Exposing GRU Special Forces: Molfar Analysts Uncover Russian Soldiers

OSINT analysts at Molfar gained access to personal photos of Russian military personnel voluntarily provided by individuals from their close circles. These photos and videos enabled the identification of 33 Russian service members, including GRU special forces. Of them, 16 were identified with certainty, while 10 were partially confirmed. Who are they, and which units do they belong to? This report delves into the special forces operatives, their ties to intelligence, and the elite combat formations carrying out covert operations behind enemy lines.

Unmasking Russian Forces — GRU Special Forces, Marine Infantry, and Aerial Reconnaissance

The individuals featured in this report are actively participating in Russia’s war against Ukraine. These images have never been published before. The leak came from within — people from their close circles voluntarily provided the photos and videos.

Watch the video of Russian soldiers here 

Among the identified military personnel:

  • 5 serve in GRU special forces, specifically in the 60th Separate Reconnaissance Special Unit (Aleyesk), the 10th Separate Special Purpose Brigade (Unit 51532), and the 24th Separate Special Forces Brigade (Unit 55433, Novosibirsk).
  • 2 are airborne troops from the 45th Separate Special Purpose Regiment of the Airborne Forces (Unit 28337, Kubinka).
  • One serves in the 40th Separate Marine Brigade (Unit 10103).
  • 1 previously served as a conscript in the 57th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade (Unit 46102).
  • 1 has ties to the 340th Radio-Technical Air Defense Regiment (Unit 40278).
  • 2 are linked to Russian aerial reconnaissance and UAV operations.


Show the full list


Thirty-one photos and two videos have been obtained, capturing the award ceremonies of Russian military personnel involved in the war against Ukraine. Let’s look at who these individuals are and what has been uncovered about them.

On the left — Nikolay Renatovich Zimin, in the center — Vasily Evgenyevich Dudka, on the right — Konstantin Sergeyevich Abdulin

Nikolay Renatovich Zimin (Russian: Зимин Николай Ренатович)

Born on December 4, 1998, in Novoaltaysk, Altai Krai, Russia. As of 2022, he was looking for a job, as he had published a resume. It is likely that in the same year, he signed a contract with military unit 28337 of the Russian Armed Forces. One of his listed phone numbers is the official contact number of military unit 28337.

He has a criminal record under Article 228 of the Russian Criminal Code — possession of 81 grams of marijuana. He has an account on the bookmaker service 1Win and has outstanding loan debts (1234).


VK1 (deleted), VK2OKInstSnapchatPinterestTG, TG id: 889598960 (chats, interests), [email protected][email protected][email protected]+79133696420+79831738509+79132343653Steam.




Zimina Svetlana Nikolaevna / Зимина Светлана Николаевна (born 30.11.1976, VK, OK, [email protected]+79132440189, passport: 0108 176578, INN: 220800603207, SNILS: 04768337495) — presumably born in Barnaul. Nikolay used her phone number to register for payday loan services (12)


Zimina Vera / Зимина Вера (OK)

Common-law wife:

Kotova Elena Sergeevna / Котова Елена Сергеевна (born 12.12.2000, VK, TG id: 1377499579 (chats, interests), [email protected][email protected]+79132681439) — common-law wife. Presumably, she has known Zimin since 2022, as he registered on a job search site using her phone number.

Дудка Василь Євгенійович (рос. — Дудка Василий Евгеньевич)

Born on November 13, 1993. Presumably from the town of Prutsky, Altai Krai. Later moved to Barnaul.

In 2019, he worked as a setup operator at AO Barnaul Dairy Plant, earning a salary of 40,000 rubles. He had an outstanding debt of 1.5 million rubles under an enforcement proceeding. Enforcement proceedings refer to the compulsory execution of a court decision or other obligations through state bailiffs (court enforcers in Russia).

In the "Criminal Record" database, he is marked as"Fraudster Thief" and also has a "convicted" label.

A video analyzed by Molfar revealed that he holds the rank of senior sergeant. The video also mentions that the military personnel is "from Saratov," which likely refers to the location of his military unit.

Known Vehicle:

Former owner of a Nissan Patrol 5.6 (License Plate: A221MA122).

Known Addresses:


VK1VK2VK3InstOK (blocked), FBInst (Sonya Stepnova), my.mail.ru[email protected]+79833841719+73852259646+79835421852



Abdulin Konstantin Sergeyevich (rus. — Абдулин Константин Сергеевич)

Born on February 19, 1996, in Krasny Yar, Lyublinsky District, Omsk Oblast, Russia. As of 2021, he was employed by Lukom-A-Western Siberia Agency, a company specializing in security services. In 2016, he had flights from Grozny to Tyumen via Moscow (1, 2). He took out multiple loans totaling approximately 90,000 rubles (12345). In 2022, he applied for microloans amounting to a total of 60,000 rubles (1, 2). In 2022, he had an enforcement proceeding for debt collection totaling around 752,300 rubles (123456).



VK1VK2[email protected][email protected]+79048840900+79502170209+79044646351+79048265730



— Abdulin Sergey Stanislavovich / Абдулин Сергей Станиславович (born December 26, 1970; FB+79324037145)

Pukhar Kirill Alekseyevich (Russian — Пухарь Кирилл Алексеевич)

Born on May 12, 2000. Originally from the village of Pankrushikha, Altai Krai. Lives with his family in the city of Biysk, Altai Krai.

In 2021, served (123) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2022, he signed with military unit 28337 of the Russian Armed Forces. According to insider information, his wife, Katerina, registered a new CDEK postal pickup point in Valuyki, Belgorod Oblast, in June 2022. This likely indicates that she relocated. The 752nd Motorized Rifle Regiment is based in Valuyki (12). In April 2023, Katerina posted a joint photo from Luhansk on Instagram.

A joint photo of Kirill Pukhar and his alleged wife, Katerina Gulyaeva, in occupied Luhansk, April 2023 (12)    


Likely, in March 2022, he had (12) a VAZ car, and in August 2022 (123) Kirill became the owner of a Honda, which he could have purchased with combat payments. Likely, he bought a Honda Accord (number: B185KM122, VIN: JHMCU26809C213592). In one of the two videos transferred from Pukhar's close circle, there is an award ceremony for Russian soldiers. Pukhar is called by name and rank — private.

VKOKPinterest (probable), TG, TG id: 1636862624, [email protected], +79293906038

passport: 0119660299    
SNILS: 15291675884

Pukhar (Gulyaeva) Ekaterina Sergeevna / Пухарь (Гуляева) Екатерина Сергеевна (27.12.2000, VKОКInstInst2, +79612318328, [email protected]Works as a pet groomer at the "Zabota" salon in Biysk. They have (1, 2) a son and a daughter. During maternity leave, she likely lived with her husband's parents.

Pukhar Inga Anatolyevna / Пухарь Инга Анатольевна (23.04.1979, VKOKOK2Inst, +79237144267, [email protected], SNILS: 07834928309, INN: 245728457995, passport: 0199095721) In 2021, she sent a package to Ekaterina. From 2004 to 2006, she worked at GOU VPO "Norilsk Industrial Institute". In 2020, she worked at the Administration Department of Pankrushikhinsky District. Known address: Pankrushikha, Altai Krai, Nekrasova St. 8, apt. 2

Pukhar Alexey Gennadyevich / Пухарь Алексей Генадиевич (16.11.1972, ОК,, +79237144286, SNILS: 14414743141, INN: 245718597506) Served in the 64th Automobile Brigade from 1990 to 1992.

Grandmother (father’s mother):    
Pukhar Lyubov / Пухарь Любовь (InstOK) — mother of Alexey Pukhar. Lives in Pankrushikha.

Sokolov Yuriy Anatolyevich (Russian — Соколов Юрий Анатольевич)

Private. Machine gunner. Callsign — "Sokol"  (12).

Born on March 2, 1991, in Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russia. In 2012, studied as a cadet at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Zheleznogorsk at the Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy. In 2020, worked at the Special Directorate of the Federal Fire Service No. 36 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Mobilized in September 2022, and signed a contract. Based on photos on VK, as of 2023, served in the Russian Armed Forces (1234). In March 2023, former serviceman Evgeniy Makushenko posted a photo with the caption "memory," where Yuri is present. This is likely Yuri's former unit.

Yuri Sokolov — highlighted on the left. Photo from the Russian social network OK.

According to a fundraising post on his father's page (12), as of December 2023, Yuri Sokolov serves as a UAV operator in the 60th Separate Special Purpose Company (60 ORspN). The post also mentions B. Evgeniy Alexandrovich, referring to Belash Evgeniy Alexandrovich—one of the Russian soldiers in the photos and videos, likely serving alongside Yuri Sokolov. On his father's page, there is a photo, presumably of Yuri, standing in front of a car identical to the one seen in other images (123).

Among his VK friends is the page "Anna Sokolova", which actually belongs to Martynova Anna. There are also pages of other Russian servicemen he likely serves with (123456789). Likely, until 2017, he owned a 2007 Ford Focus (license plate E999VV22).

Known addresses:

VK1VK2 (deleted), Inst (possible), [email protected][email protected]+79609556009+73852450791+79649125470+79607547576.


Wife (12):    
Sokolova Alina / Sokolova Alina (VKInst) works as a makeup artist. As of January 2025, she states that she is currently on maternity leave.

Father (12)    
Sokolov Anatoliy Nikolaevich / Sokolov Anatoliy Nikolaevich (26.10.1963), VK[email protected]+79039127003, INN: 222208313357, SNILS: 05101294802

Sokolova Oksana / Sokolova Oksana (VK)

Zhilkybayev Zhanaydar Esmukanovich (Russian. — Жылкыбаев Жанайдар Есмуканович)

Born in Kosh-Agach, Altai Krai, on April 19, 1989. In 2013, Kirill Kovadlo posted photos on his VK page featuring Zhanaydar (12). The same page also published the symbol of Russian special forces (12). In 2016, he frequently posted about military personnel and Russian Airborne Forces on his VK page (1234).

A data leak from the Russian postal service CDEK revealed that in 2022, Zhanaydar received a parcel in the border settlement of Valuyki, Belgorod Oblast. Using photo searches, Molfar identifiedVK page under the name "Omar Bulanov", which belongs to Zhilkybayev Zhanaydar.

He previously had financial obligations: in 2019, he had an outstanding debt of 11,390 rubles, and in 2014, he received a fine of 30,000 rubles. Additionally, in 2016Zhanaydar posted an ad for selling a 2003 Toyota Verossa (license plate M600AK95).


FBVK1VK2 (deleted), [email protected][email protected][email protected]+79139959814+79139918915+79039365757

Passport: 8408260008    
INN: 040101375700    
SNILS: 12908359880    
Card number: 5337360115784408

— Zhilkybayeva (Baytakova) Elmira Askerovna / Жылкыбаева (Байтакова) Эльмира Аскеровна (15.06.1988, VK1 (deleted), VK2OK[email protected]+79136945184+79136948826, INN: 040101652706, SNILS: 12071155909)

Sukovatsin Maksim Maksimovich (Russian — Суковатцин Максим Максимович)

Born on November 10, 1993. In 2012, on the OK page of his mother, Irina Kovrova (Ryapolova), there is a photo where Maksim is wearing a military uniform (12), likely during his conscription for mandatory service. In 2012, on the "Maksim Maksimov" page on Odnoklassniki, which belongs to Sukovatsin, he posted his own photos in a military uniform next to a BPM-1 (12). Based on the comments under this and other army photos (123), Sukovatsin served in the 57th Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, stationed in Bikin, Khabarovsk Krai (12) (military unit 46102). In 2013, Maksim posted other photos in a military uniform (12), likely during the celebration of his demobilization.

Previously worked as a driver at the Barnaul publishing house "Region" (2018). Had financial problems: a loan debt in 2023, which amounted to 358,000 rubles in 2022. In his youth, he was under special supervision for minors due to car theft (2011).

Known addresses:

  • Altai Krai, Bezgolosovo, Lugovaya St., 8
  • Altai Krai, Pervomaysky District, Novy, Chekhova St., 59
  • Altai Krai, Bezgolosovo, Sovetskaya Ploshchad St., 17
  • Barnaul, Proletarskaya St., 250
  • Barnaul, Malakhova St., 138, Apt. 180


VKInstOKOK2OK3+79095050797, +79530363204 [email protected]



Kovrova (Ryapolova) Irina / Коврова (Ряполова) Ирина (VKОК+79635301326)

Belash Evgeniy Alexandrovich (Russian — Белаш Евгений Александрович)

Born on March 17, 1994, in Khabary village, Altai Krai. In 2017, worked as a sales consultant at TD Barnaul Penoplast. The VK account of the user "Evgeniy Ivanov" was identified through photos. Previously, this profile had the name "Evgeniy Belash".

The father of Yuri Sokolov (mentioned above) published a fundraising post in 2023 (12) for purchasing a vehicle, stating that his son serves alongside "B. Evgeniy." It is likely referring to Belash, meaning both serve in the Separate Special Purpose Company (60 ORspN). In the post, he calls him a "top UAV operator."

Belash also appears in the NL International database (network marketing).

Known addresses:

Owned vehicles:


VKFBInstmamba.rumirtesen.rumy.mail.ru[email protected][email protected], [email protected]+79231677431+73852501267, +79059318699, +79232228744, +79293469755.


SNILS: 15073924055    
INN: 228602155100

Soshnikov Artyom Sergeyevich (Russian — Сошников Артём Сергеевич)

Born on December 22, 1993, in Zudilovo village, Pervomaysky District, Altai Krai.

Worked at the Administration of the Labor SP as a youth specialist (2014). Later listed military unit 33859 as his workplace, holding the position of assistant soloist (2016). When submitting data to a credit organization, he stated that he worked in military unit 338859 as a deputy platoon commander, with a salary of 54,000 rubles (February 2022).

On VK, he follows the Russian military community "715 Team". His phone number is saved in various contacts under the names: "Artyom Soshnikov Nl," "Tyoma Blyat," "Artyom Soshnikov Rgr," "Artyom Rdr."

A VK account under the name Artyom Semenikhin, which belongs to Soshnikov Artyom Sergeyevich, was found via photo search.

Soshnikov Artyom appears in 4 leaked databases of credit organizations: CashToYou / OneClickMoney (123456), DengiSrazy.ru (12), Zaymer.ruOneClickMoney.ru. He is also in the NL International network marketing database, having registered as a dealer in 2017.

He appears in group photos (12345) on accounts such as:

  • Albert Akhmetov (VK)
  • Lesya Romanova (VK, deleted)
  • Dimonchik Dmitry (VK)
  • Irina Klemenkova (VK) — likely mother/mother-in-law
  • Anton Lyamin (VK)

Vehicle owner:    
 Toyota Platz 1999 №K500EU122

Among his VK friends are several individuals from this dox, including Vasiliy Dudka, Pukhar Kirill, Kokhanovskiy Sergey, and Martinova Anna (1234).

Known addresses:


VKTT[email protected][email protected], +79130867885, TG id 268539818+79021448178.



Andreyikina Svetlana Yuryevna (27.10.1976) — likely

Mother or mother-in-law:

Irina Klemenkova (VK) — has photos of Soshnikov, states in her status that she "loves her daughter."

Neproshin Artyom Vasilyevich (Russian — Непрошин Артем Васильевич) 

Neproshin Artyom Vasilyevich was born on November 11, 1980. He previously worked at the company ZAO "Avangard-Stroy", where he earned 25,000 rubles, and at ZAO "Pioner", where his earnings amounted to 334,000 rubles. He avoided an alcohol-related examination in 2002, for which he was fined 1,000 rubles, and he was also caught driving under the influence.

Likely, in 2004, he was deprived of his driver's license due to the illegal use of color-coded schemes on vehicles of operational services. His personal email address appears in the leaked database of the dating site SexClub.ru.

A photo search led to the account "Artyom Vasilyev", which belongs to Neproshin Artyom Vasilyevich.

Owned vehicles:

  • VAZ 21140, №V678HU777
  • Nissan X-Trail, №V554RE150
  • VAZ, №T289VU90
  • VAZ, №U894ES90


VK[email protected]+79031199174, TG id: 5238986576

Known addresses:

Wife (likely):

Neproshina (Lukyanchkova) Nadezhda Aleksandrovna / Непрошина (Лукьянчикова) Надежда Александровна (16.04.1980VKOK[email protected]+79295974984, INN: 504601151478, passport: 4516 889992) Known addresses: Moscow, Troitsk, Oktyabrsky Ave., 17, Apt. 6; Moscow, Troitsk, Tsentralnaya St., 22, Apt. 136

Tula Oblast, Kireyevsk, Tesakova 12-74


Neproshin Demid Artyomovich / Непрошин Демид Артемович


Neproshin Valeriy Vasilyevich / Непрошин Валерий Васильевич (21.08.1976)

Other possible relatives:

  • Neproshina (Zaletova) Anna / Непрошина (Залетова) Анна
  • Mizentsev Anatoliy Aleksandrovich / Мизенцев Анатолий Александрович (21.12.1961) — likely relative

Kokhanovsky Sergey Vasilyevich (Russian — Кохановский Сергей Васильевич) 

Born in Chebanovka village, Novoanen District, Moldova, on July 3, 1988. His Odnoklassniki page indicates that he

served in military unit 3543. Among the phone numbers listed on his Alpha-Bank profile, +73832600100 is likely a

work number, as it is associated with the address of military unit 55433 (Novosibirsk, Boris Bogatkov St., 180 (17th


In 2018, he worked as a reconnaissance sapper in military unit 55433, holding an officer rank. By 2020, he held the

position of senior reconnaissance machine gunner in military unit 55433 (12). In 2023, he continued working as a

senior reconnaissance machine gunner. He took out microloans in 2017, 2020 (1234), in 2021 he took

microloans totaling 450k rubles (1234567), and in 2022, he applied for a 50k ruble loan.

Among his VK friends are pages of Yuri Sokolov, Kirill Pukhar, Artem Soshnikov (123). Likely, all of them serve in

the same unit.


Passports: 591184176925103927510044498128

SNILS: 14881519292

Card numbers: 45844328211619334790043168191308


VK1 (видалений), VK2ОК1OK2[email protected]+79130100206Google Reviews 

Mother (likely):

Kohanovskaya Alla Vasilyevna / Кохановская Алла Васильевна (08.12.1967)

+79500502606, passport: 2512773832

Safonov Vyacheslav Yuryevich (Russian — Сафонов Вячеслав Юрьевич) 

Born on November 23, 1996, in Pskov, Pskov Oblast, Russia. According to VK, he studied at the Mariinsky Forest Technical College. In 2018, he served under contract in the Russian Armed Forces as a reconnaissance soldier.

The VK pages Pavel Gromov and Vyacheslav Safonov — all belong to the same person. In archived versions of the Pavel Gromov page, the account name is listed as Vyacheslav Safonov (1234).


VK1VK2InstOK[email protected]+79617207266


Passport: 3216733117


Safonova (Manuilova) Oksana / Сафонова (Мануйлова) Оксана  (25.04.1970)

OK[email protected]+79039087780 In 2021, she posted a resume for a cleaning position


Safonov Yuri Ivanovich / Safonov Yuriy Ivanovych (01.07.1958)


Solov'ev Nikita Alekseyevich (Russian — Соловьев Никита Алексеевич) 

Call sign/nickname: “Sibir'” (123)

Born on August 4, 2000. On his page in OK, he states that he was born in Makhachkala, but probable relatives live in Biysk and Barnaul (12345), the origin of which is further confirmed by Nikyta’s call sign (123).

In VK, he mentions that he is a graduate of the Shadrinsk Cadet School of 2015. He has served in the 40th Separate Marine Brigade (military unit 10103) since 2020.

In 2021, he was looking for a job in Novorossiysk. According to his OK page, as of 2024, he lives in Maykop, but the found registration and residence addresses are in the city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region. He has an account in an online casino.

Among the list of relatives on Nikyta’s page in OK is Elena Bulgakova (Pugach) (OK). Among the photos on her page, several childhood pictures of Mykyta have been found (1234). However, Olena has a son or grandson named Ivan (1234). Confirmation of a family connection with Mykyta has not been found. Considering the difference in surnames between Mykyta and Takuntseva Anna, who is linked to Mykyta through phone numbers in the home television account, she may be a stepmother.

He owned a Lada 217030 Priora 2012 (number: N427MN45) in 2023.

Probable addresses:

FB (deleted), InstVK1VK2VK3OK1OK2[email protected][email protected]+79612310339+79080044491+79125739259

Passport1: 3715643581 (likely invalid), passport2: 3720836327    
Driver’s license: 9902123672

Mother or Stepmother (likely):    
Takuntseva Anna Sergeyevna / Takuntseva Anna Serye'yevna (09.10.1979, passport: 3707236036, SNIOR: 06911980384, TIN: 450201974944) Registered as a sole proprietor since 2007 with retail trade as the main activity.

Podguzov Danila Yuriyevych (Russian — Подгузов Данила Юрьевич)

Podguzov Danilo Yuriyovych

Born on June 18, 1998. According to an insider, as of 2020, he worked as a firefighter in Novosibirsk. In 2022, he posted a resume, indicating that he worked as a security guard in Novosibirsk.

According to photos on social media, from 2018-2019, he served in the Airborne Forces (1234) in the 10th Special Forces Brigade (military unit 51532) under the GRU GSh (12). It is likely that as of 2022, he continued his service (12).

He has an account on the 1win betting platform. In 2023, he applied for a 5k ruble microloan and received enforcement proceedings for a debt of approximately 30k rubles (12). Similarly, in 2024, he applied for a 5k ruble microloan.

Probable address:

FB (del), VK1VK2OKMoyMir, TG id: 477864579[email protected]роdguzоv-1998@mаil.ru+79994655971+79231216721+79231149120.

Passport1: 6811994665 (likely invalid), passport2: 5018816227    
TIN: 544303347417    
SNIOR: 17725959220    
Card number: 5559493714798221

Likely mother:    
Podguzova (Zolotashkina) Tatyana Anatolyevna / Подгузова (Золоташкина) Татьяна Анатольевна (12.18.1970, FBInstVK1VK2ОКThreads[email protected]+79134812279+73834332950+73834352125) Posted photos with Danilo on personal social media pages (123456). Likely works as a hairdresser in Iskitim.

Zolotashkin Dmitriy Yurievich / Золоташкин Дмитрий Юрьевич (OK) Likely served together with Danilo (1234).

Zavyalov Konstantin Andreevich (Russian — Завьялов Константин Андреевич)

Zavyalov Konstantin Andreevich

Born on January 22, 1988. On the Russian social network OK, he states that he graduated from the Irbit Motorcycle Technical School. He served in the 340th Radio Technical Air Defense Regiment (military unit 40278), stationed in the Mirny, Samara Region village.

In 2018, he had two flights from Yekaterinburg to Sochi and back. In 2017, he flew from Sochi to Yekaterinburg and back. He worked at the car parts store LLC “TD AvtoSnab” in 2022.

From a video of an award ceremony, it is known that he holds the rank of private. Among his friends on VK, the pages of Yuriy Sokolov, Kirill Pukhary, Mykola Zimin, and Serhiy Kohanovskyi are listed (1234).

From 2006-2011, he received over 20 fines for traffic violations totaling 35k rubles (12345678910111213141516171819202122).

According to the fines, from 2006-2011, he drove the following cars:    
Mercedes (number: E312VV96)    
VAZ-2106 (number: R489OM66)    
VAZ Lada 2114 (number: N874XM96)    
VAZ Lada 1111 Oka 2004 (number: U340CA66)    
Audi 100 1988 (number: E097TV96)    
Skoda Octavia 2007 (number: K266AS96)

Probable addresses:

VKОК, TG id: 5265695251 (chats), +79538233601+79030809397.

Passport: 6509667255    
TIN: 661108130153    
SNIOR: 15485073581    
Driver’s license: 6627695174

Zavyalova (Zvereva) Irina Andreevna / Завьялова (Зверева) Ирина Андреевна (05.03.1989, OK).

Zavyalov Makar Konstantinovich / Zavyalov Makar Konstantinovich (05.15.2013) - son (12).

Kazankov Sergey Aleksandrovich (Russian — Казанков Сергей Александрович) 

Born on March 24, 1990. Worked as an installer at LLC RosDorStroy. Uses the services of microloan institutions (12). Had financial obligations — in 2019, he received enforcement proceedings for a debt of 15,300 and 16,400 rubles. He was involved in criminal cases: in 2006, he was listed in a murder case, likely as a witness. Three years later, he was sentenced for the theft of 200 rubles with the use of violence. In 2012, he received a sentence for robbery with the use of a weapon while intoxicated.

Probable addresses:

Additional information:    
Passport: 0411223010    
TIN: 244315853473    
SNIOR: 10549766777    
Card number: 5559494127882842

OK, TG id: 5889523056+79676021604

Mother (likely):    
Kazankova Natalia Eduardovna / Казанкова Наталья Эдуардовна (03.15.1969, +79135533950)

Belokurov Igor Borisovich (Russian — Белокуров Игорь Борисович)

Born on May 31, 1988, in Kemerovo Region, in Topki. He has worked in various companies, including in cleaning, metallurgy, and metalworking. He has worked as a driver, lathe operator, and molder. (Some of his places of work include cleaning company LLC KVPdriver at LLC Tukni; molder at the metallurgy company LLC Kemerovsky DSK; driver at LLC ImperiyaMoks; metallurgy company LLC TD Chalvilathe operator at LLC UK SibTenzaPribor). According to VK, as of 2024, he resides in Kemerovo.

In an award video presented by Molfar analysts, the military’s full name, rank, and position are mentioned. He is a private and holds the position of sniper.

He has regular enforcement proceedings for debts (2023 — 12; 2021 — 1; 2020 — 12; 2019 — 12; 2018 — 12). Also, traffic violations occurred in 2017 and 2015 (1234).

In 2018, he owned a car (number U226XE42). He has owned an Opel Vectra 2006 (number R797RN42) since 2024.

Probable addresses:

FB (likely), VK1VK2 (deleted), OK[email protected][email protected]+79235168003+79089429340+73845447396, +73845446480, 79234900290.

Passport: 3216683037    
TIN: 422902333703    
SNILS: 13941249567    
Card number: 5211782674182933

Podkholyuzin Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Russian — Подхолюзин Александр Александрович)

Born on February 6, 1992, in the settlement of Sibirsky, Pervomaysky District, Altai Krai. He served under contract in military unit 29532 as a squad commander in 2014-2015 (12). Later, according to an insider, he worked at LLC Machtovy Zavod and as a sales assistant at Sportmaster, likely as an additional income source (2017). He later joined AO Sibir’EnergoRemont, where he worked until 2022.

He had several enforcement proceedings (2017-2020) for debts, (2020 — 12; 2019 — debt of 2.5k rub.; 2018 — 1234; 2017 — 12). He also had traffic violations in 2017 and 2016 (12).

According to a video from an award ceremony, he holds the rank of private.

He owns a Toyota Caldina 2004 (number A649UA122). 2016 he sold an Audi A4 1996 (12).

VK (archived), MoyMir, [email protected]+79230007303

Passport: 0118466737    
TIN: 229100965582    
SNIOR: 14571990792    
Card numbers: 41548120350643554779642618514830

Probable address:    
Altai Krai, ZATSE Sibirsky, Kedrova St., building 7, apt. 21

Podkholyuzina (Pleshkova) Anastasiya Matveevna / Podkholyuzina (Pleshkovа) Anastasiya Matveevna (03.24.1992, [email protected]+79831010883, passport: 0112774235, TIN: 222501727857, SNIOR: 15101278611) Registered at Altai Krai, Barnaul, Serhiya Uskova St., building 18, apt. 121

Moysyak Dmitriy Pavlovich (Russian — Мойсяк Дмитрий Павлович) 

Born on January 2, 1997. Based on photo searches, three shared photos were found, one of which likely includes Moysyak. According to a video from an award ceremony provided to us, it is known that he is Private Moysyak Dmitriy Pavlovich. His probable position is Senior Scout.

In 2013, he graduated from Secondary School No. 1489 in Moscow, and in 2018, he graduated from the Russian University of Transport (MIIT).

VK (deleted), TW, TG id: 425880588[email protected]+74957599460+79775639124+79816669846.

Mother (likely):    
Moysyak (Pekhtereva) Elena Viktorovna / Мойсяк (Пехтерева) Елена Викторовна  (04.08.1972, VKShutterstock)

Moysyak Pavel Yuryevich / Мойсяк Павел Юрьевич (09.07.1967, +74953394874)

Moysyak Sergey Pavlovich / Мойсяк Сергей Павлович (07.22.2001, [email protected]+79851317980, passport: 4515251809)

Moysyak Georgiy Pavlovich / Мойсяк Георгий Павлович  (07.22.2001)

Passport: 4617647527    
TIN: 772824111556    
SNIOR: 15382602661

Probable addresses:    
Moscow, Uvarovsky Lane, building 3, apt. 206    
Moscow, Akademika Vargi St., building 2, apt. 431    
Moscow Region, Ramensky District, Bykovo, Shchorsa St., building 11, apt. 47    
SZAO Mitino, Moscow, Uvarovsky Lane, building 3, apt. 20

Verkhoturov Vadim Nikolaevich (Russian — Верхотуров Вадим Николаевич)

Born on September 28, 1973, in Novosibirsk. According to a video from an award ceremony, it is known that this is Verkhoturov Vadim Nikolaevich. In 1992, he graduated from the Novosibirsk Technical College of Public Catering. He worked at LLC TD Stroitelnye Materialy and LLC NKUK. In 2024, he published a resume in which he stated that he worked as deputy director at LLC “PMK.”

He likely has children.

He owned a Honda CR-V 2008 (number U224HN54) in 2023.

Probable address:    
Novosibirsk, Shirokaya St., building 137/1, apt. 109

VK[email protected][email protected]+79139185372

Passports: 50001739125018881616    
TIN: 540445238254

Raykonin Igor Stanislavovich (Russian — Райконин Игорь Станиславович) 

Born on December 22, 1998. He served under contract in the Russian Armed Forces, likely in military unit 31466 in 2020. It appears he held the position of mechanic-driver and electrician. According to a video from an award ceremony, he is a junior sergeant and holds the position of a signalman.

In 2021, he applied for microloans totaling 47k rubles (1234567). As of 2023, he was listed in the criminal offenders' database with the note "Drug Addict." As of 2022, he was using an Android device, SM-A125F.


Mother (likely):

Raykonina Polina Viktorovna / Райконина Полина Викторовна (12.04.1977)


VKInst[email protected]+79231634626


Passport: 3719786971

TIN: 450801510461

SNIOR: 13130384304

Card number: 4584432843019721

Martynova Anna Konstantinovna (Russian — Мартынова Анна Константиновна)

Born on March 29, 1997, in the city of Chani, Novosibirsk Region. She appears in several photographs with Russian military personnel. Two shared photos were found in OK (1234). Through social media analysis and photo search, an account was found on VK Anna Khrebtova, where the account Anna Sokolova is listed as a friend, which belongs to Martynova Anna Konstantinovna. She is also listed as a friend of one of the VK accounts of Sokolov Yuri and Soshnikov Artiom (12).

In 2016, she lived in Novosibirsk and worked at the passenger carriage depot in Nikolayevka in 2019. Then, in 2020, she worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Novosibirsk Region.

She is likely a civilian.

Passport: 5017641379, TIN: 541555223767;    
Listed as a friend of one of the VK accounts of Sokolov Yuri and Soshnikov Artiom (12).

Probable addresses:    
Novosibirsk, Lenina St., building 1, apt. 1    
Novosibirsk Region, Chani, Mayakovskogo St., building 43, apt. 12

FBVKInst1 (deleted), Inst2 (deleted), [email protected][email protected]+79134547020


OSINT analysts from Molfar accessed personal photos and videos of Russian military personnel transferred by individuals from their close circles. As a result, 33 occupiers were identified, including GRU special forces, paratroopers, and aerial reconnaissance service members.

  • Sokolov Yuriy Anatoliyovych
  • Belash Yevhen Oleksandrovych
  • Podguzov Danilo Yuriyovych
  • Zhylkybayev Zhanaydar Esmukanovych
  • Kokhanovskyi Serhiy Vasylovych


Elite killers who spread terror to civilians in Ukraine: Senezh — the Russian special forces. The list of liquidated

At first glance, it may seem that these “elite warriors” are a typical reflection of Russian society—drug addicts, alcoholics, and fraudsters. Indeed, their past is full of convictions, unpaid debts, fraud, and constant attempts to evade responsibility. One was convicted of drug possession, another is listed as a fraudster, and the third has at least two dozen microloans. However, what is important is that Russia is now using these individuals as weapons against Ukraine. They are dangerous occupiers bringing death to Ukraine.

Nevertheless, punishment is inevitable. Their faces, names, and crimes are recorded. They may delete accounts, change documents, or hide, but all will be found.










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