Foreign propagandists of the Russian Federation regime

The Molfar OSINT agency has created its register of Russian Federation terrorist regime foreign propagandists. This page contains the names and private data of the propagandists. For each person, we have evidence of his or her propaganda activities in favor of Russia. The evidence was obtained by researching open sources of information. The commentary to the record contains expert analysis by Molfar researchers. These individuals pose a threat to the national security of countries that do not support the terrorist policy of the Russian Federation.

The main feature of Molfar's foreign propagandists' registry is the uniqueness of the collected personalities. Instead of mentioning famous names of internal Russian propagandists, we focused on the personalities of external agents of Russia. Foreign propagandists of the Russian Federation repeat the theses of the Kremlin leadership, justify Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, call for the lifting of Western sanctions against the Russian Federation, and convince the world that the annexation of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is legitimate.

The vast majority of Russian foreign propagandists are citizens of the EU, the United States, Canada, or other Western countries. Even though they are actively engaged in propaganda in favor of Russia, the international community has not responded to their activity properly: removal from public positions, the introduction of sanctions, and investigations into personal involvement in crimes. Molfar emphasizes the seriousness of foreign propagandists' actions to undermine the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, as well as manipulate international law.

For more information on any person, please send your request to: [email protected]

Register of Russian foreign propagandists


Fujita Takanori

Japan Project Lead of Healthcare Data Project at World Economic Forum Centre for the Forth Industrial Revolution Japan and Project Lecturer of Keio University School of Medicine Evidence

Erik C

Japan Anonymous blogger Evidence

Kazuhiro Haraguchi

Japan Member of the House of Representatives Evidence

Fabrice Beaur

Belgium Head of the Caucasian Region Non-Governmental Organization "European Council for Democracy and Elections" (EODE), Secretary of the European Center for the Study of Democracy (CEREED), member of the national-Bolshevik party Le Parti communautaire national-europen (PCN) Evidence

Charlie Kirk

USA Host of The Charlie Kirk Show, founder and director of Turning Point USA (an American non-profit organization that advocates for conservative politics in high schools, colleges and university campuses) Evidence

Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company

Pro-Russian statements

In October 2022, he published a survey in TW about his own "peace plan" for Ukraine. The plan included the neutrality of Ukraine, the inclusion of Crimea in the russian federation, the provision of its water supply, and repeated referendums under the supervision of the UN in the regions of Ukraine annexed by the russian federation. In addition, he called the transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR as "a mistake of Khrushchev". In subsequent posts, he also frightened subscribers with russian mobilization, the death of millions of people, and called Ukraine's victory as "unlikely." According to American political scientist Ian Bremmer, Musk had a personal conversation with putin before the publication of this "peace plan". In February 2023, he reposted an article dated 2014, which claimed that the "illegal overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected and pro-russian president" was the "last straw" for putin, after which he annexed Crimea. In the comments, Musk wrote: "no question that there was indeed a coup." In 2001-2022, he traveled to Moscow to purchase refurbished intercontinental ballistic missiles for their further use as launch vehicles.

Pro-Russian statements

Since 2014, he spoke out against the sanctions imposed on the russian federation and in favor of their cancellation, justifying this by the conjecture that "EU sanctions increased gas prices and inflation." In February 2022, he declared the failure of the West's strategy to support Ukraine, the impossibility of Ukraine's victory in the war, and the only possibility of ending the war - through direct negotiations between the USA and russia. In November 2022, during a friendly match of the national football team, he wore a scarf with the image of the map of "Greater Hungary", with parts of Ukraine and other neighboring states in it. In January 2023, at a meeting with journalists, he said: "The West must understand that putin cannot afford to lose the war and will not lose it." At the same time, he claimed that "russia's goal is to turn Ukraine into an ungovernable ruin so that the West cannot claim it as a prize", called Ukraine as a "no man's land" and warned that if Ukrainians cross the russian border with Western weapons, "the future will be so bright that the West will have to wear sunglasses." In the same month, during a festive dinner in honor of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, he said that "russians" live to the east of Hungary.

Pro-Russian statements

In January 2022, he planned to visit russia, which he wanted to make his "second home," and meet with putin. In December 2022, he said on the air that he was "very pro-putin, very pro-russian", at the same time he admitted that he liked Hitler and called himself a Nazi. As a child, he lived in China, where his mother worked on an exchange program. As of January 2022, he was negotiating joint projects with the russian developer and state contractor Aras Agalarov.


Fox News

Pro-Russian statements

In this video he complains how it’s acceptable to help Ukraine and asks why it’s unacceptable to help Russia: Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker Carlson clips:


Publishing house / investment company Vostok Marketing Limited

Pro-Russian statements

In August 2014, he co-authored a letter to top managers of British companies, in which he expressed disagreement with the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. In November 2017, he illegally visited Crimea, where he took part in the conference "Crimea in the modern international context", after which he declared: "Crimea has always been Russian, remains so and has a Russian perspective." In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, of which Bonar is a member, issued a statement supporting a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine."

Relations with the Russia

Since 1995, he lived in the Russian Federation for 18 years. In the 1990s, he managed advertising campaigns on the Russian market, founded several legal entities, including Marketing Russia Magazine, a specialized advertising publication for the Russian Federation, and was also a representative of Great Britain at the European Business Association (Moscow). Since 2012, he was the deputy chairman of the British NGO The Westminster Russia Forum and its representative in the Far East of the Russian Federation. In 2017, he joined the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea, and he is also the president of the British branch of the association. In 2017-2018, he founded LLC Vostok Projects and LLC E2B Vostok in the Russian Federation.

Pro-Russian statements

After the Euromaidan, he took the position of not recognizing the new Ukrainian government as legitimate. Since the emergence of separatist organizations in the east of Ukraine, he spent a lot of time in the TOT, visited Crimea, where he contacted separatist leaders and received awards from them. He believes that Ukraine is ruled by fascists, nationalists and the "junta". He considers Putin a powerful politician who acts in the interests of his country, and Zelenskiy a "pathetic fool." It also claims that the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by Ukrainian fighter jets. Since the beginning of the armed aggression against Ukraine, he has been voicing Russian propaganda theses. He does not recognize the involvement of the Russian military in the atrocities in Bucha, considers it a fake and staged. His publications and reports are reproduced by Russian propaganda media.

Relations with the Russia

In 2013, while living in Ukraine, he started cooperating with RT. In the summer of 2014, he moved to Rostov. In 2014-15, he collaborated with the Zvezda TV channel. In 2017, he announced that he would marry a girl from Luhansk.


The left-leaning daily Junge Welt; the daily newspaper Der Freitag

Pro-Russian statements

The author of the film about the tragedy at the House of Trade Unions in Odesa in May 2014, in which he accuses the Ukrainian authorities of a planned mass murder. He believes that Russophobic attitudes and anti-Russian propaganda will prevail in Germany in 2022, and is outraged by posters in support of Ukraine. After the start of the armed aggression, the Russian Federation illegally visited territories not controlled by Ukraine. He also believes that the Ukrainian military commits atrocities against the civilian population.

Relations with the Russia

In 1974, he joined the Communist League, a left-wing radical organization in West Germany, and wrote articles for its newspapers. From 1992 to 2017, he worked as a freelance journalist for German and Swiss publications in Moscow. In 1999, he began teaching in the Russian Federation. In 2016, he started cooperating with RT.


Author of the blog Anti-Spiegel

Pro-Russian statements

He claims that Ukrainians torture and kill Russian prisoners of war, while residents of the occupied territories welcome Russian soldiers. Also, according to his "investigation", it was the Ukrainian armed forces that blew up the drama theater in Mariupol and carried out airstrikes on the hospital in Volnovakha. The author of the book with quotes from Vladimir Putin.

Relations with the Russia

Since 1994, he worked as the head of the regional agent network of the insurance company Volksfursorge, his powers included the development of the network, including in the Russian Federation. In 1998, he started working as a director of marketing and sales at JSC "Rus", since then he lives in St. Petersburg.


The author of the Neuesausrussland blog

Pro-Russian statements

She claims that Germany is completely dependent on the USA in its actions and decisions, anti-Russian sanctions cause more damage to the Germans than the Russian Federation, the winter in Germany will be cold and hungry. He claims that the fighters of Azov are Nazis, and journalists who deviate from the rhetoric of the authorities are persecuted and repressed. He also claims that there is much more freedom in the Russian Federation than in Europe, and the armed forces carry out constant attacks on civilians, maternity homes and blow up granaries.

Relations with the Russia

Lipp's father is Russian. She visited the Russian Federation several times after graduating from school. In 2021, she moved to the Russian Federation, and later - to the temporarily occupied Russian territory of the Donbass, where she received a passport.


Daily newspaper Die Welt

Pro-Russian statements

Articles and statements of Schiltz are often reprinted by Russian propaganda media. He believes that the Russian Federation supports many more countries in its actions than the USA and the EU expected, sanctions against the Russian Federation do not work, they harm and divide Europe, and the Ukrainian authorities are driven to despair. He also notes that the status of a candidate for EU membership is fictitious, it was specially created for Ukraine and several other countries that will never join it, as they will not be able to fulfill and adhere to the specified conditions. Before the start of the military aggression against Ukraine, he wrote that the Russian Federation will completely outplay NATO, whose strategies are outdated, and the build-up of the alliance's forces near the borders of Ukraine increases the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis.


Schiller Institute

Pro-Russian statements

In 1984, she founded the Schiller Institute. She stated that "the problem of the war in Ukraine lies in the fact that "Germany and the EU have taken a course towards NATO, the USA and Britain and are in a confrontation with Russia".

Relations with the Russia

Helga's late husband, the American Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, sympathized with leftist and Marxist movements since the 1940s, in 1948 he joined the Socialist Workers' Party, which supported the USSR in the upcoming world war. In 1967, Lyndon began teaching Marxism at New York City's Free School. In 1972, he created the United States Labor Party, which aimed to "preach the Marxist revolution." In 1974 and 1975, during meetings with representatives of the USSR, he suggested merging his organization, the National Caucus of Labor Committees, with the Communist Party. In the 1970s, Helga was one of the first foreign journalists to visit Communist China. At the time of her wedding in 1977, she was a leading activist of the West German branch of the LaRouche party. In 1993, when LaRouche was serving a prison sentence for fraud, he was visited at the invitation of the Schiller Institute by a deputy of the Moscow City Council, Viktor Kuzin, who organized a campaign for his release. After his release in 1994, LaRouche visited the Russian Federation many times, together with Helga spoke in the State Duma in 2001, and in 2007 they were also honored guests at the ceremony in honor of Stanislav Menshikov's 80th birthday at the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Project Behind the Headlines; MintPress News (radical leftist news site)

Pro-Russian statements

He claims that after the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, SSU employees detain and brutally torture Ukrainian citizens for communicating in Russian. Considers Viktor Medvedchuk a representative of the ethnic Russian population of Ukraine, against whom repression was applied.

Relations with the Russia

Kohen has Jewish roots, his family comes from Lithuania. During the mass murders of Jews in Lazdijai in November 1941, members of the Kohen family were killed. Kohen's grandfather, Paul Sugerman, then fought against Nazi Germany, probably in the ranks of the Red Army.


Creates journalistic materials used by RT

Pro-Russian statements

It is systematically published in Russian propaganda publications. He claims that the tragedy in Bucha is staged, that the Ukrainian population supports the Russian army, that Ukraine faces an inevitable armed defeat and the escape or assassination of its leaders. He also opposes the sending of American weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the allocation of financial aid from the United States; claims that NATO bases are located in Ukraine. He was convicted and served a sentence in the USA for pedophilia.

Relations with the Russia

In 1984, he received a bachelor's degree in Soviet history, is the author of scientific works on the history of anti-Soviet uprisings in the republics of Central Asia. In 1988-90, he worked as part of the arms control group in Soviet Votkinsk. Since 1991, he has been married to the Georgian Marina Khatiashvili, whom he met in 1989 while working in the USSR in the arms control group, where she was a translator. The FBI suspected Marina of collaborating with the KGB.

Pro-Russian statements

He believes that neo-Nazism and nationalism reign in Ukraine, and the American government supports these phenomena. The author interviewed Aiden Aslin, a British prisoner of war who fought on the side of Ukraine. Claimed that Ukrainian troops were being covered by civilians as human shields, and also disseminated information about the connection between American biological laboratories located on the territory of Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic. Russian mass media used him several times as a "foreign journalist" in propaganda reports, in particular during a trip to the Kakhovskaya HPP.

Relations with the Russia

Since April 2016, he has been living in the Russian Federation, where he received political asylum. He probably cooperated with the Russian special services.

Pro-Russian statements

Engaged in propaganda in favor of the "Donetsk People's Republic". He considers the current policy of the USA to be fascism. Led a video blog on YT, blocked for 2022. Participates in the plots of other pro-Russian propagandists and is the hero of reports and articles. According to him, the Ukrainian government is Nazi, the Armed Forces of Ukraine commit particularly cruel atrocities against the civilian population of Donbas, and thousands of ISIS fighters from Syria are among the Ukrainians. Raised $100k for victims of "shelling by the Ukrainian military". He came to TOT in 2014 after he was found guilty in the USA of drug trafficking, smuggling and participation in an international criminal group and had to serve a prison term.

Relations with the Russia

In the 1970s, he became interested in communist ideology, read books by Che Guevara and Ho Chi Minh, calls himself a communist. In the 1990s he visited Cuba, Since 2014, he has been permanently living in the temporarily occupied Russian territory of the Donbass, where he received a "DPR" passport and got married. Has Russian citizenship since 2020.


Grayzone project

Pro-Russian statements

Since 2015, he actively defended the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in social networks, repeatedly expressed his pro-Russian position and love for the Russian media holding RT, criticized the United States for recognizing RT as a foreign agent. After the invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, he actively spread fake articles and posts in TW, 55% of which were recognized as fake, and 24% aimed at inciting hatred towards Ukraine. Mach's main theses are identical to those of the Russian Federation: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy uses the war to destroy the opposition and is a puppet of the West; The SSU acts on the instructions of the CIA, MI-5 and European countries; The US and NATO are sponsoring the war in Ukraine; the government in Ukraine is connected with neo-Nazis; neo-Nazis of the "Azov" battalion and the ZSU mock civilians; "ethnic cleansing" is taking place in Ukraine; the Ukrainian government supports the murders of officials who cooperated with the Russian Federation.

Relations with the Russia

Since 2012, he began cooperation with RT, and later - with other Russian propaganda media.


Cato Institute

Pro-Russian statements

In 2005, he was exposed in the USA for writing 10 commissioned lobbying articles, and later admitted to this. For many years, he has maintained a position of "non-interference" with regard to US foreign policy, and is categorically against the expansion of NATO in Eastern Europe. He considers the USA to be guilty of starting the war in Ukraine, and their position of supporting Ukraine against the Russian Federation a big mistake, which could lead to the disintegration of the country. Claims that America needs to negotiate with the Russian Federation; Ukraine must be sacrificed for the sake of world peace and nuclear security. He opposes the provision of arms to Ukraine, as well as the transfer to it of seized assets of the Russian Federation abroad. He considers the sanctions against the Russian Federation to be ineffective and such that they could lead to the economic division of Europe. Bandow materials are often printed by Russian propaganda media.


State Department; Center for Strategic and International Studies

Pro-Russian statements

He believes that the Russian Federation cannot be defeated, sanctions against it are ineffective, and the only compromise option that will lead to the end of the war in Ukraine is the holding of referendums in non-controlled territories. He also believes that it is necessary to give Vladimir Putin a "small victory" so that he can save his face.

Relations with the Russia

Since 2015, he has been a member and participant in the meetings of the international discussion club "Valdai" in the Russian Federation.


Columbia University Earth Institute

Pro-Russian statements

He stated that "the main cause of the current crisis in Ukraine is the process of NATO's expansion to the East." He also claimed that he believes "in the possibility of a quick and successful conclusion of peace negotiations and the lifting of sanctions against Russia."

Relations with the Russia

He was invited by the President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, as a consultant on the transition to a market economy. From 1991 to 1993, he was an adviser on macroeconomic policy to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Boris Fedorov and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yehor Gaidar. From 1991 to 1994, he was the head of the group of economic advisers to the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin.


G7 Steering Committee; Advisor to the President of Montenegro and Minister of Economy and Finance of Ecuador

Pro-Russian statements

In 2021, he stated that "sanctions against the Russian Federation are not working," and continued to assert this in 2022. In 2022, he said that "the USA, through NATO, provoked the Russian Federation into a war in Ukraine."

Relations with the Russia

In the 1990s, he developed a currency reform project for the Russian Federation, is the author of articles and books on this topic.


US Central Intelligence Agency

Pro-Russian statements

In 2014 he declared that "NATO and the USA provoked Putin", in 2022 he declared that "NATO promised not to expand to the East", and therefore "no one has the right to unilaterally condemn Putin".

Relations with the Russia

In 1961, he received a master's degree in Russian language, literature and history. He taught Russian at the University of Virginia. While working as an analyst at the CIA in the 1970s and 1980s, he headed the Soviet foreign policy department and prepared daily briefings for US presidents on this topic. In October 2013, he visited the Russian Federation, where he was present at the presentation of the Sam Adams Award to former CIA employee Edward Snowden.


Member of the National Union party

Pro-Russian statements

In July 2015 and July 2016, he illegally traveled to the territory of Crimea, where he met with representatives of the illegal Crimean government, attended the celebration of the Russian Navy Day and declared support for the actions of the Russian Federation in Crimea, and also claimed: "Crimea is part of the Russian Federation - this reality must be recognized." In April 2016, he authored a resolution of the National Assembly of France, which called on the authorities not to support sanctions against the Russian Federation. In March 2018, he was an observer at the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, after which he declared that the elections were held "correctly", there were "no problems". In November 2018, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", claimed that the elections were "actively, positively and democratically" and accused Ukraine of "blocking the Minsk process". In 2019 and 2020, he again illegally visited Crimea, including during the illegal organization of a vote there on changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in June 2020, after which he declared; "Like a sleeping beauty, Crimea is reborn after reunification with the Russian Federation." After the start of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in February 2022, he spoke out against sanctions against the Russian Federation, against the supply of weapons and financial aid to Ukraine, and accused Zelenskiy of deceiving the Europeans.

Relations with the Russia

He is married to Russian woman Irina Shaikhullina. Since 2012, he has been the head of the "Franco-Russian Dialogue" Association. In 2015 and 2016, Mariani's trips to Crimea were financed by the Russian Peace Fund. In 2017-2018, he was also a member of the ethics committee of the Russian propaganda channel RT France.


Member and former leader of the National Union party

Pro-Russian statements

In October 2011, in an interview with the Russian newspaper Kommersant, she claimed that France "long ago should stop obeying the US and turn towards the Russian Federation", and "admired Putin". In March 2014, she declared the legality of the "referendum" organized by the Russian Federation and declared: "The people of Crimea, who lived in fear, threw themselves into the arms of the country from which they came." In April 2014, during a visit to Moscow and a meeting with Naryshkin, she supported the position of the Russian Federation, in particular, regarding the need for federalization of Ukraine, and condemned the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation. In December 2014, the National Front stated in an official press release that "Western Ukraine is openly vassalized by Washington", and "President Poroshenko and his Prime Minister Yatsenyuk leave no other possible perspective for the population of the East of the country, except to build their future from the Russian Federation". In January 2017, she called Crimea "an integral part of the Russian Federation", in March 2017, during a visit to Moscow, she met with Putin and said that France and the Russian Federation "can only fight terrorism together". After the start of a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, she condemned Putin's actions, at the same time she spoke out against the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation, "which could harm the French economy," because "everything that happens in Ukraine cannot be divided into black and white." In April 2022, it again supported the alliance between France and the Russian Federation in the field of security and declared that it would continue to "not deny" Russian ownership of Crimea.

Relations with the Russia

Marine's father - Jean-Marie Le Pen - repeatedly visited the Russian Federation since the 1990s, had friendly relations with Volodymyr Zhirynovsky. In September 2014, the National Front party, the leader of which at that time was Le Pen, received a loan in the amount of ~$11.3m from the Czech-Russian Bank, which belongs to the Russian Roman Popov, the condition of receiving the loan was "a speech with a statement about the situation in Ukraine."


Republican Party

Pro-Russian statements

In 2021, he illegally visited Crimea. Claims that the elections in Crimea were legitimate. Calls on the French authorities to recognize Crimea as Russian territory. Michel's cousin, G?rard Voisin, has been a Republican member of the French National Assembly since 2017.

Relations with the Russia

Since 2022, he has been a member of the Union for the People's Movement (since 2014 - the Republican Party). One of the leaders of the Republicans and the candidate of the party in the 2017 French Presidential elections, Fran?ois Fillon, in 2015 organized a meeting of the Lebanese businessman Fouad Makhzoumi with Putin, with whom he had a close relationship. For organizing the meeting, he received $50k from Makhzoumi. In 2021, at the request of the Russian government, Fillon joined the board of the Russian state Zarubezhneft.


Senate of the Czech Republic

Pro-Russian statements

In November 2014, he was present as an observer at the presidential and parliamentary elections of the LPR, after which he declared the absence of any violations. In 2018, he illegally visited Crimea, claiming that it was the territory of the Russian Federation. In August 2022, he visited Crimea again, met with representatives of the illegal Crimean authorities and declared that he "represents businessmen who want to do business with Crimea, despite the sanctions."

Relations with the Russia

During Czechoslovakia, he was the secretary of the People's Committee of Telnice municipality. Until 2010, he was a member of the Communist Party of the Czech Republic and Moravia, the successor of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.


Lawyer, former member of the Austrian Freedom Party and the Alliance for the Future of Austria

Pro-Russian statements

"In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the ""referendum"", which he called ""legitimate"". In May 2014, he starred in a Russian propaganda film in which he talked about the ""fundamental Western idea"" of dividing the Russian Federation into at least three parts. In June 2014, he received a 12-month suspended prison term for financial fraud committed in 2006. In November 2014, he was present as an ""observer"" at the ""elections"" in the ""DPR""."

Relations with the Russia

Until 2007, he was a deputy from the Austrian Freedom Party, which was later accused of receiving funds from the Russians and cooperating with United Russia party.


Member of the Flemish Interest party

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the "referendum", regarding which he claimed: "It does not matter whether it is legal or illegal, because every nation has the right to say that it can be independent. When a nation wants to be independent or wants to go on its own, we have to allow it." According to the testimony of those present, he was in a drunken state that day and flew from Crimea to Moscow by plane. In November 2014, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", he was also present at the next "elections" - in November 2018, after which he claimed that they were "generally democratic and very transparent". In May 2019, he attended the "Republic Day" celebration in Donetsk. After the start of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in February 2022, in an interview with the Russian channel Sputnik News, he spoke out against the provision of weapons to Ukraine, compared the invasion of the Russian Federation with the NATO bombing of Serbia in social networks and claimed that the war "was partly provoked by foreign forces with geopolitical and financial plans, who do not respect Ukraine at all", and the conflict arose due to "the continuous movement of EU and NATO borders to the east".


Member of the Flemish Interest party

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the "referendum" and called it a "people's holiday" on which "everything went well." In November 2018, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", he claimed that the elections there were going "very well" and he saw that "people believe in their democracy." In February 2019, during a plenary session, he made obscene remarks against MP Carina Van Cauter, after which he was forced to suspend his political activities and undergo a course of treatment for alcohol addiction. The last post on the Penris FB page is a Russian-language birthday greeting to Soviet Marshal Zhukov from the "representative of the DPR in Belgium" Kris Roman.


Member of the Flemish Interest party

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the "referendum", in November 2018 he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "LPR". In March 2022, the association made a statement in support of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine." He stopped political activity in 2022, but since 2019 his wife Frieda Verougstraete-Deschacht is a member of the Parliament of Flanders.

Relations with the Russia

Since 2017, he has been a member of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea, which is funded by the budget of the Russian Federation.


Member and former leader of the Flemish Interest party

Pro-Russian statements

In June 2014, he took a joint photo with then-Vice Prime Minister Rogozin. In May 2015, he called Rogozin a "good friend" and Putin a "strong and courageous political leader." In 2016 and 2018, he was an observer at the elections in the Russian Federation, noted the high level of their organization. In February 2017, he visited the Russian Khmeimim military base in Syria and met with the Syrian dictator Assad, calling the Russian Federation "the only state that provides real help to the people of Syria." In 2018, as part of the Belgian delegation, he visited the Yalta International Economic Forum in Crimea, it was planned to provide €50m of investment for the development of Crimean business. In January 2018, he was a co-author of the resolution on the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation, submitted to the Belgian Parliament. In October 2020, commenting on the poisoning of Navalny, he stated that he did not believe in the involvement of the Russian authorities, instead hinting at the involvement of "certain forces" from Western Europe. After the start of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in February 2022, he opposed tough sanctions against the Russian Federation and the supply of weapons to Ukraine. In the 1980s and 1990s, Dewinter had neo-Nazi views, placed flowers on the graves of SS members, and called the Nazis his friends.

Relations with the Russia

In June 2014, he participated in the conference of parliamentarians in Moscow, organized at the expense of the Russian budget, under the chairmanship of Naryshkin, the chairman of the State Duma at that time.


TV Alpha, member of the executive committee of the "Attack" party

Pro-Russian statements

In November 2014, she was present as an "observer" at the "elections of the president and parliament of the DPR", after which she declared that the elections were held in accordance with European standards. In 2015, she illegally visited Crimea, during a meeting with representatives of the illegal Crimean authorities, she called the Euromaidan events a "Nazi coup", claimed that "only the Russian nation is capable of challenging American hegemony." After the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, she published a caricature of President Zelenskiy and mocked Ukrainian prisoners of war on social networks.

Relations with the Russia

In 1985, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Isotope effects in the surface ionic conductivity of the silicon-silicon dioxide interface" at the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.


Honorary President of the Workers' Party

Pro-Russian statements

"In May 2022, he said that Zelenskiy bears the same responsibility for the war as the Russian Federation, because ""he wanted war"", and inciting hatred of Putin on the part of Western countries is not a solution to the problem. At the same time, he claimed that with sanctions against the Russian Federation, Western countries are ""punishing all humanity."" Later that month, he said that the conflict was caused by a mistake by Biden, and that the US and Europe should have been told that Ukraine would not join NATO, and ""that would have solved the problem."" In June 2022, he criticized Biden for providing aid to Ukraine to purchase weapons at a time when he ""never made a speech about giving even a dollar to those who are dying of hunger in Africa."" In August 2022, adviser Lula da Silva said that if he is elected President, he will not support the introduction of sanctions against the Russian Federation, because ""sanctions are a political mistake that increases the risk of nuclear war."" In 2017-18, Lula da Silva was sentenced to 12 years and 1 month in prison for corruption and money laundering, but was released in 2019 because the Supreme Court found that his transfer to prison was carried out pending a review of the sentence by all instances and is illegal. In 2021, the Supreme Court overturned the verdict because the court that issued it did not have the authority to try the ex-president."

Relations with the Russia

In the 1960s, he participated in the activities of the Union of Workers. In 1980, he co-founded the left-wing Workers' Party.


Union Party "Constitutional Right" / Editorial Board of the newspaper "Iravunk"

Pro-Russian statements

After 2014, he repeatedly illegally visited the territory of Crimea. In February 2021, during the congress of the "Strong Armenia with Russia. For a new Union" movement, he stated: "We see a strong Armenia with Russia, in the formation of a new union, because the Russian Federation came to our aid again and the Russian soldier stood next to our soldier." . In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, of which Hayk is a member of the coordination board, issued a statement supporting a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine." In June 2022, after another illegal visit to Crimea, he declared that he "did not meet anyone there who did not support a special military operation" and called the Euromaidan events "a pro-Western Nazi coup".

Relations with the Russia

"Since 2004, he has been a member of the ""Academy of Spiritual Unity of Peoples"" registered in the Russian Federation, which in 2013 nominated Putin for the Nebeliv Peace Prize. In 2005-17, he was a co-founder of the St. Petersburg newspaper Ararat Info-Most. In 2008-12, he headed the Department of Practical Journalism at the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University. In 2014-16, he received medals and certificates from the Embassy of the Russian Federation and Russian organizations. Since 2017, he has been a member of the coordination board of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea, and also heads the Armenian branch of this association. In February 2021, he became a member of the organizing committee of the movement ""Strong Armenia with Russia. For a new Union"". Iravunk Media Holding has the rights to publish in Armenia the Russian newspapers ""Komsomolskaya Pravda Armenii"" and ""Argumenty nedeli Armenii""."


Member of the People's Unity Party

Pro-Russian statements

In September 2015, he visited Odesa to participate in a pro-Russian conference organized and financed by the Russians. In November 2018, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", asserting that the election process "meets democratic standards." In 2019, he illegally visited Crimea and met with "members of the local parliament." In June 2021, he received a commemorative medal and a certificate signed by Putin from the Russian ambassador to Greece. In February 2022, he criticized Zelenskiy for his statement about the possibility of withdrawing from the Budapest Memorandum.

Relations with the Russia

"He was born in Argentina and in the 1970s was a member of the leftist movements of this country. Later he studied in Cuba. In 2015, he was co-chairman of the Greek-Russian ministerial group. Since 2017, he has been the deputy general secretary of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea."


Friendship Society of Greece and Russia / Deputy Chairman of the "Forward" Party

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2015, he met with the then member of the Defense and Security Committee of the RF Federation Council, Olga Kovitidi, and spoke in support of holding a joint Russian-Greek "Orthodox Regatta". In October 2016, he illegally visited Crimea, where he declared that "American imperialists are trying to exert pressure and oppose the free spirit of Yalta." In April 2018, he again illegally visited Crimea, where he proposed a way to lift "anti-Russian sanctions" and declared that "Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation." In February 2022, on the day of the full-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine, he claimed in his article that it was provoked by "the Western world and especially the United States", and "the dynamic reaction of the Russian Federation to protect its living space was expected and justified."

Relations with the Russia

As of April 2018, he was the secretary of the Greek-Russian Friendship Society and the president of the Society of Friends of Crimea in Greece. In April 2018, he received an award from representatives of the illegal Crimean authorities.


Niels Brock Business College / Russian-Danish Dialogue Organization

Pro-Russian statements

In 2013, he became the author of the book "On his own terms - Putin's new Russia", in which he states that "the Russian Federation should develop according to its own standards, and not according to Western subjective and often extremely biased ideas." He positions himself as a "specialist on the Russian Federation", in January 2020 he wrote an article in which he claimed that the West unfairly criticizes Putin. In an interview in January 2022, in particular, he called the Russian Federation a "great power", claimed that the reason for a possible war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine is the expansion of NATO to the east, and asked the question: "What are the Americans really doing in Ukraine?". In May 2022, he claimed that the Ukrainian army actually started the war, and it happened on February 16, 2022.

Relations with the Russia

"During his studies at Aarhus University, he was interested in Marx and Dostoyevsky. Since 1985, he traveled to the USSR with his students. In 1989, he completed Russian language courses in Moscow. Since 1992, he has been married to a Russian woman Yelena, they communicate in Russian at home. In 1992-97, he worked at the Danish embassy in Estonia, where he was the head of integration projects for local Russian politicians and trade unionists in the north-eastern part of Estonia. In 1997-2000, he worked as a correspondent for the Danish publication Politiken in Moscow. In his resume for December 2017, he noted that ""from time to time he works as a tour guide, translator and guide, mainly in the Russian Federation."""


Ex-head of Nativ, retired Israeli special services employee

Pro-Russian statements

A regular participant in propaganda TV shows on Russian TV. He believes that with the help of war, historical justice is being restored, the Russian army is invincible, criminals are in power in Ukraine. Denies the facts of murders of Ukrainian civilians and attacks by the Russian military on civilian objects. Admires Stalin's views.

Relations with the Russia

He was born in Moscow, his real name is Yakov Iosifovich Kazakov. In 1967, he received a refusal from the Israeli embassy in his request for immigration, because Israel considered him a provocateur of the KGB. In 1988-90, after repatriation, he was an employee of the consular group of Israel in Moscow. Since the early 1990s, he has known Putin, who in the St. Petersburg City Hall was responsible, in particular, for the repatriation of local Jews to Israel. They also met during the visit of the City Hall delegation to Israel. In the 2000s, he wrote articles for Israeli Russian-language mass media.

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2022, he compared the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation to Ukraine with the US operations in Iraq and claimed that the US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland confirmed the facts of the financing of US "military biological activities" in Ukraine in the Committee on International Relations of the Senate. He accused the American media of censorship, which makes it impossible to cover the opinions that "Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland would like to fight to the last Ukrainian". Also in May, he interviewed Putin's adviser Valery Fadeev. In July 2022, he referred to "carefully organized Western propaganda that Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked," and claimed that the United States began "provoking" the Russian Federation back in 1998, when the decision to expand NATO was made. At the same time, he called the US actions in Syria and their calls for the resignation of Assad "cross-border terrorism." He also claimed that "the USA invented a proxy war on the territory of Ukraine that would defeat Vladimir Putin" and instead "caused the destruction of Ukraine with its weapons." After being included in the list of speakers who promote narratives consistent with Russian propaganda, he declared: "Ukrainians are paying a very high price for Western adventurism. They have the right to despair."

Relations with the Russia

In 1985, he traveled to Moscow, where he visited the Kremlin and became the first Indian to interview Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. He also interviewed Fidel Castro and Muammar Gaddafi, to whom Western media did not have access.


European Parliament / political party United Left

Pro-Russian statements

He believes that the USA and NATO will benefit from the war in Ukraine, which provoked this conflict in order to strengthen their influence in the world. He opposes the provision of arms to Ukraine and calls Ukrainian defenders "gang formations". He considers sanctions against the Russian Federation unnecessary, since they do not harm the Russian Federation, but the USA is enriched at their expense. NATO calls it a "criminal group" which, together with the USA, is trying to prevent the establishment of alliance relations between the Russian Federation and China.

Relations with the Russia

Since the 1980s, he participated in the activities of the trade union Comisiones Obreras, which was organized by the Spanish communists. He is a member of the Communist Party of Spain, since January 2018 he is the head of the international relations department of this party.


La7 TV channel, Rai1 TV channel (state broadcaster)

Pro-Russian statements

After the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in Moscow he interviewed the propagandist Volodymyr Solovyov, as well as the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, during a live broadcast with whom he lost consciousness. He was criticized by his Italian colleague Alessandro Sallusti, who refused to continue the live broadcast with him from Red Square in Moscow.


DONi International Press Center

Pro-Russian statements

Since 2014, he has been covering the activities of separatist organizations on TOT. There are also data on his and a group of other Italian citizens' direct participation in hostilities, including on the territory of the Donetsk airport, on the side of the separatists. Awarded the former "head of the DPR" Zakharchenko with a knife. He believes that the truth about the real events in Donbas is being hidden from the Europeans, accuses the Armed Forces of attacking civilian objects and killing civilians. After the beginning of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, he was mentioned in TG channels as an "employee of the Ministry of Information of the DPR".

Relations with the Russia

Since 2015, he has been permanently living in the territories of Donbas temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation.


Lega political party

Pro-Russian statements

Consistently maintains a pro-Russian position. Considers Euromaidan fake. He visited Crimea after its annexation by the Russian Federation, calls it legal, and the conducted pseudo-referendum - one that really expressed the will of the Crimean population. He opposes the transfer of weapons to Ukraine by Western European countries, believes that the more weapons are transferred, the longer the war will continue. He calls Putin a "great president".

Relations with the Russia

He visited Moscow several times, in 2014 he took a photo on Red Square wearing a T-shirt with the image of Putin. In March 2017, Salvini signed an agreement on cooperation with United Russia on behalf of Lega in Moscow. In July 2019, the Milan prosecutor's office investigated a possible corruption conspiracy between Lega and representatives of the Russian authorities. According to investigation materials, during Salvini's visit to Moscow in October 2018, his assistant Gianluca Savoini met with Russian officials and discussed the supply of Russian oil to Italy for a total of $1.5b, 4% of which was to be received by Lega. In total, Lega was to receive $65m for its assistance. In March 2022, Salvini's assistant, Antonio Capuano, visited the Russian Embassy in Rome, where he had lunch with Ambassador Sergey Razov. In May 2022, Capuano met with an employee of the Russian Embassy in Italy and discussed the possible withdrawal of Lega members from the government coalition.

Pro-Russian statements

He believes that the war in Ukraine was provoked by NATO's actions near the eastern borders with the Russian Federation. He claims that there is no democracy in Ukraine, because opposition-minded political forces are persecuted and banned in the country. He calls the sanctions against the Russian Federation fascism of the West, and at the same time considers Medvedev's position, which calls for hatred of the enemies of the Russian Federation, to be normal. In the 1990s, he was convicted of fraud against the state. In 2012, he was forced to resign as mayor of Salemi due to accusations of ties to the Sicilian mafia.

Relations with the Russia

In 1990, he intended to run for the position of mayor of Pezato from the Italian Communist Party. In the same year, he ran for the city council of San Severino Marche from the Italian Socialist Party.


Member of the Brothers of Italy party

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the "referendum", declared that "the referendum took place without any problems", he "did not observe any pressure on the voters". In November 2014, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", in a comment to the Russian mass media he stated that "the result reflects the opinion of the people." In March 2018, he was an observer at the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, after which he declared: "These were the most open and transparent elections that I have ever seen." After the beginning of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in February 2022, he declared on social networks that he "knows the subject well enough to understand that at the moment it is better to remain silent." At the same time, he published posts on social networks in which he condemned journalists reporting from Ukraine for wearing "suits of military correspondents" and protective helmets while "peaceful citizens behind them calmly go shopping."


Member of "Forward, Italy" / TV channel Nove

Pro-Russian statements

In November 2018, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR", after which he declared that "Donetsk will have all the necessary features of statehood: a popularly elected head of state and a legislative body." In March 2020, he stated: "Sanctions against the Russian Federation must be immediately lifted - otherwise we will leave the EU." In April 2022, he accused the Ukrainian authorities of not allowing him into the territory of Ukraine when he "brought two buses of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian women and children."


NGO "Folkediplomati Norge"

Pro-Russian statements

In November 2016, he illegally visited Crimea and met with representatives of illegal Crimean authorities. In November 2017, he again illegally visited Crimea and told journalists that the information about the invasion of the Russian military into Crimea was "false", but in fact "a coup took place in Kyiv and Crimea decided to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation." In 2019, he published the book "Crimea is ours: a coup or a democratic solution?". He also illegally visited the territories of ORDLO no less than four times, published a photo with Oleksandr Zakharchenko and declared his support for the "DPR" and "LPR", called the anti-terrorist operation "a war of the Ukrainian government, an illegal government, against the residents of eastern Ukraine." In February 2022, he congratulated the "DPR" and "LPR" on the recognition of their independence from the Russian Federation. In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, whose coordinating board includes Weber, issued a statement supporting the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine." In July 2022, he stated that Putin was forced to recognize the "independence" of the "DPR" and "LPR" and to launch a "special military operation" due to the actions of Ukraine, the United States and NATO. For August 2022, he uses a photo of Moscow landscapes as a background on FB.

Relations with the Russia

"In 2017, he joined the coordination board of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea. In October 2018, he announced the opening of a travel company in Moscow that ""provides tours to the Russian Federation and Crimea for residents of Scandinavia and Europe to bypass sanctions."" In 2019, Weber and his wife Mette Rosenlund received commemorative watches from the Russian ambassador to Norway ""for strengthening friendly ties between the peoples of the Russian Federation and Norway."""


Elsevier Edition

Pro-Russian statements

He specializes in Chinese issues, criticizes the USA and Israel in his articles, supports the actions of the Chinese authorities, while noting that "at the moment, there are no differences between China and the Russian Federation." In March 2022, he stated that "the Russian-Ukrainian crisis exposes the deep-rooted hypocrisy and self-centeredness of the West", "the West wants to isolate the Russian Federation and destroy its economy", while the Western elites "ban Russian mass media and news agencies in order to destroy any possibility of divergence views in order to manipulate their citizens according to their own preferences". In April 2022, commenting on the invasion of the Russian Federation, he claimed that this situation should be considered starting from 2004, when international financial institutions began to demand that Ukraine "open its lands for sale" and "demanded that Ukraine join NATO", and after Yanukovych's refusal, the Western media provoked a revolution. At the same time, according to his statements, the Russian Federation "did not intend to invade in order to participate in the war with Ukraine", they only demanded the safety of the Russian-speaking population and refusal to join NATO. At the same time, he blamed "Western media and Western political systems that do not allow Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table" for the continuation of military operations.


Leader of the African National Congress party

Pro-Russian statements

In October 2019, during a visit to the Russian Federation, he met with Putin and said: "You helped Africa become what it is now, it's all thanks to the help of the people of the Russian Federation." In March 2022, after the beginning of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, speaking before the South African parliament, he blamed NATO for the conflict and declared that he would not condemn the actions of the Russian Federation. In May 2022, he said that due to "anti-Russian sanctions" African countries would suffer losses, and he also called sanctions among the causes of the crisis in the supply of food to Africa. In June 2022, during a telephone conversation, he discussed "the situation in Ukraine" with Putin and "expressed support for the political and diplomatic efforts of the Russian Federation."

Relations with the Russia

"Since the 1960s, the USSR supported the African National Congress party, of which Ramaphosa was a member. In 2020-21, the South African mining company United Manganese of Kalahari, 49% of which is controlled by the Russian Victor Vekselberg, donated to the African National Congress, of which Ramaphosa had already become the leader at that time, a donation of at least ~$0.5m is known during this period."


Zmiana Political Party; weekly edition of Mysl Polska

Pro-Russian statements

In the 1990s, he created a number of neo-Nazi organizations in Poland, and in the 2000s he joined Self-Defense of the Republic of Poland. Since 2015, he has been the head of the Polish right-wing radical party Zmiana, which was accused of being financed by Russian special services. He was an observer at the "referendums" in Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk. He opposes the presence of NATO in Poland, calls for the restoration of the historical borders of Poland and the annexation of part of the western regions of Ukraine. He repeatedly illegally visited TOT in Ukraine, where he met with separatist leaders. After the start of the armed aggression against Ukraine, he was a guest in propaganda shows on Russian TV channels, where he appeared as a political scientist and columnist of a weekly publication. Defends the position of complete dependence of Poland on the decisions of the Anglo-Saxon world, the inevitable collapse of the country in the absence of changes in the political course towards the Russian Federation, accuses Ukrainian refugees of spreading Russophobic sentiments in Poland.

Relations with the Russia

"Since 1996, he visited Moscow, participated in the conference of NATO opponents. In 2001, during another trip to the Russian Federation, he met the writer Pavel Tulaev from the Russian right-wing radical organization Russian National Unity. He is married to the Russian woman Marina Kochetkova - ex-wife of the Russian political technologist Oleksiy Kochetkov. In 2016, he was detained and arrested, until 2019 he was in custody for espionage in favor of the Russian Federation, he was released on bail."


"Zmiana" political party; "European Center for Geopolitical Analysis"

Pro-Russian statements

Zmiana held the position of secretary in the pro-Russian party. Promoted the ideas of "new Russia", supported the annexation of Crimea. In 2022, he uses statements intended to cause hostility between Ukrainians and Poles. In particular, he believes that granting Poles a special status in Ukraine is a step towards limiting its sovereignty and usurping power. At the same time, he spreads claims about the dissatisfaction of the Polish population with the influx of Ukrainian refugees and social problems in connection with this. He also claims that Europe only needs Ukrainians as cheap labor. Russian propaganda media present him as a "victim" of angry Ukrainians who allegedly attacked him when he tried to lay flowers at the Victory Monument on May 9 in Warsaw, or as a "victim of dissent."

Relations with the Russia

A longtime associate of Mateusz Piskorski, is a friend of his ex-wife.


Polish Sejm / KORWiN Party

Pro-Russian statements

"In October 2015, he declared: ""Ukraine is the enemy, not Russia. They are now voting for the people of Bandera"" and claimed that Ukraine has territorial claims against Poland. In December 2015, he illegally visited Crimea and met with representatives of the illegal Crimean government, declared that ""the peninsula really became part of the Russian Federation"", his party ""considers the Russian Federation as a strong counterweight to the European Union"" and would like to ""more actively develop trade contacts with the Russian Federation and China "". In October 2019, he spoke in favor of the possibility of concluding an alliance with the Russian Federation and accused NATO of ""provocation"" and ""violation of the agreement with the Russian Federation"" due to the deployment of troops on the territory of Poland. In April 2022, he expressed doubts about Russian atrocities in Ukraine, calling, in particular, the bombing of a hospital in Mariupol ""staged"". In June 2022, he called for ""admiration of the Russian Federation"", which, despite the supply of a large number of weapons to Ukrainians, ""is still defending itself with its last strength."" In August 2022, he accused Ukraine of killing civilians in Bucha, saying that Ukrainians do not want to cooperate with the Russian Federation in the occupied territories ""for any treasures"", because ""it is not known whether the Russian Federation will not give these territories, and the Ukrainians have already shown in Bucha that they do with their collaborators."" In 2015, during a debate in the European Parliament, he used the Nazi salute and the phrase ""Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Ticket"", in the same year, during another speech, he called migrants ""human garbage""."


Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade / New Serbian Political Misao Journal

Pro-Russian statements

In April 2014, he insisted on Serbia's support for the Russian Federation, called the Ukrainian government "Western puppets", and claimed that it was "installed by force at the behest of Western special services". In May 2014, he called the lack of high-level meetings during Naryshkin's visit to Serbia "the shame of the Serbian masters", and the "most acceptable solution" for Ukraine - "the temporary return of Yanukovych to power in Kyiv with the help of Moscow and the eastern federalists, the adoption of a new Constitution, which will legitimize the federalization of the country". In May 2022, he insisted on the official statement of the Serbian authorities on the refusal to introduce sanctions against the Russian Federation, in the same month he said that NATO "must bear responsibility for the war in Ukraine. The magazine "New Serbian Political Misao", whose editor-in-chief is Vukadinovic, publishes pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian article, criticizes the EU and NATO.

Pro-Russian statements

He opposes the presence of NATO on the territory of Slovakia, and also believes that the government in the country is weak and dependent, and is controlled by the US through private non-governmental organizations that exert financial influence on government officials when they make decisions. He also believes that the USA is deliberately involving Slovakia and Eastern Europe in a military confrontation with the Russian Federation. After the start of the military aggression against Ukraine, he supported the actions of Vladimir Putin on social networks, as a result of which he was arrested by the Slovakian police for propagandizing extremism, but was later released.

Relations with the Russia

"During Czechoslovakia, he was a member of the Communist Party. According to the GLOBSEC Institute, during the 2019 Slovak presidential election, Harabin received support from pro-Russian FB pages."


Russian-Slovak Society / former leader of the Christian Democratic Movement

Pro-Russian statements

In May 2007, he declared that "someone must oppose the American hegemonic policy", and the Russian Federation, which resists the "imperial policy of Washington", is "the most natural candidate for the role of a counterweight to the USA". After 2014, he repeatedly visited Crimea illegally. In March 2018, he was an observer at the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, he claimed that in the Russian Federation "the technical equipment of polling stations is better than in Eastern Europe", after Putin's victory he also declared: "The Russian Federation will be able to overcome all the obstacles that arise in front of it, first of all, through the West. And just win." In April 2021, he claimed that the accusations of the Russian Federation in the explosions of ammunition warehouses in the Czech Republic are connected with the "most serious escalation in recent years" in Ukraine, as well as the fact that "more and more European countries want to receive the Russian vaccine against the corona virus." In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, whose general secretary is ?arnogursk?, made a statement in support of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine." In August 2022, he left a photo of himself shaking Putin's hand during a meeting of the Russian Valdai International Discussion Club as a background photo in one of the accounts.

Relations with the Russia

"Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the Russian-Slovak Society. Since 2009, he has been a member and participant in the meetings of the international discussion club ""Valdai"" in the Russian Federation. In April 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Friendship ""for his great contribution to the development and strengthening of Russian-Slovak relations"". Since 2017, he has been the general secretary of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea. In October 2021, he received the ""Medal of Gasprinsky"" - an award of the illegitimate pro-Russian authorities of Crimea."


Al Massar party

Pro-Russian statements

In November 2017, he illegally visited Crimea, where he took part in the conference "Crimea in the modern international context", after which he declared: "The blockade against Crimea and sanctions against the Russian Federation will not lead to anything good", he also claimed that "Crimea is part of Russian Federation", "Crimea was, is and will be Russian". In April 2018, he again illegally visited Crimea, where he declared: "Everything that is happening in the world today from the West has one goal - to prevent the Russian Federation from becoming a strong state again." In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, whose deputy general secretary is Abdelaziz, made a statement in support of a full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the center of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine." In April 2022, he reposted a photo of himself with Maria Zakharova, a video in which the events in Bucha were called a "media lie", a video of Lavrov's speech, and an article about the creation of the international "Council of Friends of the Russian Federation".

Relations with the Russia

"Studied at the Moscow Medical and Stomatological Institute (in 2022 - Moscow State Medical and Stomatological University). Since 2017, he has been the deputy general secretary of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea, and in November 2020 he also became the head of the Tunisian branch of the association."


Federation of Crimean Tatar cultural associations

Pro-Russian statements

In October 2017, he declared that "Crimea was never Ukrainian", and claimed that the inhabitants of Crimea wanted to separate from Ukraine since the moment of its independence. and the Orange Revolution took place "under pressure from the West and Soros from the USA." At the same time, he stated that the Crimean Tatars no longer feel "any pressure, cultural or religious", while "in the Ukrainian period" the Crimean Tatars did not feel so free. In August 2021, he stated that the meetings of the "Crimean Platform" initiative "are financed by the organization "National Endowment for Democracy", which the USA uses for its secret operations", and condemned the participation in the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. At the same time, he claimed: "We are living through the days when those who work in the interests of the United States have to grab onto the wings of the plane in order to escape from their country. For this reason, it is important for Turkey to deepen consultations and cooperation with the Russian Federation in the interests of solving the problems of the Crimean Tatars and regional stability ". In March 2022, the International Association of Friends of Crimea, of which Unver is a member, made a statement in support of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, calling for the "liquidation of the cell of neo-Nazism on the territory of Ukraine", Unver reposted the statement on his FB page. In April 2022, he published a photo of a meeting with Dmitry Kozak and the "president" of Crimea Aksyonov. In May 2022, he published a map with the designation of the territories occupied by the Russian Federation and the comment: "The lands of the historical Crimean Khanate, which are temporarily in the hands of Ukraine, become part of the Russian Federation, as in 1973!"

Relations with the Russia

"In 2016, he became one of the co-founders of the Crimea Development Fund ""Olympus"", registered in Moscow. Since 2017, he has been a member of the coordination board of the pro-Russian International Association of Friends of Crimea. In October 2021, he received the ""Medal of Gasprinsky"" - an award of the illegitimate pro-Russian authorities of Crimea."


Teacher of Moscow State University (MGIMO), former member of Jobbik

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014, he illegally visited Crimea during the "referendum" and expressed regret that the "honest" holding of the referendum would not change the position of the EU and the European Parliament. In August 2014, he claimed that he was threatened with death by Ukrainian nationalists. In November 2014, he was present as an "observer" at the "elections" in the "DPR".

Relations with the Russia

"Kovacs' biological father was a Soviet soldier, and later he was adopted by a Hungarian couple. He is married to Svitlana Istoshina, a Russian woman who worked in the KGB. He studied in the USSR and the Russian Federation, in 1986 he received a diploma in international economics from Moscow State Institute of Economics (MGIMO), in 2003 he received a diploma in investment law from the Russian State Academy. He worked in the USSR and the Russian Federation intermittently from 1988 to 2003. In 2014, he was accused of espionage against the institutions of the EU in favor of the Russian Federation, in 2021 he was convicted by the appeals court, and he is awaiting a review of the verdict by the Supreme Court. As of 2022, he lives in Moscow and teaches at the Moscow State University (MGIMO)."

Pro-Russian statements

He declares that anti-Russian sanctions harm the peoples of Africa and the Middle East most of all, as they are blocked, including Russian Black Sea ports. He considers the policy of the USA and Europe to exhaust the Russian Federation as a nuclear power to be dangerous and irresponsible.

Relations with the Russia

In the 1960s and 70s, he participated in the activities of the left-wing radical guerrilla movement Tupamaros, which cooperated with communist movements in other South American countries.


International TV channel teleSUR

Pro-Russian statements

He believes that the war is the result of Ukraine's non-compliance with the Minsk agreements, as well as President Zelenskiy's statement about the possible restoration of nuclear status. Justifies the actions of Russian troops in Mariupol, claims that the city was destroyed due to the fact that Ukrainian neo-Nazi formations hid in residential buildings and used the civilian population as cover. He compares Zelenskiy's "rule" with Pinochet's dictatorial regime and believes that a "military" machine controlled by Western special services has been implemented in Kyiv. Illegally visited Kherson occupied by Russian troops together with other foreign propagandists John Mark Dugan and Thomas R?per. At the same time, in the stories of the Russian mass media, he was mentioned as a journalist of the non-existent Venezuelan TV channel International TV Network.


Manhattan Institute

Pro-Russian statements

The Cato Institute is positioned as a private, non-profit think tank that advocates the principles of limited government, market economy, free trade and the expansion of individual freedom.

Relations with the Russia

Until January 2022, he was the vice president of the Cato Institute, born in the USSR, in his biography he indicates Russian as his native language.

Andrei Illarionov

USA Senior Research Fellow, until January 2021 - Senior Research Fellow at the Cato Institute Evidence

Center for security policy

Pro-Russian statements

The Cato Institute is positioned as a private, non-profit think tank that advocates the principles of limited government, market economy, free trade and the expansion of individual freedom.

Relations with the Russia

Since 2006, he was a senior researcher at the Cato Institute, dismissed in January 2021. In 1992-1993, he was the first deputy director of the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation, in 1993-1994 - the head of the Analysis and Planning Group under the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, in 2000 -2005 - Putin's adviser and his representative in the G8.


Cato Institute

Pro-Russian statements

The Cato Institute is positioned as a private, non-profit think tank that advocates the principles of limited government, market economy, free trade and the expansion of individual freedom.

Relations with the Russia

In the 1990s, he developed a currency reform project for the Russian Federation, is the author of articles and books on this topic.


Cato Institute

Pro-Russian statements

The Cato Institute is positioned as a private, non-profit think tank that advocates the principles of limited government, market economy, free trade and the expansion of individual freedom.

Relations with the Russia

He was probably born in the USSR, in his biography he indicates Russian as his native language, he is engaged in translating poems from Russian into English.


Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

Pro-Russian statements

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft is positioned as a private think tank on US public policy that directs efforts to spread the principles of foreign policy and resolve existing conflicts through diplomatic procedures and peace. The founders and main sponsors are the Soros Open Society Foundation and the Charles Koch Foundation.

Relations with the Russia

A descendant of the Lieven princely family, whose representatives lived in the Russian Empire until 1918, a British political scientist, writer, journalist, and historian. From 1986 he was a correspondent for British publications in the USSR, from 1990 to 1996 - a correspondent for "The Times" in Moscow, in the 2000s - a senior staff member of the Department of Foreign Policy and Security Policy of the Center "Russia and Eurasia" of the Carnegie Foundation. He is a member of the Russian expert-analytical center "Valdai International Discussion Club". His brother Dominic Lieven is a British historian, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, awarded the Russian Order of Friendship for his significant contribution to the preservation of Russian cultural and historical heritage.


Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Pro-Russian statements

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is positioned as an educational organization, from the point of view of the philosophy of libertarianism, the main ideas of its creation are the cause of peace, individual human freedoms, non-interference of the state in private life. The institute's articles and publications mainly highlight the position of the institute's founder and former member of the House of Representatives from the Republican Party - Ronald Ernest Paul, and his son - Kentucky senator Randal Howard Paul, who consistently adhere to a pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian position.

Relations with the Russia

As a member of the Institute of Legal Initiative of Central and Eastern Europe CEELI participated in conferences with the participation of Russian delegates, worked in CEELI working groups in Belarus. As part of the CRS delegation, he traveled to the Russian Federation and Ukraine to provide assistance on constitutional issues.


Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Pro-Russian statements

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is positioned as an educational organization, from the point of view of the philosophy of libertarianism, the main ideas of its creation are the cause of peace, individual human freedoms, non-interference of the state in private life. The institute's articles and publications mainly highlight the position of the institute's founder and former member of the House of Representatives from the Republican Party - Ronald Ernest Paul, and his son - Kentucky senator Randal Howard Paul, who consistently adhere to a pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian position.

Relations with the Russia

From 2008 to 2018, he was the director of research at the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation in Paris, which is headed by former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nataliya Narochnytska. In 2004, he declared that the coalition of Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko was connected with "neo-Nazis".


US Senate

Pro-Russian statements

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is positioned as an educational organization, from the point of view of the philosophy of libertarianism, the main ideas of its creation are the cause of peace, individual human freedoms, non-interference of the state in private life. The institute's articles and publications mainly highlight the position of the institute's founder and former member of the House of Representatives from the Republican Party - Ronald Ernest Paul, and his son - Kentucky senator Randal Howard Paul, who consistently adhere to a pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian position.

Relations with the Russia

In March 2017, during a Senate hearing, former Senator John McCain directly accused Randal Paul of working for Putin. In August 2018, he visited Moscow, where he brought a personal letter for Putin from Donald Trump. In the future, he repeatedly supported decisions that are considered beneficial for the Russian Federation.

Yuri N. Maltsev

USA Scientific employee Evidence

Mises Institute

Pro-Russian statements

"The Mises Institute positions itself as a libertarian nonprofit think tank. The institute does not belong to any political party. In March 2022, they published an article stating that sanctions against the Russian Federation do not work."

Relations with the Russia

He received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from Moscow State University, as well as a doctoral degree in labor economics from the Institute of Labor Studies in Moscow. Until 1989, he was a member of a group of senior Soviet economists that worked on President Gorbachev's reform package for perestroika. In 1989 he migrated to the USA.


Mises Institute

Pro-Russian statements

"The Mises Institute positions itself as a libertarian nonprofit think tank. The institute does not belong to any political party. In March 2022, they published an article stating that sanctions against the Russian Federation do not work."

Relations with the Russia

In 1989, he defended his candidate's degree at St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. Specializes in the history of Russia. In 2020, he gave an online interview on the Russian TV channel RTVI, discussing the US presidential election. He visits the Russian Federation every year.



Pro-Russian statements

"Counterpunch is a left-leaning political magazine that publishes ""excavative investigations from radical positions."" One of the first editors of the publication was Alexander Claud Cockburn - the son of one of the leading members of the Communist Party of Great Britain and the leader of the Comintern in Western Europe Claud Cockburn. Alexander was called a supporter of Stalinism and an apologist for the Gulag, show trials and the Holodomor. In 2016-17, employees of the Russian special services published in Counterpunch articles under the pseudonym ""Alice Donovan""."


The faction of the Republican Party in the Senate

Pro-Russian statements

"Positions himself as Orthodox. In April 2022, he called the events in Bucha ""Ukrainian propaganda."""

Relations with the Russia

"From 1979 to 1985, he was an employee of the diplomatic service of the US State Department, taking care of the affairs of the USSR. From 2002 to 2007, he held the position of a partner in the American law firm Venable LLP, engaged in lobbying for companies in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. In 2009, together with Anthony T. Salvia - writer and former director of the Moscow bureau of Radio Free Europe (1993-1996), and Darren Spinck - managing partner of the public relations company Global Strategic Communications Group, founded the non-profit organization American Institute in to Ukraine (American Institute in Ukraine), the purpose of which was to convey information about NATO to the population of Ukraine. They claimed to have a neutral status, but in their articles promoted Ukraine's non-aligned status. In 2010, the institute rated President Viktor Yanukovych's activities in the direction of restoring friendly relations with the Russian Federation, as well as strategic partnership with the USA and the European Union, as ""excellent"". In January 2014, the institute ceased its activities. From 2020 to 2021, he starred in the films of Russian director Arkady Mamontov: in the film about the schism of the Ukrainian church ""Self-Holy"", he defended the Moscow Patriarchate and spread Russian disinformation about the UOC; also starred in the film ""Invasion"" about the information war against the Russian Federation. Arkady Mamontov has been working on the Rossiya-1 TV channel since 2020, and has been under EU sanctions since February 2022."


"American University in Moscow / Russian Academy of Social Sciences."

Pro-Russian statements

"In August 2022, he published an article on his FB page in which he stated that ""Volodymyr Zelenskiy kidnaps dissident students, bans opposition parties, closes independent media, commits flagrant war crimes and introduces regressive labor laws."" In August 2022, he made a repost on FB with quotes from American politicians and journalists: ""NATO supplies neo-Nazis in Ukraine with powerful weapons and conducts intensive preparation for their use"", ""The media is involved in this war, and everyone who supports Ukraine... These people - those whose hands will be covered in blood."" In 2016, Gilbert Doctorow and Edward Lozansky published a joint article on the importance of celebrating May 9."

Relations with the Russia

"Born in Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR. From 1961 to 1966, he studied at ""MYPHI"", at the same time, from 1965 to 1966, he taught mathematics, physics and astronomy at the 59th school in Moscow. He graduated from the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy with a specialization in theoretical nuclear physics, and at the same time taught at the Malinovsky Tank Academy. In 1976, he lost his job due to criticism of the Soviet regime and moved to the United States for permanent residence. US passport: 017827076. In 1989, Edward Lozansky together with his wife Tatiana founded the Russian public organization in the USA ""Русский Дом ""Континент"" (RussiaHouse), the purpose of which is to strengthen relations at all levels between the Russian Federation and the USA. Offices are open in Moscow and Washington. In 1990, together with Academician Yuri Osypyan and Moscow Mayor Gavriil Popov, they founded the ""American University in Moscow"", which was the only private educational institution in the Russian Federation at that time. Edward Lozansky was appointed the president of the university. Since 2000, he has been regularly published in the newspaper ""Ekho Moskvy"" and appeared on the air on the Russian channel RT. Had connections with Gorbachev, in 2001 a recorded telephone conversation between them. In 2015, he established the ""Ameruss"" award for contribution to the development of Russian-American relations. He is a professor at Moscow State University and the National Research Nuclear University ""MYPHI"", an academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, and the president of the Belarusian Sakharov International State Environmental Institute. He is also the president of the annual hearings of the US Congress on US-Russian cooperation ""World Russian Forum"". Real estate in the Russian Federation: According to the insider, in 1999 the Lozansky couple bought a 2-room apartment in Moscow, which they sold in 2006. According to the insider, in 2009 the Lozansky couple bought a 2-story house near Moscow, in Chernogolovka, st. Tretya, 8. In 2021, Tatiana's wife posted a photo of the yard of the house. Edward is registered at the address: Moscow, prov. Syvtsev Vrazek, bldg. 14, sq. 33., nearby at the address: prov. Syvtsev Vrazek 25/9, building 1 is the ""American University in Moscow"". Visits to the Russian Federation: In 2016, he posted a photo from a house near Moscow. From 2018 to 2020, the Lozansky couple visited Moscow and Kostroma. In July 2021, he and his wife visited the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg. Family: - Tetyana Ivanovna Lozanska (Yershova) (September 21, 1952, passport of the Russian Federation: 4606 136825) - wife, has Russian and US citizenship. Studied at Moscow State University. Most of the time he lives in Russia. In 1976, she divorced Edward so that he could migrate to the USA. In 1982, the USSR authorities did not want to release Tatiana and her daughter to the USA, so Tatiana staged a hunger strike, after arriving in the USA, the Lozanskys married again. They share an apartment with Edward worth $307k at 4201 Cathedral Ave NW #321E, Washington, DC 20016; - Lozanska Tetyana Eduardivna - daughter; - Yershov Ivan Dmytrovych (1921-1995) - father-in-law, colonel-general. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR of the 9th convocation, member of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR of the 9th convocation. Lived in Moscow."


The Nation / American Committee for US-Russia Accord

Pro-Russian statements

"In 2014, the man, Stephen Frand Cohen, wrote that the ""abuse of office in the media"" led to the ""relentless demonization of Putin,"" who was not an ""autocrat."" In 2014, Stephen Frand Cohen and Heuvel wrote that President Barack Obama had unilaterally declared a new Cold War against the Russian Federation. In 2014, Stephen Frand Cohen stated that the crisis in Ukraine arose as a result of US actions, initiated by Bill Clinton and completed by George Bush Jr., regarding the expansion of NATO's sphere of influence to the borders of the Russian Federation."

Relations with the Russia

"In 1978, she visited the Russian Federation for the first time. From 1985 to 1992, she lived in the Russian Federation for 3-4 months a year. During this period, she became a member of the Center for Gender Studies in Moscow. In 1989, along with her husband Stephen Frand Cohen and her son from the first wife of his husband, she was at the Mausoleum during the May holidays, sitting next to Gorbachev. In 1989, she was appointed editor-in-chief of The Nation and was responsible for covering events in the USSR. In co-authorship with her husband Stephen, they wrote ""Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev's Reformers."" She was the coordinator of the conference ""Investigative Journalism after the Cold War"" in Moscow In 1990, she co-founded the Russian-language feminist magazine ""Ty y my"". In the 1990s, she was a sponsor of the Russian independent association of women in creative professions ""Idioma"", to which she gave a computer. In 1995, together with the pro-Russian Belgian author Gilbert Doctorow and other investors, they bought The Nation magazine. In 1995, she was a guest journalist at Moscow News. In 2013, during an interview, she stated that she has been regularly visiting the Russian Federation for more than 30 years. She is the president of the American Committee for US-Russia Accord (ACURA), whose mission is to promote diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation with the Russian Federation. She is an adviser to the organization for the protection of women's rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia ""Network of East-West Women"". Family: - Stephen Frand Cohen (1938 - 2020) - man. In 1962 he visited the USSR. In 1975, in the USSR, he met the widow of the Russian revolutionary Mykola Bukharin, Anna Larina, and helped her whiten her name. After that, the Larina and Cohen families had a warm relationship, Larina considered Stephen her adopted son. In 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev included Stephen in the list of invitees to the Gorbachev-Reagan summit. Later, Mikhail Gorbachev became his friend, in 1989 Stephen received an official invitation to perform on Soviet national television on the May holidays from Red Square. Together with his wife and son, they sat in the Mausoleum one tier below Gorbachev and the Soviet leadership. Stephen supported Gorbachev's reforms and co-authored with his wife Voices of Glasnost: Interviews with Gorbachev's Reformers. In 2015, he became the founder of the recreated ACURA. He regularly appeared on the Russian channel RT. Stephen has been criticized for his pro-Russian propaganda and support for Putin."


American University in Moscow

Pro-Russian statements

"Claims to be a professional observer of Russia since 1965. In 2016, Gilbert Doctorow and Edward Lozansky published a joint article on the importance of celebrating May 9. In 2019, he called out Putin for threats to the EU and the USA: ""Putin is too soft. He does not threaten like Nikita Khrushchev in 1956. He does not bang his shoe on the table while speaking before the UN General Assembly, as Khrushchev did. Thus, we , Europeans and Americans, forget about the danger of a hot war with Russia, which may soon threaten us. We ourselves are conducting a modern dangerous foreign policy, driving Russia into a corner."" In 2020, he said that the EU had no evidence of the Kremlin's involvement in Navalny's poisoning."

Relations with the Russia

"From 1971 to 1972, he received a scholarship to study in the state archives of Leningrad. From 1998 to 2002, he was the chairman of the Russian Booker Literary Prize. From 1998 to 2000, he was the general director of the logistics company ""United Parcel Service"" in the region of Russia and the CIS. ""United Parcel Service"" worked through the Russian joint venture ""Sovtransavto"". From 2000 to 2002, he was a marketing consultant for the Russian translation company ""STAR SPb"". From 2003 to 2008, he was the founder of the Brussels office of the copywriting and translation company ""Eurologos Group"" in St. Petersburg. In 2003, together with his wife Larisa Volodymyrivna Zalesova, they registered the educational company ""Zalesova & Co. LLC"" in the Russian Federation, the legal entity was closed in 2009. From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the board of the American Committee for US-Russia Accord (ACURA), whose mission is to promote diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation with the Russian Federation. In 2017, Gilbert started criticizing the USA, the EU and the Russian opposition in articles, because of which his materials were removed from the ACURA website, Gilbert left the board of ACURA. Since 2016, he regularly appears on the Russian channels RT, The Moscow Times and others. In 2016, he took part in the Russian political talk show ""Special Correspondent"" of Volodymyr Solovyov and Yevhen Popov, stating that Russian television is freer than in the USA. In 2018, he was an observer at the illegitimate Russian presidential elections in Crimea. He stated that the elections were peaceful and this is a new achievement of the Crimean people. Family: - Doctorov (Zalesova) Larisa Volodymyrivna (+78123273658, [email protected], [email protected], US passport series Z #8005769) - wife, originally from the Russian Federation. Larisa and Gilbert met in the 1970s while studying. It was registered at the address: St. Petersburg, prov. Saperniy, bldg. 24, sq. 4. By profession, he is a journalist and critic in the field of music, literature and art. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation. - Grandfather and grandmother are former Russian emigrants. - Unknown relative - according to Gilbert, served as a pathologist in Chechnya in 1995. Passport 700397640 According to the insider, as of September 2019, Gilbert Doctorow has been registered since 2012 at the address: St. Petersburg, prov. Saperniy, bldg. 24, square 4."


The American Conservative

Pro-Russian statements

"In 2015, he wrote in an article: ""Anyone who had the audacity to question whether NATO's relentless eastward expansion towards Russia's borders contributed to the crisis can expect to be called a 'useful idiot', a 'fool' or a 'Kremlin apologist'."" . In 2021, during a webinar, Carden said that ""in Ukraine we've (meaning the US) supported neo-nazi, neo-nazi battalions""."

Relations with the Russia

"Worked at the graduate school of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. From 2011 to 2012, he was an adviser to the Bilateral American-Russian Presidential Commission at the US State Department. In 2011, he was at the Victory Day parade in Moscow. In 2015, due to the crisis in Ukraine, he was restored at the center of the American Committee for US-Russia Accord (ACURA), whose mission is to promote diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation with Russia. James Carden works as a senior consultant for the center. ACURA's board includes businessmen with experience in Russia: ex-CEO ""Procter and Gamble"" John Pepper, executive director from Brussels Gilbert Doctorow, as well as researchers of American-Russian relations and Soviet history: Ellen Mickiewicz and Stephen F. Cohen. In 2015, James Carden, together with University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee political economy professor Jeffrey Sommers, discussed the Ukrainian crisis. Jeffrey Sommers stated that he had previously met with the Russian fascist philosopher Oleksandr Dugin, who would like to conquer Ukraine. Since 2017, he is a member of the board of the Simone Weil Center for International Diplomacy, which performs similar functions, as well as ACURA. The partners of the center are the Russian Moscow State University and the Institute of National Strategy. In 2018, the Simone Weil Center organized a conference in Moscow, but James Carden did not participate in it. In 2020, during the Unregistered podcast, the host said ""well, you work for them, we know that already"" (referring to Russia), to which Carden replied ""oh yeah"". Connections: - Anatol Lieven - member of the Simone Weil Center and ACURA. From 1990 to 1996, he was a correspondent of The Times in the USSR / Russian Federation, in 1993 he moved to Moscow. From 2000 to 2005, he worked as a senior staff member of the Foreign and Security Policy Department of the Center for Russia and Eurasia of the Carnegie Foundation. Active member of the scientific council of the Russian discussion club ""Valdai""; - Nicolai Petro - member of the Simone Weil Center and ACURA. He worked as a special political assistant in the Office of USSR Affairs at the US State Department and as a temporary political attache at the US Embassy in Moscow. In the USSR, he observed local elections in Russia, Belarus and Latvia. He returned to Russia as a private individual, worked as a full-time consultant of the municipal scientific and educational center ""Dialog"" and as an adviser to the mayor of Veliky Novgorod. In 1996, he received the Fulbright Award for Russia, in 2013 - for Ukraine. In 1997, Novgorod State University conferred the title of honorary doctor; - Paul Grenier - friend, president and founder of the Simone Weil Center. He worked as a Russian-language simultaneous translator at the World Bank, managed joint American-Russian projects on military and economic issues."


University of Ottawa / Center for Research on Globalization (Global Research)

Relations with the Russia

"In 2001, he founded the research center ""Global Research"", which investigates conspiracy theories. In 2016, ""Global Research"" republished an article published by the Donbas International News Agency about the transfer of 3.6k US tanks to Ukraine as part of the NATO mission. In 2017, ""Global Research"" became the object of an investigation by NATO information warfare specialists. In 2020, the US State Department identified Global Research as part of a network of proxy sites that have no apparent ties to Moscow but promote pro-Kremlin content. However, Chossudovsky refused to answer about his ties to Russia and the source of funding for his website. The Russian TV channels ""RT"" and ""Sputnik"" repeatedly reposted the research of Michel Chossudovsky and his colleague-analyst from ""Global Research"" William Engdahl. In 2014, Michel Chossudovsky and William Engdahl were members of the scientific committee of the Italian journal ""Geopolitica"". Also members of the committee were Russian politician Natalia Narochnitska, former State Duma vice-speaker and Russian presidential candidate Serhiy Baburin, and Tiberio Graziani, a supporter of the Russian fascist philosopher Oleksandr Dugin. William Engdahl and Oleksandr Dugin were speakers at the MSU conference in 2011. Family: - Evgeny Chossudovsky (1914 - 2005) - father, a Russian Jew, emigrated to Berlin in 1921, but kept his ""patriotic ties"" and received a USSR passport. Worked as a diplomat and UN academician. He was a member of the Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR in London. He was a supporter of the Russian Federation and socialist ideas; - Natacha Chossudovsky (+44 7429 152688, [email protected]) - daughter, lives in Britain. Singer and producer under the pseudonym Nat Ya; - Maya Chossudovsky Ladouceur - daughter, administrator at ""Global Research""; - Micheline Ladouceur ([email protected]) - wife, deputy director at ""Global Research"". Connections: - William Engdahl is an American publicist living in Germany, the author of Global Research and the Russian website New Eastern Outlook. Together with Chossudovsky, he was a member of the scientific committee of the Italian magazine ""Geopolitica"". He is a regular correspondent of ""RT"" and ""Voice of Russia"". Since 2000, William's articles have been published in the Russian publications ""Doklady FIAN"", ""Vestnyk FEK Rossii"", ""National Interests"", internet portals ""Inosmy"" and ""War and Peace"". In 2011, he was the main speaker together with the Russian fascist philosopher Oleksandr Dugin at the MSU conference ""Geopolitics of Multipolarity"". Together with Dugin, he was a member of the scientific committee of the Eurasia magazine."

Chavdar Stoimenov

Bulgaria NGO Head, activist Evidence

NGO 'Bulgarian Antifascist Union'

Pro-Russian statements

Deceased. 'Bulgarian Antifascist Union' is working with 'Rossotrudnichestvo' representatives in Bulgaria, criticizing EU policies and spreading provocative materials about events in Eastern Ukraine.

Claude Goasguen

France member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Deceased. A member of the French parliament who illegally visited Crimea while unofficially visiting Russia in late July 2017.

Tereza Spencerova

Czech Republic Journalist, publicist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Deceased. Took part in organising the anti-Ukrainian conference 'Ukraine, two years after Maidan and Odesa events'. Published anti-Ukrainian articles.

Jan Petranek

Czech Republic Journalist, publicist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Deceased. Took part in organising the anti-Ukrainian conference 'Ukraine, two years after Maidan and Odesa events'. Published anti-Ukrainian articles.

Robert Parry

USA Editor-in-Chief Evidence

"" online media

Pro-Russian statements

Died in 2018. His media has been spreading provocative materials about the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian Armed Forces aimed at tailoring a bad representation of Ukraine for American society. pieces are reposted by other online media. He's been justifying Russia's aggressive policy towards Ukraine, claiming Russia's innocence in MH-17 catastrophic crush, and blaming Ukrainian authorities instead (as if Ukraine shot down the plane to strengthen economic sanctions and international pressure on Russia).


For Bulgaria and world sovereignty' Public Initiative

Pro-Russian statements

Held anti-Ukrainian, anti-West and pro-Russian rallies on multiple occasions. For example, against Bulgaria's membership in NATO, for lifting EU sanctions off Russia, showing support for DNR and LNR etc. Works with the Bulgarian office of the Russian Federal agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots living abroad, with international humanitarian efforts ("Rosssotrudnichestvo"), and also with organisations founded by Russian compatriots who live in Bulgaria.

Denio Pavlov

Bulgaria Activist Evidence

For Bulgaria and world sovereignty' Public Initiative

Pro-Russian statements

Held anti-Ukrainian, anti-West and pro-Russian rallies on multiple occasions. For example, against Bulgaria's membership in NATO, for lifting EU sanctions off Russia, showing support for DNR and LNR etc. Works with the Bulgarian office of the Russian Federal agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots living abroad, with international humanitarian efforts ("Rosssotrudnichestvo"), and also with organisations founded by Russian compatriots who live in Bulgaria.

Anton Martinov

Bulgaria Bulgarian businessman Evidence

NGO 'Bulgarian Antifascist Union'

Pro-Russian statements

In March-April 2015 he took part in activities held by pro-Russian activists and organisations in Odesa. On the 6th of April took part in so-called 'People's Council of Bessarabia' assembly, as a press secretary of 'European Communication Center' (as of 6th of June 2015 there's no data on this organisation)


NGO 'Bulgarian Antifascist Union'

Pro-Russian statements

Bulgarian Antifascist Union' is working with 'Rossotrudnichestvo' representatives in Bulgaria, criticizing EU policies and spreading provocative materials about events in Eastern Ukraine.

Mincho Minchev

Bulgaria Party Chairman, Politician Evidence

"Nova Zora'" Political party (

Pro-Russian statements

The pro-Russian stance of the Party can be illustrated by the pro-Russian events organised by it. In particular, on the whitewashing of Crimea annexation by Russia, condemnation of anti-terrorist operation in Eastern Ukraine, and convincing the Bulgarian population of the mass adoption of fascist ideas in Ukraine. The Party has a printed media of the same name, 'Nova Zora' (, that publishes anti-Ukrainian pieces, including Russian media publications.

Rumen Vodenicharov

Bulgaria Deputy Chairman of the Party, Politician Evidence

"Nova Zora" Political party (

Pro-Russian statements

The pro-Russian stance of the Party can be illustrated by the pro-Russian events organised by it. In particular, on the whitewashing of Crimea annexation by Russia, condemnation of anti-terrorist operation in Eastern Ukraine, and convincing the Bulgarian population of the mass adoption of fascist ideas in Ukraine. The Party has a printed media of the same name, 'Nova Zora' (, that publishes anti-Ukrainian pieces, including Russian media publications.


Basque media "Argia"

Pro-Russian statements

Visited temporarily occupied territories in Eastern Ukraine on multiple occasions, and contacted terrorists there. Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials, mainly giving the terrorist fight against Ukrainian authorities a legal sheen.

Inna Moshkarova

Italy and Ukraine Activist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Ukrainian national (from 1965 to 2014 lived in Slovyansk). Temporarily lives in Italy (Milano), participating in an anti-Ukrainian activity in the North of Italy, for example in events, organised by the nonofficial "Anty-Nazy Donbass Comitee".


"Red Front" Party

Pro-Russian statements

In early May 2015 during "Our Home Moldova" (OHM) party assembly a group of MPs initiated a "Red front" party based on OHM. This platform is meant to be used to criticize pro-Western goals of Moldova and Ukraine, for Slovenic brotherhood promo, for endorsing the idea about political, economical and cultural ties with Russia. This way Russian special forces are organising a zone of political tension on Odesa region, enforcing separatistic notions among ethnical minorities, using platforms in neigborins states for that.

Pro-Russian statements

Supports Vladimir Putin, Supports Bashar Assad. Speaks against Israel and Ukraine.

Relations with the Russia

Claims that Ukraine іs bombing Donbas. Claims to have been in Donbas. Posts fakes of Russian propaganda, claiming that the Ukrainian government photoshopped children on the ruins of Okhmatdyt Posts offensive memes about Ukraine and Ukrainians, mocks refugees Posts fakes about Nazi children in Ukraine.

Pro-Russian statements

In 2022, he stated that he "really doesn't care what happens to Ukraine." He called Vladimir Putin an "evil man," but at the same time condemned Ukraine as a "corrupt nation run by oligarchs," comparing Ukrainian democracy to Afghanistan. In 2023, he asserted that "it is in America's interest to accept that Ukraine will have to cede some territory to Russia." In 2024, he said that he "remains opposed to continuing funding for this war." He criticized the bill to seize Russian assets, claiming it would "create horrific consequences for the Western financial system" and "could hinder a future president's ability to negotiate an end to the conflict." He stated that Ukraine should not join NATO because it would supposedly mean "inviting the American nation into war."

Relations with the Russia

He presents himself as a liberal oppositionist. He believes that Ukraine cannot win the war against Russia and should have agreed to a "compromise" in 2022. He is convinced that Ukrainians "do not fully support" the war "despite aggressive patriotic propaganda and the suppression of dissent." He strongly opposes "Azov," comparing them to "Al-Qaeda" and the "Kadyrov army." He condemns the decommunization of streets, considering it "a departure from one's own people and common sense." He labels the U.S. government as an "authoritarian regime" and criticizes the sanctions. He believes that the murder of Iryna Farion is "a product of the post-Maidan culture of hatred and violence.

Pro-Russian statements

His article plays into Russian propaganda.
He calls "Azov" a "brutal ultra-right group," claiming that the fighters have "wrong" tattoos.


The United Patriotic Block "Lets Save Moldova"

Pro-Russian statements

On 17th of May, 2015 the United Patriotic Block "Lets Save Moldova" was founded. The main purpose of it was to create a powerful political and civic force to fortify Moldva's statehood and integrity. The restoration of ties with Moldova's historical ally, Russia, and its partners in Custom Union and Eurasia Union is among its prioritised goals, as well as pro-Russian imnfluence on Moldova's population and neigboring regions of Ukraine. .

Bozena Gaworska-Aleksandrowicz

Poland Member of the Party National Council Evidence

"Zmina" Party (Party "For Change")

Pro-Russian statements

Participated in a conference held by so called "People's Council of Bessarabia". As a Party "Zmina" member was recruited by Russians to participate in anti-Ukrainian activities.

Mariusz Max Kolonko

Poland Polish journalist, residing in the US since 1998 Evidence
Relations with the Russia

On 10th of April 2015 was interviewed by "Do Rzeczy" and said that a strong Ukraine is of no interest to Poland. According to his opinions, Poland must be interested in a weak and disintegrated Ukraine. He also was saddened by the fact that Poiish citizens are forgetting that a part of modern Ukraine was once populated by Poles.

Janusz Korwin Mikke

Poland Pro-Russian politician, Europarliament member, head of right-wing party of 'Coalition for Rzech Pospolita reborn, freedom and hope' Evidence

Coalition for Rzech Pospolita reborn, freedom and hope' Political party

Pro-Russian statements

His political motto is "An independent and powerful Poland, free from the US dictate, separated from Russia with a buffer of formally independent Ukraine". He is a firm believer in the idea that Yanykovych' regime was overthrown with a direct help from the US, that armed conflict in Ukraine is provoked not by Russia, but by the US. Says that Russia's annexation of Crimea was legitimate, compating it to Kosovo precedent. On 14th of April 2015 was interviewed by "Wirtualna Polska" saying that Maidan was a special operation by the US, aimed at stirring mass uprising. And that snipers who shot people on Maidan were trained in Poland. Believes that the weak and corrupt Ukraine would make the best neighbour for Poland. Regards Crimea as a Russian territory.

Andriy Saphonov

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, Transnistria) Political expert, ex-minister of education of Transnistria, party ideologist Evidence

"Narodny Souz" Party ("People's Union" Party)

Pro-Russian statements

He positions himself as one of the most prominent "Russian world" lobbyists in the region. He is an Ukrainophobe, criticizing eurointegrational processes in ex-USSR states, is an author of publications in Moldova and Transnistria media. The shared idea of his publications and public talks is Transnistria joining the Customs Union.

Volodymyr Bukars'ky

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, Transnistria) Political expert, activist, expert of the Council on National Security Strategy of Russia Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

As a public activist preaches for Moldova and Russia's friendship, and is against the idea of Ukrainian sovereignty. He is a lobbyist of the "Russian world", and publically calls for accepting the terrorist states of DNR and LNR.


Duma' media, online media ''

Pro-Russian statements

Author of numerous anti-Ukrainian publications. Since 2012 has been visiting Russia as a part of 'New generation" ('Novoe pokolenie'), a program for young foreign politicians, scientists and businessmen (supported by 'Rossotrudnichestvo'). In March 2014 was an observer at illegal referendum in Crimea.


"Narodny Front" (People's Front) NGO

Pro-Russian statements

His Israeli ID is issued for Dmytro Gurvych. He is a Ukrainian and Israeli national. In early 2015 "Narodny Front" NGO was founded in Israel. Its main goal was to hold propaganda activity and tell the Israeli people about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the situation in LNR/DNR and Crimea. As for now, the NGO counts more than 500 members, Russian and Ukrainian repatriates mostly. NGO members twice picketed Ukrainian Embassy in Israel: firstly because of Oles Busyna's murder, and secondly on the anniversary of tragic events in Odesa. They launched a Facebook group "Israel for Ukraine without banderites", and post "Narodny front' materials there.


"Narodny Front" (People's Front) NGO

Relations with the Russia

In early 2015 "Narodny Front" NGO was founded in Israel. Its main goal was to hold propaganda activity and tell the Israeli people about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the situation in LNR/DNR and Crimea. As for now, the NGO counts more than 500 members, Russian and Ukrainian repatriates mostly. NGO members twice picketed Ukrainian Embassy in Israel: firstly because of Oles Busyna's murder, and secondly on the anniversary of tragic events in Odesa. They launched a Facebook group "Israel for Ukraine without banderites", and post "Narodny front' materials there.

Bajkin Baruh

Israel NGO Founder and Head Evidence

"International center of helping Novorossia" NGO

Pro-Russian statements

This centre oversees medicine collections and other humanitarian missions for DNR and LNR to be transported through Russia. In April 2015 NGO leaders received a "letter of gratitude" from "Commander" of Republican Guards of DNR mayor general Kondratov.


"Election action of Lithuania Poles" Party

Pro-Russian statements

A pro-Russian political party. Since early 2000 has taken part in elections together with other Lithuanian pro-Rissian parties "Russian's Union of Lithuania" and "Russian alliance". Uses anti-Ukrainian rhetoric, supporting Russia in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.


"Election action of Lithuania Poles" Party

Pro-Russian statements

A pro-Russian political party. Since early 2000 has taken part in elections together with other Lithuanian pro-Rissian parties "Russian's Union of Lithuania" and "Russian alliance". Uses anti-Ukrainian rhetoric, supporting Russia in the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.


"Russian Community of Moldova" NGO

Pro-Russian statements

She is constantly in touch with the Russian Embassy in Moldova and the Russian Centre of Science and Culture of Moldova. Takes part in the pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian activity in Moldova. Since Russian aggression against Ukraine has been actively supporting Russia's activities in Crimea, condemned events in Donbass on multiple occasions. In May 2015 visited Crimea as a Head of the Russian community of Moldova. During that visit, she discussed prospective ways of partnership for both regions and possible common activities popularising Kremlin policy with the local 'authorities'.

Igor Tulyavtsev

Moldova Fund an NGO Founder and Head, leader of the social movement Evidence

Sodruzhestvo' Fund, 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' social movement, 'Russian Youth league' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Social movement 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' aims at promoting the Eurasian vector of Moldova's development and is attracting followers of this agenda. Actively works with Russian Party 'Rodina'. The Youth wing of this movement is called the 'Russian Youth League', which has 3000 active members. These people often participated in activities organised by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Russian offices in Russia. For example League and 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' activists participated in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Moldova ("Save Donbass people").

Yulia Petukhova

Moldova NGO Activist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Social movement 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' aims at promoting the Eurasian vector of Moldova's development and is attracting followers of this agenda. Actively works with Russian Party 'Rodina'. The Youth wing of this movement is called the 'Russian Youth League', which has 3000 active members. These people often participated in activities organised by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Russian offices in Russia. For example League and 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' activists participated in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Moldova ("Save Donbass people").

Relations with the Russia

Sodruzhestvo' Fund, 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' social movement, 'Russian Youth league' NGO


Sodruzhestvo' Fund, 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' social movement, 'Russian Youth league' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Social movement 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' aims at promoting the Eurasian vector of Moldova's development and is attracting followers of this agenda. Actively works with Russian Party 'Rodina'. The Youth wing of this movement is called the 'Russian Youth League', which has 3000 active members. These people often participated in activities organised by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Russian offices in Russia. For example League and 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' activists participated in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Moldova ("Save Donbass people").

Volodymyr Karmanov

Moldova Sodruzhestvo' Fund Informational Centre Head, Editor-in-Chief of 'Russian Youth League' online media "" Evidence

Sodruzhestvo' Fund, 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' social movement, 'Russian Youth league' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Social movement 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' aims at promoting the Eurasian vector of Moldova's development and is attracting followers of this agenda. Actively works with Russian Party 'Rodina'. The Youth wing of this movement is called the 'Russian Youth League', which has 3000 active members. These people often participated in activities organised by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Russian offices in Russia. For example League and 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' activists participated in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Moldova ("Save Donbass people").

Andrey Zaru

Moldova Mass Action Head at 'Russian Youth League' Evidence

Sodruzhestvo' Fund, 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' social movement, 'Russian Youth league' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Social movement 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' aims at promoting the Eurasian vector of Moldova's development and is attracting followers of this agenda. Actively works with Russian Party 'Rodina'. The Youth wing of this movement is called the 'Russian Youth League', which has 3000 active members. These people often participated in activities organised by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Russian offices in Russia. For example League and 'Motherland – Eurasian Union' activists participated in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Moldova ("Save Donbass people").


Serbian Code' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Active participant of events held in Russia by Russian MFA and other offices. Shows support of Russian annexation of Crimea, informs about spreading of neo-nazi ideas in Ukraine and about enthretened Russian-speaking population. These talking points were postulated in 2014 publications in Serbian media.


Eurasia Center' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Condemnes the US for 'demonisation' of Russia, ignoring the armed aggression of Putin's regime towards Ukraine. Criticises US sanctions against Russia, says they are ineffective and counterproductive.

Erkki Johan Backman

Finland NGO Head, Social and Political Science PhD, head of so called "Embassy of Donetsk Republic in Helsinki", Finnish national Evidence

Finnish Antifascist Comitee' (SAFKA) NGO

Pro-Russian statements

In March 2014 participated in 'referendum' about Crimea status as an international observer. Later often visited Crimea to spread anti-Ukrainian propaganda. In August 2014 provided data on anti-Russian experts and journalists from EU heading to Easteren Ukraine to examine the situation in that area, to so called special forces of DNR. He is recruiting volunteers from pro-Russian Finns to be sent to Ukraine to fight in international divisions of DNR. Also he's actively promoting tours to Crimean resorts among Finns.

Nicolas Dhuicq

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during his unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Jacques Myard

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during his unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Patrice Verchere

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during his unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Yannick Moreau

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during his unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Sauveur Gandolfi-Scheit

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Marie-Christine Dalloz

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Jerome Lambert

France Member of the National Assembly of the French Parliament, member of The Republicans party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.

Yves Pozzo di Borgo

France Senator of the Upper House of the French Parliament from the "Union of Democrats" party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

A French MP, illegally visited Crimea during unofficial visit to Russia in late July 2015.


Daily Mail

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes articles about spreading of neonazi ideas among members of Ukrainian volunteer battalions participating in fighting in ATO. Posted a publication named 'Shocking photos from neonazi army camp' in Daily Mail (on 12th of August 2015).

Pilar Bonet

Spain Journalist Evidence

El Pais

Pro-Russian statements

On 20th of August 2015 posted a publication under a title "We'd like to have more close relations with Russia', written as a result of an interview with so called Secretary of Security Council of DNR, commander of 'Vostok" batallion Khodakovsky. Originally the article was posted on web portal. Russian online media reposted edited version, translated into Russian.

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Italian media (Pandora TV, "Il blog di Beppe Grillo" online media), stating that the US staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 with the help of neo-nazi groups. He justifies Russian foreign policy on Ukraine and denies the fact of Russia's armed aggression towards Ukraine.

Bartosz Bekier

Poland Organisation Head Evidence

"Falanga" Nationalist radical organisation

Pro-Russian statements

"This nationalistic organisation was registered in Poland in 2012. Its proclaimed goal is to provide a patriotic upbringing to Polish youth, patriotic literature publishing and so on. Its ideology is national radicalism. In 2014-2015 its members took part in an anti-Ukrainian informational campaign, organised picketing of Ukrainian diplomatic institutions in Poland to protest against war with Russia and glorification of OUN UPA members. ""Falanga"" is a pro-Russian entity, thus explaining its partnership with Russian 'International Eurasia Movement' (Alexandr Dugin is its head). Members of 'Falanga' organised regular anti-Ukrainian rallies - 'anti-banderite patrols' near the Polish-Ukrainian border. During the events they use regalia of so called ""Novorossia"". "

Adam Smiech

Poland "Jednodniowka Narodowa" Editor-in-Chief, head of Slavic studies at Library of Philology Faculty, Lodz University Evidence

"Jednodniowka Narodowa" online media

Pro-Russian statements

"Publishes articles condemning Ukrainian authorities of OUN-UPA ""criminals' glorification, nazi propaganda in Ukrainian society, war crimes in Donbass. Places full responsibility for Malaysian ""Boeing 777-200"" on Ukraine. In February 2015 took part in the international scientific conference 'Yalta - past, present and future (in Yalta, Crimea)."

Miroslav Jan Wiechowski

Poland Bloger Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"Posts anti-Ukainian materials in Facebook, also on his own blog For publications he's been using data gathered from Russian and foreign media, for example, Armenian registered ""Bilzerian Report"". Most of his articles show contorted data on social and political situations in DNR and LNR, ATO, foreign soldiers' participation in fighting in Eastern Ukraine. He is also actively contributing to 'Virtualna Polonia' site, full of anti-Ukrainian content."

Damian Bienko

Poland Organisation Head Evidence

National Free Poland' right-wing radical youth organisation

Pro-Russian statements

"National Free Poland" was founded in 2014 and is fully sponsored and controlled by Russia. It has 40 active members. Since September 2014 its ideologist Dawid Hudziec has been working at the press office of DNR and has been fighting for DNR. He is also the admin of the Polish ""Novorossia News Agency"" and During eight months of 2015, 'National Free Poland' activists organised 10 anti-Ukrainian events, that were covered in Polish media. During these events, they were trying to spread untrue information about illegal actions by Ukrainian volunteering battalions and Russian-speaking population rights being abused.

Dawid Hudziec

Poland Organisation Ideologist Evidence

National Free Poland' right-wing radical youth organisation

Pro-Russian statements

"National Free Poland' was founded in 2014 and is fully sponsored and controlled by Russia. It has 40 active members. Since September 2014 its ideologist Dawid Hudziec has been working at the press office of DNR and has been fighting for DNR. He is also the admin of the Polish ""Novorossia News Agency"" and During eight months of 2015, 'National Free Poland' activists organised 10 anti-Ukrainian events, that were covered in Polish media. During these events, they were trying to spread untrue information about illegal actions by Ukrainian volunteering battalions and Russian-speaking population rights being abused. "

Marius Vacarelu

Romania Professor of the National Science and State Management School (Bukharest) Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

He is the author of media publications and of information-analytical 'Geopolicy: Ukraine. Coup d’etat' publication isued in 2014. His estimates show how justified Russia's sphere of influence on Ukraine is and that it is unacceptable for Russia to turn away from such a policy. He is a supporter of Putin's regime in Eurasian territories. In his scientific and public activity, he shows support and partnership with Alexandr Dugin, the leader of the International Eurasian Movement.

Stefan Stamenkovski

Serbia Leader of the political movement Evidence

"Завєтніци" (Zavetnici) public movement

Pro-Russian statements

This pro-Russian organisation was founded in 2012 as an association of non-formal patriotic movements. It shows support for Russia's policy, as well as for terrorist activities of DNR and LNR. The movement is organising public events in Serbia to show support for the "Donetsk, Luhansk and Novorossia people fight for liberation'. Also he supported the 'unification of Crimea's people with Russia'. Is absolutely against Serbia's membership in NATO and EU. Has tight relations with Russian Embassy in Serbia.

Milica Djurdjevic

Serbia Press secretary of the movement Evidence

"Завєтніци" (Zavetnici) public movement

Pro-Russian statements

This pro-Russian organisation was founded in 2012 as an association of non-formal patriotic movements. It shows support for Russia's policy, as well as for terrorist activities of DNR and LNR. The movement is organising public events in Serbia to show support for the "Donetsk, Luhansk and Novorossia people fight for liberation'. Also he supported the 'unification of Crimea's people with Russia'. Is absolutely against Serbia's membership in NATO and EU. Has tight relations with Russian Embassy in Serbia.

Vladan Glisic

Serbia Movement Council Member Evidence

The Serbian Movement "Dveri", commonly known as Dveri

Pro-Russian statements

Participates in anti-Ukrainian protesting events in Serbia. Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Serbian and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on.

Ivan Kostic

Serbia Member and activist of a political movement Evidence

The Serbian Movement "Dveri", commonly known as Dveri

Pro-Russian statements

Participates in anti-Ukrainian protesting events in Serbia. Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Serbian and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on.


The Serbian Movement "Dveri", commonly known as Dveri

Pro-Russian statements

Participates in anti-Ukrainian protesting events in Serbia. Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Serbian and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on.


Slovac Russian Cooperation' public union

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Slovak and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on. Organises and participates in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Slovakia.


Slovac Russian Cooperation' public union

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Slovak and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on. Organises and participates in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Slovakia.


Slovac Russian Cooperation' public union

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Slovak and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on. Organises and participates in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Slovakia.


Slovac Russian Cooperation' public union

Pro-Russian statements

Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials in Slovak and Russian media that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on. Organises and participates in anti-Ukrainian protest rallies in Slovakia.

Pro-Russian statements

Author of the book 'Flashpoint in Ukraine'. Posts anti-Ukrainian materials on his blog ( In particular, he says that: 'Ukrainians have all ground to rebel against the current fascist regime', and 'Ukrainian authorities bear full responsibility for the raise of poverty, hyperinflation, police brutality and never-ending war against their own nationals on Donbas that fight for their fundamental democratic rights'.

Daniel McAdams

USA Executive Director at Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

He's been criticising the US sanctions against Russia in Russian and American media, spreading the idea that one of the ways to mitigate the situation in the East of Ukraine is its federalisation.

Pro-Russian statements

His pseudo is Mark Bartalmai. He is the author of the documentary trilogy ' Ukrainian agony: hidden war', in which Ukrainian police and other offices are accused of 'genocide of Donbas people. On 26th of August 2015, they presented the first episode of the documentary in Donetsk. Now the second one is being shot, focusing on the current situation in Donetsk.


RT-Deutsch media

Pro-Russian statements

She co-authored a pro-Russian book 'Vladimir Putin. Appeal to the German people' with Jurgen Elsesser, editor of right-wing populist magazine 'Compact. A magazine about sovereignty'. She often visited closed meetings organised by Russian Embassy in Germany.


Valeurs Actuelles' weekly

Pro-Russian statements

"Publishes anti-Ukrainian materials that reflect all the main theses of Russian propaganda on 'fascists', 'coup d`etat', 'war of authorities with their own people' in Ukraine and so on. He is a participant of anti-Ukrainian events organised by French branch of the 'Institute of democracy and partnership'. Author of the book 'Putin' published in France in 2014. "

Elie Hatem

France Board member of 'French action', advisor to ex-leader of National front (National Rally) Marin Le Pen Evidence

French action' organisation

Pro-Russian statements

He is an avid supporter of Russia's aggressive foreign policy. He is also a participant of the international conference 'Russophobia and informational war against Russia' (25-26 of September, 2015, Moscow).

Alexander Van der Bellen

Austria Ex-leader of Austrian Green Party, independent candidate during presidential elections in Austria (got into second tour of the elections) Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"During the election campaign, he publicly doubted the territorial integrity of Ukraine Crimea as a part of Ukraine and the necessity to continue sanctioning Russia. But since the full-scale war started he shows support to Ukraine and its euro integration. "

Pro-Russian statements

On 28th of April 2015 publicly undermined the necessity of EU sanctions against Russia, stating Russia's uninvolvement in Donbas conflict and that the international community has to identify the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine as a 'civil war'. He also said that Austria's support for sanctions against Russia violated state constitution clause about Austria neutrality. Also that sanctions against Russia are negatively affecting the economy of Austria which lost 1 bln euros in the last year.



Pro-Russian statements

On 2th of May 2016 SARU held anti-Ukrainian piquet at the Ukrainian embassy, on the two-year anniversary of events in Odesa. The event was broadcaasted by the Russian propaganda channel RT, its participants held speeches about the typical 'necessity of fascism fighting in Ukraine' and 'unforgiveness for events in Odesa' n 2th of May 2014. SARU is officially against NATO training in Ukraine and Ukrainian close relations with West.

Rakesh Krishnan Simha

India Journalist Evidence

INDRUS online media

Pro-Russian statements

"INDRUS is a pro-Russian Indian media, that posted an article called 'MiG Fraud. Lost Antonov planes. Why India has to stay away from Ukraine'. It was published after Ukraine's participation in Defexpo India-2016, an international exhibition on Land, Naval and Internal Homeland Security Systems. The publication was based on rigged materials about Ukrainian defence industry members failing to fulfil the terms of previous Ukraine-India agreements. The author also asked the military and political leaders of India to avoid such agreements in future. Rakesh Krishnan Simha is the author of these publications and some other anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian publications. Has tight relations with Russian media. "

Dhiaa Najm Abdullah Al-Asadi

Iraq Iraq MP, The Al-Ahrar Bloc leader Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

On 10-11th April 2016 visited the temporarily occupied Crimea. Met with 'deputy head of State Council of Crimea Republic' Remsi Ilyasov. Participated in celebrations of second year anniversary of the Constitution of the Crimea Republic.

Stefano Valdegamberi

Italy Senator of the Italian Parliament, Lista Zaia, (Veneto region) Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Initiated a resolution on accepting the temporarily occupied Crimea as a part of Russia and cancelling the anti-Russian sanctions. The drafted document also asks Italians to condemn EU policy on Crimea and acknowledge 'Crimea people's choice during the referendum for the peninsula to join Russia'. Veneto authorities had to access the resolution on 18th May 2016.

Iryna Osipova

Italy NGO founder and head, a daughter of Russian journalist, a head of Russian scientific and cultural centre in Italy Evidence

Russian-Italian Youth' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"NGO was founded on 13th November 2011 by the Russian-speaking community of Rome. Russian-speaking youth and Italians who favourably look on Russia are among its members. Initiated and organised the conference 'To break the sanctions via trade and industrial partnership of Italy and Russia' on 18th of May 2016. The main focus of the event was on avoiding international EU sanctions on Russia. "


Russian-Italian Youth' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"NGO was founded on 13th November 2011 by the Russian-speaking community of Rome. Russian-speaking youth and Italians who favourably look on Russia are among its members. Initiated and organised the conference 'To break the sanctions via trade and industrial partnership of Italy and Russia' on 18th of May 2016. The main focus of the event was on avoiding international EU sanctions on Russia. Vikhoreva organised donations for DNR and LNR residents. At the beginning of the year she held anti-Ukrainian 'Commemoration Day for fallen in Donbas'.

Bruno Vespa

Italy Journalist Evidence

"Door to door" weekly politic talks show

Pro-Russian statements

"at the beginning of the year, Vespa and TV channel ""RAI-1"" launched TV series ""With Al Bano from Russia: success story'. It has interviews with a popular Italian singer Al Bano, and also stories of Italian entrepreneurs who conduct business in Russia. The show participants are focusing on the fruitious and ongoing Italian-Russian partnership, the success of 'Made in Italy' brand in Russia, anri-Russian EU sanctions harming Itay and the necessity to lift them. ""RAI-1"" belongs to Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi. But since the full-scale war, he shows support for Ukraine and criticises Russia. "

Bogusław Paź

Poland Polish historian, professor of Wroclaw Univercity, the representative of the so called 'kresovy' organisations. Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

His educational and public activity focuses on the idea that the number of places for Ukrainian students in Polish Universities shouldn't be increased, that 'Polish authorities are thus financing the education of Bandera, OUN and UPA supporters, and simultaneously depriving Polish youth of access to education'.

Pro-Russian statements

He often participates in Russian TV shows and comments on Russian-Polish and Russian-Ukrainian relations. Has a very pro-Russian stance on events in Ukraine. His anti-Ukrainian ideas are used by Russians to show that 'Kyiv with its hunta dies not interest anyone anymore, even Poland'.

Tomasz Maciejczuk

Poland Journalist, founder of anti-Ukrainian media Evidence

Pro-Russian statements

Maciejczuk took part in organising so-called 'Slavic patriotic camps' in Russia, that provided paramilitary training and were organised by Russian 'Dobrovolets' with Russian Army instructors as trainers. In February 2016 got contracted to go to Ukraine and prepare informational material on 'What do young Ukrainians know about UPA and Volyn massacre?'. is used for spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda of Polish right-wing radical union 'Falanga'.

Dawid Hudziec

Poland Radical oganisations 'Falanga' and "Great Poland Camp' member Evidence

Radical oganisations 'Falanga' and "Great Poland Camp'

Pro-Russian statements

Since the fighting in Eastern Ukraine went to Donetsk and joined the illegal military group. He's actively spreading the information about these groups, performing a part of a Polish journalist, who 'is telling the truth about crimes of Ukrainian officials in Donbas to Polish people'. He is responsible for Polish segment of "". he organised the visits of political and public Polish activists to DNR and LNR.

Lilia Moshechkova

Poland Party member Evidence

Conservative liberal party KORWiN

Pro-Russian statements

"On 10th of December, 2015 party members visited temporarily occupied Crimea and met with so-called premier minister Sergey Aksyonov and local MPs. Moshechkova has been actively spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda in the political environment of Poland and in Polish-speaking community. "


Immigrant Assosiation 'Amizade'

Pro-Russian statements

"Among the members of 'Amizade' are Russian, Ukrainian and Moldova nationals. Khmil is actively working with the Russian embassy in Portugal and the local office of the 'Russian world', openly spreading pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian propaganda among the association members, proclaiming the imminent dissolution of Ukraine. "

Bogdan Djurovich

Serbia Journalist Evidence

Serbian media 'Pechat' (

Pro-Russian statements

The media is systematically publishing anti-Ukrainian materials. For example, in April 2016 they posted an article 'Ukrainian Trojan Horse: how Kyiv has been attempting to create a fifth column in Russia' (Z. Miloshevych). Here Ukraine is accused of provoking the home security in Russia. Also, the media posted the article 'What awaits Russia in 2016' (B.Djokovych), stating that Kyiv's new attack on Donbas can further damage sensitive relations between EU and Russia, which is beneficial to the US.


Serbian media 'Pechat' (

Pro-Russian statements

"The media is systematically publishing anti-Ukrainian materials. For example, in April 2016 they posted an article 'Ukrainian Trojan Horse: how Kyiv has been attempting to create a fifth column in Russia' (Z. Miloshevych). Here Ukraine is accused of provoking the home security in Russia. Also, the media posted the article 'What awaits Russia in 2016' (B.Djokovych), stating that Kyiv's new attack on Donbas can further damage sensitive relations between EU and Russia, which is beneficial to the US. He is in 'Mirotvoters' database. "


DONi News ( Informational agency

Pro-Russian statements

"DONi News was founded on the 15th of July 2015 in Donetsk, as a copycat of 'Donetsk News Agency'. Agency news are posted only in English. State Russian news agency TASS was methodically helping to organise the work of DONi News. DONi News is actively spreading informational anti-Ukrainian propaganda materials, also covering DNR and LNR situations. Puthkonen is systematically used by NNR and LNR leadership to illustrate how European journalists support so-called 'republics'. "

Paul Moreira

France Journalist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"Directed anti-Ukrainian movie 'Ukraine: masks of revolution'. The movie was aired on French cable TV channel ""Canal+"" on 1th of February 2016. Spreads the notion that Maidan events were supported by the US and that the Ukrainian crisis is caused by the start of a new cold war and confrontation between the US and Russia. The movie also pays attention to Crimea. "

Pro-Russian statements

"Eerola is famous for his pro-Russian views and publications. On 18th of January 2016 published the interview with former Ukrainian prime minister Mykola Azarov in Finnish ""Iltalehti"". Has a blog stating that he's covering the situation in Ukraine to show the alternative view to Finnish society different to the view of most EU countries. "

Michal Hašek

Czechia Former Governor of South Moravian Region, social democrat party member Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

On 3th of May 2016 laid flowers on the monument of Soviet warriors-liberators at Central Army Cemetary in Brno together with the Russian bike club 'Night wolves' representatives. Together with others participated in photo set with Russia, Novorussia, DNR and LNR flags. Publicly supports Russia's policy towards Ukraine and the idea of lifting sanctions against Russia.

Jan Koral

Czechia Journalist Evidence

"New World Order Opposition" online media

Pro-Russian statements

"""New World Order Opposition"" is not officially registered in Czechia. Its main goal is to criticise the US, EU and NATO government's policies on Russia. On multiple occasions, Koral has been spreading anti-Ukrainian materials on social networks and on his own site. On 2th of May 2015 organised anti-Ukrainian event to second-year anniversary of Odesa events in Prague. "


Communist Party of Czechia and Moravia

Pro-Russian statements

"Members of the Communist Party of Czechia and Moravia visited Crimea and temporarily occupied territories in Eastern Ukraine on multiple occasions. On 11th April 2016, this party organised an anti-Ukrainian rally in Prague near Ukrainian Embassy. They used the motto 'Solidarity with Communist Party of Ukraine and anti-fascists'. On 14-16 April 2016, Kohlichek visited temporarily occupied Crimea and participated in 'the second Yalta international economic forum'."

Marta Semelová

Czechia Head of Prague Regional Committee of the Party Evidence

Communist Party of Czechia and Moravia

Pro-Russian statements

"Members of the Communist Party of Czechia and Moravia visited Crimea and temporarily occupied territories in Eastern Ukraine on multiple occasions. On 11th April 2016, this party organised an anti-Ukrainian rally in Prague near Ukrainian Embassy. They used the motto 'Solidarity with Communist Party of Ukraine and anti-fascists'. "

David Buchtela

Czechia Co-founder and member of the NGO Evidence

"People's militia" NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"This NGO was founded in Czechia with Russia's help and finances. On 20-25th March 2016 the NGO representatives Nela Liskova, Frantisek Blazek, Frantisek Krejca visited DNR. The visit was supervised by 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR'. The main goal of the visit was to work on possible ways of partnership between DNR and 'People's militia'. Also, they discussed the Czech NGO and 'Donetsk Republic' Youth organisation partnership. After going back home they declared the necessity of Europe's broad support for DNR. "

Nela Liskova

Czechia Co-founder and member of the NGO Evidence

"People's militia" NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"This NGO was founded in Czechia with Russia's help and finances. On 20-25th March 2016 the NGO representatives Nela Liskova, Frantisek Blazek, Frantisek Krejca visited DNR. The visit was supervised by 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR'. The main goal of the visit was to work on possible ways of partnership between DNR and 'People's militia'. Also, they discussed the Czech NGO and 'Donetsk Republic' Youth organisation partnership. After going back home they declared the necessity of Europe's broad support for DNR. "


People's militia' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"This NGO was founded in Czechia with Russia's help and finances. On 20-25th March 2016 the NGO representatives Nela Liskova, Frantisek Blazek, Frantisek Krejca visited DNR. The visit was supervised by 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR'. The main goal of the visit was to work on possible ways of partnership between DNR and 'People's militia'. Also, they discussed the Czech NGO and 'Donetsk Republic' Youth organisation partnership. After going back home they declared the necessity of Europe's broad support for DNR. "


People's militia' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"This NGO was founded in Czechia with Russia's help and finances. On 20-25th March 2016 the NGO representatives Nela Liskova, Frantisek Blazek, Frantisek Krejca visited DNR. The visit was supervised by 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR'. The main goal of the visit was to work on possible ways of partnership between DNR and 'People's militia'. Also, they discussed the Czech NGO and 'Donetsk Republic' Youth organisation partnership. After going back home they declared the necessity of Europe's broad support for DNR. "


"People's militia" NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"On 20-25th March 2016 the NGO representatives Nela Liskova, Frantisek Blazek, Frantisek Krejca visited DNR. The visit was supervised by 'The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DNR'. The main goal of the visit was to work on possible ways of partnership between DNR and 'People's militia'. Also, they discussed the Czech NGO and 'Donetsk Republic' Youth organisation partnership. After going back home they declared the necessity of Europe's broad support for DNR. "


Westminster Russia Forum, WRF

Pro-Russian statements

"Westminster Russia Forum is a non-governmental organisation that was founded in London in 2012, initiated by a group of Russian and British politicians and diplomats. Its goal is to develop political, economical and cultural bonds between Russia and the UK. Since 2016 has been holding propaganda campaigns on social networks, organising events to convey to the British expert community the main positive messages about Russian policy. Among its anti-Ukrainian informational events, attention could be drawn to the book presentation held in April 2016, where the book 'Crimean history' by Neul Kent, professor of Cambridge University, was presented. The book reveals the base for Russia's historical right to have Crimea. "

Mark Izatt

The UK WRF Deputy Head Evidence

Westminster Russia Forum, WRF

Relations with the Russia

"Westminster Russia Forum is a non-governmental organisation that was founded in London in 2012, initiated by a group of Russian and British politicians and diplomats. Its goal is to develop political, economical and cultural bonds between Russia and the UK. Since 2016 has been holding propaganda campaigns on social networks, organising events to convey to the British expert community the main positive messages about Russian policy. Among its anti-Ukrainian informational events, attention could be drawn to the book presentation held in April 2016, where the book 'Crimean history' by Neul Kent, professor of Cambridge University, was presented. The book reveals the base for Russia's historical right to have Crimea. As for November 2022 he tweets support for Ukraine. "


Westminster Russia Forum, WRF

Pro-Russian statements

"Westminster Russia Forum is a non-governmental organisation that was founded in London in 2012, initiated by a group of Russian and British politicians and diplomats. Its goal is to develop political, economical and cultural bonds between Russia and the UK. Since 2016 has been holding propaganda campaigns on social networks, organising events to convey to the British expert community the main positive messages about Russian policy. Among its anti-Ukrainian informational events, attention could be drawn to the book presentation held in April 2016, where the book 'Crimean history' by Neul Kent, professor of Cambridge University, was presented. The book reveals the base for Russia's historical right to have Crimea. "

Pro-Russian statements

On 12-14th May 2016, these members of the Italian Parliament visited the temporarily occupied Crimea. They held several meetings with the so-called leaders of the 'Crimean republic' and the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Pro-Russian statements

On 12-14th May 2016, these members of the Italian Parliament visited the temporarily occupied Crimea. They held several meetings with the so-called leaders of the 'Crimean republic' and the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Pro-Russian statements

On 12-14th May 2016, these members of the Italian Parliament visited the temporarily occupied Crimea. They held several meetings with the so-called leaders of the 'Crimean republic' and the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Pro-Russian statements

On 12-14th May 2016, these members of the Italian Parliament visited the temporarily occupied Crimea. They held several meetings with the so-called leaders of the 'Crimean republic' and the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Pro-Russian statements

He is publishing anti-Ukrainian materials in a 'European politics and society' with limited access, published by The University of Dundee (Scotland). In particular in his piece 'Russia's role in Dobnas war and the threat to European security' he says that Russia is not setting Donbas people against the Ukrainian government and that Kremlin's goal is to provide the special status of Donbas thin Ukraine. The author also says that Russia doesn't pose any threat to other countries and doesn't want to destabilise the situation in Europe, and doesn't want to seize new lands. If Ukraine doesn't want to compromise, Donbas situation will become a long-going conflict.

Chris Westdal

Canada Canadian expert, Canadian Global Affairs Institute researcher Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"He published the scientific research 'Going forward ith Russia', where he provided reasoning for reigniting of Canadian-Russian relations. In particular, the author stressed that Canadian-Russian relations are much broader than the Ukrainian situation. He also said that Putin's actions in Georgia were 'convincing' and showed that Russia was a first-league, powerful player in a multi-polar world. In May 2022 changed his mind about Putin and Russia and said he had been wrong about it. "


"Regnum" news agency

Pro-Russian statements

He is actively working as a journalist and activist in Hungary, mainly focusing on spreading anti-Ukrainian materials in the media. For example, he's been posting materials aimed at constitutional changes, Ukrainian territorial integrity violations, provoking ethnic conflicts, approving of Russia's annexation of Crimea, and disrespectfully criticising Ukrainian leaders' actions. He is working with online media that publish pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian national chauvinist materials such as 'Russian people's line' informational service, and 'Russian truth' media.


Honored Embassy of Novorossia in Slovakia

Pro-Russian statements

This organisation is helping the illegal DNR and LNR with money and other resources. Farkas visited ATO many times, and is spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Slovakia.

Peter Bárdy

Slovakia Editor-in-Chief Evidence

"", "Zilinsky vecernik" media

Pro-Russian statements

"He's been spreading anti-Ukrainian materials in these media. For example, he's been describing Ukrainian Armed Forces as comprised of 'neo-nazis, racists, mercenaries'. The author also says that 'Azov' regiment is basically a neo-nazi group. As for November 2022, he is criticising Russia and supporting Ukraine. "

Thierry Mariani

France Member of the National Assembly Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

On 3th of June 2016 he spoke out for lifting sanctions off Russia, and should the sanctions be prolongated, they had to be imposed on Ukraine as well, because Ukraine was the one who failed to fulfil the Minsk accords. Mariani told French media that the Ukrainian government committed to passing the bill about the special status for the Donbas amnesty bill and bill on local elections and that it has not fulfilled these obligations.

Simon Sutour

France Member of Senat Committee for the European Affairs Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

On 8th of June 2016 registered a resolution in the French Senat that suggested the gradual lifting of anti-Russian sanctions and cancel the sanctions during the upcoming EU Summit on 28-29th of June 2016. Among the reasons, he named the ineffectiveness of sanctions for mitigation of the conflict in Ukraine, and their ill correspondence to the economic and security interests of France.

Jacques Clostermann

France The president of 'France my country', hich is a part of National Front (National Rally) party Evidence

Political Union "My Country France"

Pro-Russian statements

"On 11-13th of January 2016 visited 'DNR'. His visit was covered by Russian and DNR, LNR media as a breakthrough of informational blockade', and also as a 'gathering information about atrocities committed by UAF and volunteering battalions to sue them in European court for human rights. He also participated in 'round table' organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the so-called DNR on 'International informational war against DNR: methods and types of fighting it'. At the event, they discussed the 'war crimes' ATO forces committed against the civilians in Donbas. "

Pro-Russian statements

On 14th of June 2016 presented a report 'Eastern Scope Group: we know who killed Boris Nemtsov' at The Institute for Research on Terrorism and Security Policy (IFTUS) in Essen. This report presents false facts about Security Service of Ukraine recruiting ethnic Chechens, who took part in ATO in Eastern Ukraine to murder Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.

Pro-Russian statements

On 14th of June 2016 presented a report 'Eastern Scope Group: we know who killed Boris Nemtsov' at The Institute for Research on Terrorism and Security Policy (IFTUS) in Essen. This report presents false facts about Security Service of Ukraine recruiting ethnic Chechens, who took part in ATO in Eastern Ukraine to murder Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov.

Pro-Russian statements

Visited temporarily occupied Crimea and met local so-called authorities. Dirung his visit expressed his support for Russia's annexation of Crimea. Also said that he was planning to submit a resolution to the City Council of Quakenbruck on the necessity for the German government to accept the results of the so-called referendum in Crimea and lift anti-Russian sanctions.

Markus Frohnmaier

Germany Member of land parliament of Baden-W?rttemberg, head of the youth branch of 'Alternative for Germany' Party Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"In April 2016 visited the temporarily occupied Crimea, the visit was organised and financed by Russia. His public speeches show support for Russia's annexation of Crimea. On the 20th of April 2016 met with the Russian Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and compatriots relations Robert Schlegel in Berlin. The meeting was aimed at the strengthening of iter-party relations with pro-Russian German organisations. Frohnmaier is regularly communicating with the Russian Embassy attache on relations with German youth organisations. "


Party of civil rights

Pro-Russian statements

Among the party leaders, there are several politicians who had relations with Russia in the past. The honorary head of the party is current Czech president Milos Zeman. These people are supporting pro-Russian ideas in their public activity (Neyedlij, Soushek). Churdova is connected to radical pro-Russian organisations in Poland. Czech homeland security regards her as a middlewoman in the network of financing and monitoring pro-Russian organisations in the region.


Peace for Ukraine'

Pro-Russian statements

This activist is working together with 'repreesentatives' of 'Union trades of Luhansk'. Initiated launching the 'Office of LNR' in Austria. Humanitarian aid to Luhansk residents is among its goals. He was added to 'Myrotvorets' database.

Nikolay Malinov

Bulgaria Leader of the movement, official representative of Russian TV Channel 'Pervyj Kanal (Channel One). International Network' in Bulgaria Evidence

National russophile movement' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

"The ogranisation was founded in 2003 with the aim of broadening partnership between Bulgarian and Russian people. In September 2016 they organised the 13th assembly of Bulgarian national Russophile movement, with pro-Russian, anti-European and anti-Ukrainian mottos. In 2019 Putin awarded Malinov with the Orden of friendship, because of that Malinov had been detained in Bulgaria for suspicion of being a Russian spy.

Jose Enrigue Folk

Spain press secretary of four parties of Catalonia coalition Evidence

Jose Enrigue Folk

Pro-Russian statements

On 26th of September 2016, he said that Spanish Catalonia as ready to acknowledge the Russian Crimea and counter the anti-Russia sanctions in an interview to Russian Sputnik' agency.

Pro-Russian statements

He is a friend of Russian president putin. Criticises the isolation of Russia. During the Russian-Italia seminar 'Russia and Italy: the art of innovation (2016, Bologna) he spoke for lifting EU sanctions against Russia. He visited the similar event in October 2016 in Verona.

Maurizio Marrone

Italy Member of regional council of Piedmont Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Since 7th of September 2016 has been living in LNR. Expressed his readiness to be an 'international observer' during elections to local offices of illegal DNR and LNR.

Evgeniy Nazarenko

Moldova One of party leaders Evidence

"People's resistance' party

Pro-Russian statements

"People's resistance party was founded in 2003 as a political and civil movement, based on Moldova radical left-wing organisations. Has been spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Moldova. Several party members have working and lasting relations with radical left-wing Ukrainian organisations ('Borotba'), Russia ('National-bolshevik party of Russia'), and Poland ('Poland labour party') and are coordinating activity via social networks. In May-August 2016 held a picket near the Ukrainian, French and US Embassies in Moldova. They demanded 'to stop act to the command of West, that is trying to erase Slavic people and grab the lands of the former Soviet Union. In social media its leaders are constantly publishing anti-Ukrainian materials, stating that the Ukrainian government is conducting a 'destructive policy towards Ukrainians' and 'takes into account only the wishes of Western supervisors. "


"People's resistance' party

Pro-Russian statements

"People's resistance party was founded in 2003 as a political and civil movement, based on Moldova radical left-wing organisations. Has been spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Moldova. Several party members have working and lasting relations with radical left-wing Ukrainian organisations ('Borotba'), Russia ('National-bolshevik party of Russia'), and Poland ('Poland labour party') and are coordinating activity via social networks. In May-August 2016 held piquet near Ukrainian, French and US Embassies in Moldova. They demanded 'to stop act to command of West, that is trying to erase Slavic people and grab the lands of the former Soviet Union'. In social media its leaders are constantly publishing anti-Ukrainian materials, stating that Ukrainian government is conducting 'destructive policy towards Ukrainians' and 'takes into account only the wishes of Western superwisers'. "


The political party "People's Resistance"

Pro-Russian statements

"People's resistance party was founded in 2003 as a political and civil movement, based on Moldova radical left-wing organisations. Has been spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda in Moldova. Several party members have working and lasting relations with radical left-wing Ukrainian organisations ('Borotba'), Russia ('National-bolshevik party of Russia'), and Poland ('Poland labour party') and are coordinating activity via social networks. In May-August 2016 held piquet near Ukrainian, French and US Embassies in Moldova. They demanded 'to stop act to command of West, that is trying to erase Slavic people and grab the lands of the former Soviet Union'. In social media its leaders are constantly publishing anti-Ukrainian materials, stating that Ukrainian government is conducting 'destructive policy towards Ukrainians' and 'takes into account only the wishes of Western superwisers'. "

Pro-Russian statements

"A group of this party members submitted changes to a Polish Act 'On national Remembrance Institute' suggesting a Committee on investigating crimes against Polish people. These changes suggested that a public renouncement of 'a genocide committed by Ukrainian nationalists against Poles in Volyn' should be a criminal offence. Founder and leader of the party Pawel Kukiz has spoken against Ukrainians participating in the Polish labour market. H is publicly stating the necessity of the swift implementation of the criminal liability for 'Banderites ideology and insignia' in Poland. "

Wojciech Smarzowski

Poland Movie and theater direector, authhor of the 'Volyn' movie Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"Volyn' movie shows the Volyn events at 30-40-ties of XX century. It's overtly anti-Ukrainian and is full of Ukrainians harassing the Poles. The movie was released on 7th of October 2016. It had been financed by the state but Polish officials try to distance themselves from it stating that it is a fictional story fully crafted by the director. "

Bohdan Pietka

Poland Scientist, employee of Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum (O?wi?cim) Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

He's been published in ""Mysl Polska"" weekly, materials mostly aimed at spreading anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Polish society with speculations on Ukrainian-Polish history. In particular, he accuses OUN UPA fighters of the genocide of Polish people during World War Two. He also denies Russia's aggression against Ukraine now and doesn't approve of strengthening of Ukrainian-Polish partnership. For now, there's no evidence that Pietka is connected to Russian security services, officials or NGOs. But his publications are used by Russian media (RIA Novosti, RT TV Channel) to paint a negative image of Ukraine.

Jean-Pierre Chevenement

France Politician Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"He is close to French political elites, to the president of France, to the minister of foreign affairs, head of the Constitutional council. On 13th of September minister of foreign affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault met with Jean-Pierre Chevenement before going to Ukraine on 14-15th of September. He is predominantly anti-Ukrainian. In his research 'Ukrainian crisis, a trial for truth' he stresses out his personal anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian stance."


Mothers against war' assosiation

Pro-Russian statements

She organised the event 'Ukraine in NATO focus. Russia is the true goal', in September 2016 in Munchen. At the event they presented the book with the same name focused on the differences between EU and the US approach to 'Ukrainian problem'. Book also has anti-Ukrainian slogans.

Pro-Russian statements

Was among the organisers of 'Ukraine - two years after the events on Maidain and Odesa' anti-Ukrainian conference. Has been publishing anti-Ukrainian articles.


E-republika media

Pro-Russian statements

Was among the organisers of 'Ukraine - two years after the events on Maidain and Odesa' anti-Ukrainian conference. Has been publishing anti-Ukrainian articles.



Pro-Russian statements

Was among the organisers of 'Ukraine - two years after the events on Maidain and Odesa' anti-Ukrainian conference. Has been publishing anti-Ukrainian articles.

Jan Schneider

Czechia Journalist, publicist Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

Was among the organisers of 'Ukraine - two years after the events on Maidain and Odesa' anti-Ukrainian conference. Has been publishing anti-Ukrainian articles.

Radmila Zemanova-Kopecka

Czechia Journalist, founder and head of the 'Slavic institute of strategic research' Evidence

Slavic institute of strategic research' NGO

Pro-Russian statements

Slavic institute of strategic research' was founded in 2013. Its declared goal is 'to strenghten Slavic solidarity in Slavic states'. The orfganisation is overtly anti-Western and is supporting the aggressive foreign policy of Russia at the same time.Its web-site has publications about the nessesity to lift anti-Russian sanctions for Czechia and EU, to support and ackniwledge DNR and LNR, and to create Rusin autonomy in Zakarpatska oblast.

Andrew Monaghan

UK PhD, researcher ar Russia ansd Eurasia programme at Royal institute of foreing affairs "Chatham House". Evidence
Pro-Russian statements

"Monaghan is a 'russophile' actively supporting the idea to broaden British-Russian partnership in many fields. He's been repeatedly invited by Russians to paticipate in varoius events on foreign policy and secuity held in the UK and Russia. He is publicly spreading the idea about the international basis for 'internal armed conflict in Ukraine', 'Crimea going back home' and so on. "

Allan Hhantsom

Estonia RODINA.EE Editor-in-Chief Evidence

Russian propaganda online media "Eastland Gubernia news RODINA.EE'

Pro-Russian statements

This online media is used by Russians as an 'expert space' to confirm the Kreemlin propaganda theses spread by Russian media.


Italian rock band Banda Bassotti

Pro-Russian statements

"Italian left-wing rock band. Its members are close to the 'International anti-fascist movement' anti-Ukrainian organisation (Italy). With its help, they are holding concerts in Italy to support the qazi-republics DNR and LNR. During their concerts band members call upon the Western community to support the 'people of Dobnas'. Apart from that, they organise food, medicine and school supplies for 'Donbas children'. They visited LNR on multiple occasions. In May 2017 they went on a tour ""Anti-fascist Caravan' to DNR and LNR."


Italian rock band Banda Bassotti

Pro-Russian statements

"Italian left-wing rock band. Its members are close to 'International anti-fascist movemenet' anti-Ukrainian organisation (Italy). With its help, they are holding concerts in Italy to support qazi-republics DNR and LNR. During their concerts band members call upon the Western community to support the 'people of Dobnas'. Apart from that, they organise food, medicine and school supplies for 'Donbas children'. They visited LNR on multiple occasions. In May 2017 they went on a tour ""Anti-fascist Caravan' to DNR and LNR."


Italian rock band Banda Bassotti

Pro-Russian statements

"Italian left-wing rock band. Its members are close to 'International anti-fascist movemenet' anti-Ukrainian organisation (Italy). With its help, they are holding concerts in Italy to support qazi-republics DNR and LNR. During their concerts band members call upon the Western community to support the 'people of Dobnas'. Apart from that, they organise food, medicine and school supplies for 'Donbas children'. They visited LNR on multiple occasions. In May 2017 they went on a tour ""Anti-fascist Caravan' to DNR and LNR."


Italian rock band Banda Bassotti

Pro-Russian statements

"Italian left-wing rock band. Its members are close to the 'International anti-fascist movemenet' anti-Ukrainian organisation (Italy). With its help, they are holding concerts in Italy to support qazi-republics DNR and LNR. During their concerts band members call upon the Western community to support the 'people of Dobnas'. Apart from that, they organise food, medicine and school supplies for 'Donbas children'. They visited LNR on multiple occasions. In May 2017 they went on a tour ""Anti-fascist Caravan' to DNR and LNR."

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