OSINT investigations

This page contains all of Molfar's OSINT investigations. Articles are sorted by the date, you can filter them by hashtags or use the built-in search.
Molfar's open-source investigations are an internal product of our agency. If you want to use materials from our OSINT investigations on the media pages or thematic blogs, make sure to leave a link to the Molfar website in your text. We are ready to provide you with additional information on each material, please contact us.

We would also like to remind you that public OSINT investigations are only part of our non-profit work. You can always order our services: background check, corporate intelligence, market analysis, financial intelligence, military intelligence, HUMINT services and others open-source intelligence investigations. These materials are performed on a commercial basis. The information from private orders is never disclosed.

Ukrainian Art: Future Prospects and Insights from Molfar and Spilne Art's Research
Ukrainian Art: Future Prospects and Insights from Molfar and Spilne Art's Research

An article based on joint research by Molfar and Spilne Art, featuring key insights from top industry experts. Molfar explores how art can support Ukraine and highlights whose work is worth investing in.

Is the Russian Orthodox Church Spying in Europe? Molfar Research. Part One
Is the Russian Orthodox Church Spying in Europe? Molfar Research. Part One

The Russian Orthodox Church may use its churches in Europe for intelligence activities, strategically constructing them near critical facilities. The first part of the analysis covers Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, and Czechia.

OSINT AI: How to Optimize Your Investigation in 2024
OSINT AI: How to Optimize Your Investigation in 2024

Use artificial intelligence open source analysis to boost your investigation with tips from Molfar.

How Do Data Leaks Happen? Molfar Breakdown
How Do Data Leaks Happen? Molfar Breakdown

Find out what data leak means and how you can save yourself from being featured in one of them with this overview.

[UPDATED]: Disinformation Networks: Living People, Dosta, Sovereigns — Resistance to COVID Measures, Paper Terrorism, and Possible Russian Ties
[UPDATED]: Disinformation Networks: Living People, Dosta, Sovereigns — Resistance to COVID Measures, Paper Terrorism, and Possible Russian Ties

Sovereigns, Living People, Dosta — In this article, we explain what these organizations are and whether they have connections to Russia.

[UPDATED]: What is Española? Neo-Nazis and ultras in the Russian army. Exposing the fighters of the unit
[UPDATED]: What is Española? Neo-Nazis and ultras in the Russian army. Exposing the fighters of the unit

We discuss the Russian brigade Española, which propagandists portray as a supposed replacement for PMC "Wagner." What is this brigade, its connections, and the de-anonymization of the Russians serving there?

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