as a business agency in the field of private intelligence, but also implement many volunteer projects. We are proud to unite so many people with similar values, views, and goals.
Artem Starosiek
Artem Starosiek

Expert in open-source intelligence. Graduated from the The Aspen Institute, the Ukrainian School of Political Studies, the School of Strategic Architect at KMBS. Member of the board of the Techosystem technology ecosystem.

Daria Verbytska
Daria Verbytska
Head of PR

Expert in international Affairs worked with inter-parliamentary relations. Graduated from the Media and Reality programme at The Aspen Institute and Strategic Leadership in Cybersecurity at SOPHOS.JOINT.CYBER 2.0.

Ievgeniia Bespalova
Ievgeniia Bespalova

Honorary IT Ambassador of Ukraine, awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Member of the Supervisory Board of the Presidential Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports. Supervisory Board Member at Kyiv Aviation Institute.

Serhii Polozhai
Serhii Polozhai

Expert in open-source intelligence (OSINT) with 5+ years of investigation experience. Skilled in Project Management and Marketing Analysis.

Maksym Franchuk
Maksym Franchuk

Specialist in open-source intelligence with 3+ years of experience. He has experience in the fields of Marketing, Management and Crypto.

Corporate principles of the Molfar OSINT agency

In all activities and judgments, Molfar's experts are guided by the principles and norms of international law. We follow a policy of gender equality: the total number of women and men in the team is equal, with a slight difference in management.

We also adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Professional respect and tolerance are the basis of teamwork. Learn more about our principles on the Ethics and Corporate Responsibility page.

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