OSINT investigations

This page contains all of Molfar's OSINT investigations. Articles are sorted by the date, you can filter them by hashtags or use the built-in search.
Molfar's open-source investigations are an internal product of our agency. If you want to use materials from our OSINT investigations on the media pages or thematic blogs, make sure to leave a link to the Molfar website in your text. We are ready to provide you with additional information on each material, please contact us.

We would also like to remind you that public OSINT investigations are only part of our non-profit work. You can always order our services: background check, corporate intelligence, market analysis, financial intelligence, military intelligence, HUMINT services and others open-source intelligence investigations. These materials are performed on a commercial basis. The information from private orders is never disclosed.

Who is shelling Kharkiv? Molfar has identified 55 Russian military personnel
Who is shelling Kharkiv? Molfar has identified 55 Russian military personnel

Molfar has prepared a list of Russian military personnel involved in the systematic shelling of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region.

Reddit Reverse Image Search: Tips from Molfar
Reddit Reverse Image Search: Tips from Molfar

Learn the basics of the Reddit OSINT and how to use online forums as a means to track down the image based on Molfar’s experience.

Cape Tarkhankut: What are the occupiers hiding under the domes in Crimea? Fact-checking by Molfar
Cape Tarkhankut: What are the occupiers hiding under the domes in Crimea? Fact-checking by Molfar

What have the Russians placed under protective domes on the Western Cape of occupied Crimea? Molfar have analyzed social media, tourist photos, and satellite images of Cape Tarkhankut, further confirming that Russian radar systems are located there.

Analysis of Fires in Russia: Statistics and Trends for 2024
Analysis of Fires in Russia: Statistics and Trends for 2024

Analyzing the statistics of fires in Russia for January-April 2024. Identifying key trends since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

OSINT for Car Enthusiasts: How to Lookup License Plate with Vehicle OSINT
OSINT for Car Enthusiasts: How to Lookup License Plate with Vehicle OSINT

Wonder whether you are about to sign a car deal with a reliable person? Try OSINT license plate analysis to reveal the pitfalls of an agreement. Moreover, leverage vehicle OSINT to verify the credibility of a seller with Molfar.

Western investors in Russian oil and strikes on Russian refineries: who owns shares in
Western investors in Russian oil and strikes on Russian refineries: who owns shares in "Gazprom" and "Lukoil" and the position of the investors. Molfar research

Companies from the USA, the UK, France, Japan, and other countries hold ownership stakes in major Russian oil and gas companies. Molfar's research tells us more about this.

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