❗️ Disclaimer. The materials on this page contain scenes of cruelty, detailed description and partial demonstration of sexual deviations, calls for violence, genocide, torture, killing of innocents, rape and enslavement of people. The submitted materials contain all the signs of sexism and violation of women's rights. The Molfar OSINT community does not share any of the claims and appeals made. All the information presented in the material is only a demonstration of the criminals’ behavior mentioned in the article. This material is not propaganda of fascist ideology, but rather an investigation into the criminal activities of a fascist organization. The evidence disclosed in this material may be used to bring the perpetrators to justice for the crimes committed. The material is not recommended for study by minors.
They come to kill and loot, cut off ears and put heads on sticks, carve "swastika pattern" on their cheeks, rape women in front of their children (then advise "not to leave witnesses"), they justify torture and castration of prisoners, say "don't be afraid to kill prisoners ”, they kill and eat dogs and cats, become mesmerized from the “smell of burnt Ukrainian people” and become sexually aroused by murder. They are "DShRG Rusich". And everything described above belongs to their leader, Oleksiy Yuriyovych Milchakov, as well as to his two closest henchmens – Yan Ihoryovych Petrovsky and Raskazov Yevgeniy Eduardovych.
The first goal of this article is to show that "DShRG Rusich" is just a bunch of cowardly criminals who gained fame as terrible warriors in small battles and atrocities they committed against the civilian population. They are not warriors, they are not winners, not heroes, only perverted and very violent marauders.
The second important purpose of the material is to show the connection of "DShRG Rusich" with the private military company "Wagner", which is owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, and to provide evidence of the "DShRG Rusich" financing by the command of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. The Molfar OSINT community has evidence that the Russian Federation is officially funding a neo-Nazi group with fascist views and public calls for genocide and war crimes, and even more so, is engaging this group in training children of "military disciplines." Such is patriotic education in the view of the General Staff of the Russian Federation.
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"Rusich DShRG": summary of the investigation

Oleksiy Yuriyovych Milchakov (April 30, 1991) – in 2005 he joined the right-wing nationalist movement. In 2007, he probably joined the movement of support against illegal migration, in 2011 the organization was recognized as extremist. In 2009, he founded a training base, based on which the "Rusich" unit was founded. In 2012, he joined the 76th Airborne Assault Division. In June 2014, he went to fight in Luhansk, where he joined, together with his team, a rapid response group commanded by the GBR commander – Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Bednov, call sign "Batman". In 2014, he changed his call sign from "Fritz" to "Serb". In March 2015, he spoke at the "International Russian Conservative Forum" in St. Petersburg, which was held by the "Russian National Cultural Center – Narodnyi Dom" organization. In 2016, together with "DShRG Rusich", he held military field training for Belarusian children on the territory of the Russian Federation. He took part in the war in Syria, now in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
- in 2007 he was detained by the police together with a group of Nazis;
- in 2009, he was detained by the police in connection with the theft of 50 rubles from a minor as part of a group of persons under the threat of a knife;
- according to the insider, at least once in the period from 19.12.2021 to 19.12.2022, in Telegram he was interested in the services of a prostitute;
- torture of military personnel – probably Milchakov cut off an ear, cut a “swastika pattern” on his cheek, and was involved in cutting off the skin from the face of a Ukrainian soldier;
- animal husbandry - in 2011, Milchakov posted a photo of the puppy’s slaughter on his social media page. At the pictures, the criminal first kills the animal, then cuts off its head and eats it;
- indicates that he has no moral principles;
- feels excitement and relief when he kills a person;
- calls for war with Ukraine, torture and rape;
- according to Milchakov, Ukrainians as a nation never existed. It was a Russophobic project created by the enemies of Russia, and the Ukrainian language does not exist – it is a Russian dialect;
- the mother of Yakovlev / Milchakova, Nataliya Oleksiivna, posted a photo of herself in her youth in SS uniform, with the caption: "trial on f. "Shield and sword". Supports Nazi views, a supporter of the monarchy. She called her son to kill people;
- heathen.

Petrovskyi Yan Igorovich \ Torden Voyslav Igorevich (January 2, 1987) – Milchakov's deputy in the position of commander of "Rusich". Nickname "Slavyan". He was born in Irkutsk, his parents divorced in his childhood, after which he moved with his mother to St. Petersburg, where he lived until 2004. In 2004, he moved to Norway because his mother married a Norwegian citizen. After graduated from the University of Oslo, worked in a tattoo studio where neo-Nazis held meetings. In 2014-2015, Rusich fought in Donbas. In 2016, he was arrested and deported from Norway for extremist activities. In 2016, he became the owner of a legal entity for the purchase/sale of real estate "Estate" LLC, which has been declared bankrupt since 2018 with debts of 38m rubles (approximately $550k).
Sometimes travels to Poland, where he contacts Polish nationalist pro-Russian groups, in particular, "Zadrugy". About contacts with Poland evidenced Polish pages supporting "Rusich". In 2016, he traveled to Poland with the Russian nationalist musical group "Russian Banner".
In 2019, he changed his full name to Torden Voyslav Ihorovych. Since May 2022, he has been participating in hostilities in Ukraine.
- heathen;
- took a picture against the background of killed Ukrainian soldiers;
- was arrested in Norway in 2016 for resisting police attempts to inform him that he was subject to deportation from the country.

Rasskazov Yevgeny Eduardovich (11.05.1995) is the current commander of "Rusich" on the territory of Ukraine, participates in nationalist trends. Call sign "Topaz". He was born in Makiivka, Donetsk region. He studied at the road safety faculty of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In 2014, he left for Moscow, and then returned and joined the "Somalia" assault battalion. He is going to donate to the humanitarian aid to the soldiers. He stated that in December 2022 he opened the "Topaz Center" for the legal protection of soldiers.
- In 2022, he wished Hitler a happy birthday;
- admits that he gets sexual excitement from killing Ukrainians;
- approves the torture of the Ukrainian military;
- offers to hand over Ukrainians to the Russians as slaves;
- uses drugs;
- the deceased father Starykov Andrii Oleksandrovych was a soldier of the so-called DPR.
"DShRG Rusich": full investigation and evidence of war crimes
Russian neo-Nazi (1, 2) terrorist military group that participated in the war in eastern Ukraine, the Russian intervention in Syria and the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 as part of Russian troops. Well-known groups in social networks (VK, VK2, TG). Reported that they have 2 divisions and a training base. As of December 2022, indicated that the base is located in St. Petersburg district, Sertolovo city.
According to an interview with the founder (1, 2) of the group, the Russian neo-Nazi Oleksiy "Fritz / Serb" Milchakov, the group was founded in 2009 as a training base for a military school. However, according to the publication, the group was founded in 2014 already during the war in the east of Ukraine, by Milchakov and his deputy in "Rusich", Yan "Velyky Slavyan" Petrovsky – a Russian neo-Nazi, who from 2004 until his arrest and deportation in 2016 had a passport for residence in Norway. According to Milchakov, "DShRG Rusich" is open to children from 12 years old. In an interview in December 2020, Milchakov indicated that there are several dozen fighters in the unit.
One of the commanders of "Rusich" is a neo-Nazi from the Donetsk region. Yevhen "Topaz" Rasskazov, who actively participates in the group's media activities and runs a personal TG-public.
Participation in the war in the east of Ukraine
In 2014 belonged to group of "Batman" rapid reaction, that belonged to the so-called “LPR". According to the publication, they were involved in the destruction of the convoy of the "Aidar" battalion during the organization (1, 2) of an ambush in which more than 20 fighters of "Aidar" were killed. After this operation, they were involved in videos of torture and setting fire to the murdered.

In Autumn 2014, according to the publication, participated in the battles for the Donetsk airport. After that, the "Rusich" militants left the territory of the so-called "L/DPR" and went on vacation to the Russian Federation.
Expulsion of Rusich DShRG from the so-called "L/DPR"
In January 2015, the head of "Batman" was killed, after which, in the same month, the head of "Rusich" Milchakov announced (1, 2) that the group is no longer subject to the leadership of the so-called "LDPR", he called the self-proclaimed government “whore's children” and declared that his group will fight "both against them and against the Ukrainians”.
In the same year, Milchakov and Petrovsky received certificates from the "Union of Donbas Volunteers". After returning from vacation, the group became part of the “Ghost” brigade of the left-wing radical commander Mozgovyi.
In the fall of 2015, the group was persecuted by the MGB of LPR and redeployed to the so-called DPR, where it joined the Viking battalion. They took part in the battles near Volnovakha, the villages of Bilokamyanka and Novolaspa. In the summer of 2015, the group was withdrawn (1, 2, 3) from the territory of the so-called "luhansk people's republic and donetsk people's republic".
Financing of the "Rusich DShRG": ties to the Russian Defense Ministry

It is known that in 2017, the Rusich DShRG trained the Russian minors at training grounds belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is likely that the training by Rusich representatives was funded from the state budget.
Connections of the "Rusich DShRG" with the Wagner PMC
Media indicated the possible connection of "DShRG Rusich" with "PMC Wagner". Both the leader of the Russians, Milchakov, and the nominal leader of the Wagner group, Dmytro Utkin, served in the 76th Guards Airborne Assault Division. In the 2017 year, "DShRG Rusich" and Oleksiy Milchakov joined PMC Wagner, after which they were transferred to the Middle East to participate in the war for the government forces of Bashar al-Assad.

In VK "DShRG Rusich" there is a clip (1, 2) of "Wagner PMC" in the videos. In December 2022, a post was with a screenshot of a TW post Lucas Webber, who wrote that the "Wagner" fighter wears a Valknut, which is worn by "DShRG Rusich". Also in December 2022, there was news that "interaction between online channels Rusich and Wagner was recently recorded", but in December 2022, TG and VK groups "Rusich" and TG and VK groups "Wagner" no mutual reposts were found.
Also, document (1, 2) Vagner 4000 was found, where Yan Petrovskyi and Yevgeny Rasskazov are among the list of names.

A number of media reported on the presence of the group's training base in the Krasnodar Territory, and on the presence of a rehabilitation center in Gelendzhik, which the media previously considered "Prygozhin's appartment." The Molfar OSINT community has confirmed the location of the training ground, which is used simultaneously by "DShRG Rusich" and PMC "Wagner". Despite the publication in the media, the training ground is not located in the Krasnodar Territory, but in the Leningrad Region.
During the correspondence with the representatives of "DShRG Rusich", we managed to get confirmation about the placement of the group's training ground in Sertolovo, Leningrad region, "copper plant" district.

👉 Based on the close ties between the leadership of both armed forces and the higher hierarchy of Prigozhin's fighters, we can conclude that the training ground belongs to the "Wagner". And "DShRG Rusich" use the "Wagner" training bases in exchange for participation in armed conflicts, which are profitable and supported by the Russian Federation. We also note that the financing of militants in all cases points to Yevgeny Prigozhin and persons directly related to him.
Participation in Russia's intervention in Syria

According to publications (1, 2), the group participated in the Russian intervention in Syria.
The activities of the Rusich DShRG in Africa
According to a post in TG, they traveled to the Republic of Sierra Leone (1, 2). According to an article on ura.ru, Russian PMCs are trying to get state security contracts in Sierra Leone.

Relationship of the Rusich DShRG with the Republic of Belarus
Milchakov reported in 2016 that he trained young Belarusians, and also bought a house in the Vitebsk region.
Participation of "DShRG Rusich" in full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine
- According to publications (1, 2), participated in full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. According to a thread on 2сh, they are accepted new people with combat experience into the group. In December as "recaps of the year" 2022 write, that in mid-March the vast majority of the unit arrived in the direction of the LPR, during the intense urban battles, almost the entire personnel left for treatment, since April, a whole part of the group under the command of "Slavyan" worked in the Izyum direction. Also reported, that except for the storming of Dovgenki (Izyum), after which there were several wounded, and a misunderstanding with the army leadership and Redoubt representatives (who, according to "Rusich", did not pay compensation to any of the wounded soldiers), the group left the combat zone. Then, having gathered the main staff, the group went to the Donetsk area, where the SMO conducts its main activities with trips to various regions (temporarily limited at the end of the year until the personnel return from treatment);
- Participated (1, 2) in the Russian invasion of Ukraine in April 2022, were overturned to the Kharkiv region, where they were photographed near Vovchansk;
- According to publication BBC, in May 2022, Petrovsky and Milchakov took part in hostilities in Ukraine;
- In December 2022 published in the TG-public, a call to collect information about military facilities in the Baltic countries;
- According to the publication, the collection of data is linked to concerns about an attack by NATO countries;
- Posted in December 2022 post, that part of the unit, especially those who were wounded and are being treated in the Russian Federation, are training the mobilized. In the same month wrote, that almost all the fighters of the group received awards from the Russian Federation, state awards of the republics, departmental awards and a number of other awards;
- January 12, 2023, in the article Focus reported, that in Crimea the Russians are recruiting ex-servicemen and employees of security forces to private military companies, one of which is "Rusich".
Theft of cryptocurrency by the "DShRG Rusich" unit
According to publications (1, 2) for November 2022, "Rusich" were involved in the theft of funds that were collected for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from the crypto wallets of the "Happy New Life" charity fund.
Milchakov confirmed information about deals with drug stores, the hacking of the website of a Ukrainian charitable foundation and the theft of cryptocurrency using a malicious program.
In December 2022 write, that “it turned out to hold a number of specific events related to previously unfamiliar areas, including IT. Experience has shown that it is also necessary to work in these areas”, apparently, it is about the crypto-operations.
War crimes committed by representatives of the “Rusich DShRG”

- According to publication, the commanders of "Rusich" urge "not to leave witnesses of crimes among residents." According to a number of publications (1, 2), during its participation in the war in Ukraine in both 2014 and 2022, distinguished itself by not taking prisoners.
- In April reported that "pig massacre in Bucha we can repeat", if necessary, they will do it on a larger scale and more brutally. Also indicated, that DShRG Rusich, like other units of the power structures of the Russian Federation, are not related to the actions in Bucha.
- In Telegram are called don't be afraid to kill prisoners, and the coordinates of their graves are offered to be sold to relatives for $2-5k.
- In July 2022, on "Rusich" has been written statement regarding the verification of the group's actions for involvement in war crimes. Rasskazov in his TG-public expressed action supporting torturers of captured Ukrainian soldier.
- In September 2022, they called (1, 2) to "carpet bombing" of residential quarters of Ukrainian cities. In October 2022, they called (1) to the genocide of the adult population of Ukraine through "scientific experiments", raising male children as "slaves in the service of Russia", and girls "to be deprived of their civil rights and distributed to Russian soldiers for 2–3 persons on one soldier".

Partners of the Rusich DShRG unit
In VK indicate these organizations, signed as "Right-wing detachments on guard of the Russian spring":
- "Russian General Military Union", a Russian military organization of white emigration;
- "Varyag", a military unit of the SS;
- The "Imperial Legion", a terrorist organization, positions itself as a "Russian Orthodox national-patriotic and monarchical organization";
- "Legion of Saint Stephen", a fictitious organization of pro-Hungarian traditionalists fighting on the side of separatists in Ukraine;
- "Russian National Unity", a Russian neo-Nazi radical right-wing social movement.
Sanctions, imposed on persons associated with the unit's activities
- In 2015, Milchakov was (1, 2) included in the EU sanctions list for participation in the war in eastern Ukraine;
- In 2017, the Military Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine accused Milchakov in the murder of 40 Ukrainian soldiers;
- in September 2022, Milchakov, Petrovsky and "DShRG Rusich" were (1, 2) included in the US sanctions list for the special cruelty shown during the fighting in the Kharkiv region;
- In October 2022, Japan contributed DShRG "Rusich" on the sanction list;
- In December 2022, the "Rusich DShRG” together with the "Russian Imperial Legion", "Russian Imperial Movement", and "Union of Donbas Volunteers" were entered on the EU sanctions list, as participants in the war against Ukraine on the side of the Russian Federation.
Symbolism "DShRG Rusich"

1 – Swastika – eight-pointed swastika of ancient Slavic origin;
2 – The swastika from the letter Z and the imperial flag of the Russian Empire;
3 – Seal of Veles – Slavic amulet;
4 – Rune Teivaz, and the number 88 – which means Heil Hitler;
5 – Hammer of Thor (the Scandinavian god of thunder);
6 – an inverted Valknut. Valknut symbolizes the triunity of the world of men, gods and the dead.
Leaders of the "Rusich DShRG”: Milchakov Oleksiy

Born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), RSFSR. According to interview, in 2005 joined the right-wing nationalist movement. Probably, in 2007 he joined "DPNY" – the movement of support against illegal migration, in 2011 the organization recognized extremist. In 2009, he founded a training base, on the basis of which the "Rusich" unit was founded. In 2012, he joined the 76th Airborne Assault Division. In June 2014 went to fight in Luhansk, where he joined, together with his team, a rapid response group under the command of the GBR commander – Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Bydnov, call sign "Batman". According to article BBC, in 2014 changed the call sign from "Fritz" to "Serb". In March 2015 performed at the forum “International Russian Conservative Forum” in St. Petersburg, which was held by the organization "Russian National Cultural Center – Narodnyi Dom". In 2016, together with "DShRG Rusych"conducted military field training for Belarusian children on the territory of the Russian Federation.
- in 2007 there was detained militia together with a group of Nazis;
- in 2009 there was detained by the police in the case of theft of 50 rubles from a minor as part of a group of persons under the threat of a knife. During the search of Milchakov's apartment, the following were seized: a folding knife, 9 issues of the newspaper Slavyanska hromada, a treatise on the manufacture of explosives and mechanisms, two flash cards with nationalist content, photo albums with Nazi photos. At that time, Milchakov studied in the 10th grade;
- held in June 2022 meeting with the state deputy Duma of the Russian Federation – Oleksii Oleksandrovich Zhuravlev;
- according to an insider, at least once in the period from 19.12.2021-19.12.2022 in TG was interested in the services of prostitutes;
- probably Milchakov: cut off the ear, cut a circle on the cheek, and was involved in cutting off the skin from the face of a Ukrainian fighter;
- in an interview, says that he is a Nazi;
- in October 2015, one of the first become a member of the "Union of Volunteers of Donbass";
- informs that his relatives reacted positively to the fact that he went to war. According to Milchakov, mother said: "Go! And kill more those who want to kill us”;
- claims to have been lucky enough to have a Batman membership card number 1488 (a neo-Nazi code);
- in an interview in December 2020 informs, that for him, it is primarily his favorite thing to do – to kill the enemy for Russia;
- from words ща Milchakov, a woman – maybe a person, maybe not a person;
- indicates, that he has no moral principles;
- pagan;
- in his VK in August 2017 wrote "Where is the titular nation of Chechens?". He mocks that Russia will live without this nationality. In December 2020, in an interview, he indicated that he has changed attitude towards Chechens because there are among them adequate, who live in the "imperial spirit" and are ready to kill even their own for Russia. In general, does not meet the question about Chechens because Ramzan Kadyrov has already banned him from Instagram three times and is worried that he will say too much.
Animal husbandry committed by Milchakov
In 2011, Milchakov posted a photo of the massacre of a puppy on his social media page. In the pictures, he first kills the animal, then cuts off its head and eats it.
Under his post, Milchakov posted a comment: "Animals also have rights and I respect their right to be 1 - tasty, 2 - fried, 3 - not to have many veins and bones; today I was once again convinced that a dog is not only a friend of man, but also a good barbecue).”
He himself took these photos, placed on his VK page, which he later deleted. But due to the widespread indignation of users, the story gained publicity and a photo broke up internet
A collective appeal was made to the Prosecutor's Office of the Admiralty District of St. Petersburg, which was supported by more than 5.5k people. Under the pressure of the public, a prosecutor's check was conducted due to the publication of the pictures.
In 2015, in an interview, he stated that the photo with the puppies was a montage. In an interview in 2020, he said that he would tell about dogs if he was given a "Fortuna" thermal imager.
Records and photos posted on Oleksiy Milchakov's VK page indicated that he has Nazi beliefs. Yes, in one of the photos, Milchakov was taken with the flag of the Third Reich in his hands. Also on the page there was a note with a call to slaughter homeless people, puppies and children, and further – "run away from bitches and betray your own people".
Despite the widespread public outcry, a criminal case was not opened against the Milchakov on the charge of fur-breeding, and Oleksiy himself disappeared from St. Petersburg for a while.
According to article on Chapter97, Milchakov was also brought to administrative responsibility for shooting in an unauthorized place, displaying fascist symbols and violating fire safety rules.
In December 2020 indicates, that when he kills a person, he feels excitement and relief that one problem has become less.
Sanctions imposed on Oleksiy Milchakov
- In 2015, Milchakov was (1, 2) included in the EU sanctions list;
- In September 2022, Milchakov, Petrovsky and "DShRG Rusich" were (1, 2) included in the US sanctions list for the special cruelty shown during the fighting in the Kharkiv region.
Participation in hostilities
The war in the east of Ukraine:
Milchakov fought in the "Batman" detachment – first in Luhansk, and then took participation in the battles for the Donetsk airport. According to article Violence Marker, already fighting in Ukraine in 2015, took part in a discussion with the Nazi – Denys Vykhorev on radio "Azov", about the attitude of the Russian Nazis to this conflict. In 2014 took a picture against the background of the killed Ukrainian soldiers in Donbas. In September 2018 did congratulatory note "Congratulations" that I made on September 5, 2014, many wives as widows, and children as orphans. According to Milchakov, his unit was declared wanted by the so-called "Ministry of State Security" of the so-called "LPR" due to political ambitions. Says that killed militants of Ukrainian unit Aidar were delicious smelled fried, and the recipe "Roasted pork in Aidarov style with dill" was born.
Hatred of Ukrainians and Ukraine:
- indicates in his VK that Ukrainians as a nation never existed. It was Russophobic project, which was created by Russia's enemies;
- indicates that the Ukrainian language does not exist – this is Russian dialect;
- by the word of Milchakov, the Ukrainian language is mumbling, grunting, shouts of "Glory to Ukraine", messy fragments of Polish, as well as profanity used by drunken slips;
- urges to fight with Ukraine, torture and rape it;
- calls Ukrainian soldiers "dill”.
War in Syria:
According to the article, Milchakov was a mercenary in Syria as part of the "Wagner" group. He was spotted in a photo of Wagner PMC fighters at a base located near the Khayan plant in the Syrian province of Homs. It was noted, that in 2018, when asked where he was now, Milchakov lied that he was busy building the Crimean bridge.
Full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 2022:
According to publication, in May 2022, Petrovskyi and Milchakov took part in hostilities in Ukraine.
In the summer of 2022, propagandist Sladkov laid out video, the interception of a Russian UAV, which also involved Milchakov. According to media reports, in April 2022 he was wounded near Luhansk.
- 2020: Czar.TV editor-in-chief Egor Prosvyrnin is on the air of "Tsarskogo Televydeniya" on the YT channel CzarTalks calls Milchakov is a legend and a representative of the modern Russian aristocracy, for whom war is a holiday and an opportunity for career growth;
- 12'2022: in an interview with Z-FM radio editor-in-chief Danyil Chernykh noted, that for him Milchakov is not a controversial personality because those who criticize him are sitting on Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg sofas, and he and his unit all these years did not go playing and did not talk, but engaged in the training of new fighters. Chernykh also listed Milchakov in the list of people who for 8 years continue to give their time, money and life for the sake of their Motherland.
- Bednov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych / Bednov Oleksandr Oleksandrovych (29.08.1969 - 01.01.2015) – the commander of the "Batman" group, which included "DShRG Rusich", according to one version, was killed by fighters of the Wagner group;
- Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Zhuravlev (30.06.1962, OK) – head of the All-Russian political party "Rodyna";
- Isayeva Elizaveta Konstantinovna (24.12.1987, VK, +79671150520, skype:Lizochka987, passport: 4608025611) – girlfriend of Milchakov. Judging by the posts in VK, he is engaged in paramilitary activity (1, 2). Address for 2012: Pushkino, st. Chekhov 9, apt. 12.
In an interview for 2020 says that his father, grandfather, and mother are Russian. Earlier reported that grandfather was an Australian communist, came to fight in Russia in 2017. Indicates that his father and grandfather (1, 2) and all men for 7 generations whom he knows were military. Biographical articles reported about Milchakov (1, 2), that the mother raised Oleksiy herself, having given birth to him at 45 from a naval officer. According to Oleksii, the father was a participant in the Chechen war and got into trouble. He notes that he was watching the movie "Purgatory", which his parents forbade him to watch, through a gap in the wall. Film "Purgatory” – Russian military drama of 1997, based on the events of the storming of Grozny in the winter of 1994-1995, contains brutal scenes of violence, prohibited for television.
- Yakovleva / Nataliya Oleksiivna Milchakova (22.05.1949, FB, FB2, FB3, VK1 (deleted, archive), VK2, OK, OK2 [email protected], +79500090830 (inactive), skype: trapmill1901, natali-trapmill, ICQ, passport: 4004942304, Fotostrana.ru (closed)) – mother, there were in VK for 2019 message from a woman who personally acquaintance with Natalya, that Oleksiy is not Natalya Milchakova's natural son, but adopted. Published a photo of herself in his youth in the uniform of the SS, with the caption: "probe na f. "Shield and Sword"". According to Milchakov in 2014, mother said: "Go ahead! And kill more those who want to kill us." At description in the FB profile, the letter "z". Supports war in Ukraine. Indicates that the swastika carries positive energy, uses the words "Jews" in bad context. She made in December 2001 administrative offense under Article 164 – non-fullfilment by parents or persons who replace them of the duties of upbringing and education of children. In 2009 write that she is a retired beggar who does not work anywhere. Performs in 2009 for the monarchy. She notes, there are no normal people. I show that “what the men could not give, because of their mental wretchedness, then a woman will bring up in her child. And do not argue that we do not know how to educate. And there is no resentment against men. We are using you, thank you for that!”. Nataliya wrote, that it is necessary to beat her children because she did not beat hers, and now he threatens to kill her, swears at her every day and waits for her to have a stroke. Address for 2021: St. Petersburg Galernaya 29-A. sq. 30(20) (1, 2);
- Lydiya Egorivna Milchakova / Lydiya Egorovna Mylchakova (May 29, 1925, passport: 4040671782) – probably a grandmother. According to an insider, member of the second World War, labor veteran. Address for 2021: St. Petersburg Galernaya 29-A. sq. 30 (20) (1, 2);
- Yuri – father. Oleksii points out that his father was a military, was always for him as example. For December 2020, Oleksiy notes it is happening that he is arguing with his father, but he has the right to it, considering his military experience. He reports that his father does not always agree with him. According to Oleksiy, the father was a participant in the Chechen war and got into trouble;
- Ardanova Daryna Eduardivna (21.02.1994, VK, [email protected], +79052442399, +79280373795 (неактивний), +380995554599, TG id: 1424023087, Russian passport: 4120011742, TIN of the Russian Federation: 020535886770, SNILS rf: 47250108735, Ukrainian passport: ЕН 765805) – civilian wife. Militant of the Rusich DShRG, call sign Talisman. In the phone books she is signed as "Serb's wife", "hole". Ukrainian address: Kyiv, Shchorsa 36-A (dormitory). She has her own Instagram store with clothes (last post in 2017). According to insiders, in 2021, she worked as a teacher at Lyceum #387 in St. Petersburg.
- In Telegram, she is interested (1, 2) by military conflicts and hot spots, subscribes to pro-Russian channels, is a member of the "Russian Nationalist" community.
- Georgy Yakovlev (VK, [email protected], +79116968924) – presumably the brother, according to VK, lives in Pskov, works in LLC "Techno Project” manufacturer of automobile gas filling stations;
- YakovlevTatiana (21.12.1987, VK) – is her brother's wife. According to VK, she works at Pskov State University;
- Tsilynska (Kharlamova) Yuliya Mykhailivna (10/24/1989, +79999614880, [email protected], Russian passport: 4212759305) – a lover, possibly an ex. Former paratrooper of the Russian Federation until 2014. According to article until 2014, "UNIAN" participated in neo-fascist congresses, where she met future terrorists from the "Rusich" detachment. After September 2014 worked at the FSS, engaged in recruiting soldiers. In 2014 was a fighter of the "Rusich" detachment, attacked checkpoints of fighters of the "Aidar" battalion in the village of Metalist, Luhansk region.
Relatives of common-law wife:
- Zakharova/Ardanova/Yurchenko Elvira Vasylivna (29.01.1972, VK, OK, [email protected], +39050224007, passport: EK351788, TIN: 2632616342) is the mother of the common-law wife. Address in Luhansk – Volkova 9, quarter 106;
- Zakharov Ivan (OK) – the brother of the common-law wife. Probably a cadet (1, 2).
Contacts: +79522307420, +79500498430, VK1, VK2 (deleted, archive), VK3 (deleted, archive), TG id:1270431558, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Additional Information
- in 2018 owned a BMW X3XDRIVE2 5SI 2009 License plate: A279MU178. VIN: Х4ХРС78499WA47811;
- known passwords: devidlein08522580, devidlein14;
- documents: passport: 4011283854, old passport: 4005600255, TIN: 020278530648, SNILS: 20278530648;
- football fan teams "Zenith";
- address 1: Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, st. Galernaya 53A, sq. 30 – parents' address, lived here until 2015;
- address 2: Leningrad region, St. Petersburg, st. Galernaya 56, apt. 20 – registration on 2021;
- in 2013 visited Montenegro and Serbia (1, 2). In an interview in 2015 informs, that he has the call sign "Serb", does not reveal why, but indicates a connection with the country;
- visited Serbia in 2014;
- smoke;
- badly pronounces the letter "r";
- uses alcohol;
- quotes excerpts from the story "Taras Bulba";
- considers, that 80% of Russian women are not a worthy example of a Russian woman, calls them "prostitutes".
Known photos of Oleksiy Milchakov

Leaders of the "Rusich DShRG”: Jan Petrovsky

According to article Medusa, was born in Irkutsk, his parents divorced when he was a child, after that, he moved with his mother to St. Petersburg, where he lived until 2004, during his school years he was fond of historical reconstructions.
From 2004 to 2016 he lived in Norway, as the mother married a Norwegian citizen. Finished school in Tansberg, then entered the faculty of graphic design at one of the universities in Oslo.
Connection with neo-Nazis:
In Norway entered into a pagan group. Worked in the True Metal Tattoo salon in Oslo, where neo-Nazis gathered, and in 2010, the Norwegian police found the weapon of a Russian neo-Nazi Vyacheslav Datsik in the salon, whom Petrovsky settled with himself. In 2011 drove to St. Petersburg, where he met Milchakov. In 2014, together with a Russian neo-Nazi Stanislav Prykhodko visited in Sweden and took part in the Swedish ultra-right on May 1 in Jönköping, which was accompanied by clashes with local anti-fascists.
The war in the east of Ukraine:
In 2014-2015, he fought with the Rusich DShRG in Donbas. Deputy of Milchakov as commander of "Rusich", leading military instructor, chef and commandant. Call sign – "Veliki Slavian"/"Slavyan". Member of the "Union of Donbass Volunteers" in the so-called "ldpr". So on the list “Wagner 4000”. It is reported, he was familiar and corresponded with military volunteer from the "Azov" battalion by Mikael Skillt from Sweden. Photographed against the background of killed Ukrainian soldiers.

Deportation from Norway:
Due to participation in military operations in Donbas, in 2015 the Norwegian authorities deprived his shotgun license.
In February 2016 came back to Norway and participated in walking patrols organized by the local movement "Soldiers of Odin", which monitored law and order on the streets. In October 2016, Petrovskyi's lawyer, Nils Christian Noordhus, received a notification from the Migration Service about revoking Petrovskyi's residence permit due to extremist activities. Two weeks later, while detained by the police, Petrovsky resisted, and five days later he was deported from Norway.
Business in the Russian Federation:
In 2016, he became the owner of a legal entity, Estate LLC, in St. Petersburg, with a classification: purchase/sale of own real estate. In 2018, PJSC "Baltiysky Investment Bank" turned to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg with a statement to declare LLC "Estate" bankrupt due to a debt of 38m rubles (approximately $550k). The court recognized LLC "Estate" as bankrupt and opened bankruptcy proceedings, which are still in effect.
In April 2019 changed full name to Torden Voyslav Ihoryovych. In 2021 got A COVID-pass in Moscow, where the direction indicated “None of your business” in the column, and the destination address was St. Petersburg.
Relations with Poland:
According to publication, travels to Poland, where he contacts Polish nationalist pro-Russian groups, in particular, "Zadrugy". Contacts with Poland are also evidenced by Polish pages supporting Rusich. In addition, in 2016 he traveled to Poland together with the Russian nationalist musical group "Russian Banner".
Full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine:
According to publications (1, 2), in 2022, "Rusich" fighters take part in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In 2022, Petrovsky and Milchakov took participation in the first battles near Kharkov, where Milchakov was wounded, and Petrovsky took command.
In July 2022 was in St. Petersburg at the funeral of the militant "Stone", who died in Ukraine in May 2022.
From September 2022 introduced to the sanctions lists of the USA, EU, Switzerland, Japan, and New Zealand.
- Arrest in Norway in 2016:
In 2016, he was arrested in Norway for resisting an attempt by the police to inform him that he was subject to deportation from the country (1, 2, 3, 4). At the time of the arrest, he was in the town of Tensberg at Ronnie Bordsen's house, where Petrovsky was registered.
- He is pagan.
- Mikael Skillt – a Swedish nationalist who joined the "Azov" battalion in 2014. According to publications (1, 2, 3) a friend of Petrovsky, with whom he kept in touch even after joining to "Azov";
- Ronnie Bordsen - Petrovsky – a Norwegian nationalist, was registered with Yan in the apartment;
- Ardanova Daryna Eduardivna (21.02.1994, VK, [email protected], +79052442399, +79280373795 (inactive), +380995554599, TG id: 1424023087, passport of the Russian Federation: 4120011742, TIN of the Russian Federation: 020535886770, SNILS rf: 47250108735, Ukrainian passport: ЕН 765805) – Milchakov's common-law wife, are in contact (1, 2) via phone numbers;
- Tsilynska (Kharlamova) Yuliya Mykhailivna (24.10.1989, +79999614880, [email protected], Russian passport: 4212759305) – Milchakov's lover and a combatant of the "Rusich" detachment, has communication by phone;
- Prikhodko Stanislav – a Russian neo-Nazi, together they were onto ultra-right in Sweden;
- Datsik Vyacheslav – Russian neo-nazi, before his deportation from Norway, lived with Petrovskyi.
Relations with PMC Wagner:
According to publication, has joint photos with now dead mercenary from “PMC Wagner” Voskanyan Oleksandr (VK (del)).
In addition, there are a number of mercenaries from the Wagner PMC, among others, who are "friends" on VK:
- Alexey Olegovich Bolgazin (08.08.1984, VK, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], +79533606947, +79006209120) – in 2001, he was prosecuted for living without a passport or residence permit, and violation of the procedure for engaging in handicrafts and other individual labor activities; in the same year, he violated traffic rules, which led to minor injuries or material damage. In 2009, he was registered as a security guard with the security company Kombat LLC. Probably a mercenary from the Wagner PMC;
- Denis Fedoseev (05.09.1988, VK1 (deleted), VK2 (deleted)) – according to the Myrotvorets website, he was a mercenary for E.N.O.T. CORP and the Wagner PMC;
- Sergey Petrov (15.10.1988, VK1 (deleted), VK2 (deleted, archive)) – according to the Myrotvorets website, he was a mercenary for E.N.O.T. CORP and the Wagner PMC;
- Maltsev Alexander (VK (deleted, archive)) – according to the Myrotvorets website, a mercenary from the Wagner PMC;
- Ivan Anatolievich Kovalev (25.08.1986, VK) – according to the Myrotvorets website, the mercenary from E.N.O.T. CORP is now allegedly involved with the Wagner PMC;
- Sergey Khrapov (09.12.1984, VK (deleted, archive)) – according to the Myrotvorets website, a mercenary from the Wagner PMC;
- Emil Khachaturov (27.11.1989, VK (deleted, archive)) – according to the Myrotvorets website, a mercenary from the Wagner PMC.
Contacts: +79632475395, +79111881408, TG id 177958784, @VelikiSlavian, subscriptions (1, 2), TG, VK, FB (del), Pinterest [email protected], skype:[email protected].
Additional information:
- username: velikislavian, tordent;
- old passport of the Russian Federation: 4007352926, new passport: 4018295549;
- TIN of the Russian Federation: 783904676863;
- According to insiders, since 2003, he has been renting an apartment from his unnamed son at 4 A, 1-st Krasnoarmeyskaya St., St. Petersburg, apartment 6
Leaders of the "Rusich DShRG”: Yevheniy Rasskazov

He was born in Makiivka, Donetsk region. In 2012, he visited with his father (1, 2) Russian Federation In 2013 he studied (1, 2, 3) at the road safety faculty of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, however left studying even before the invasion of the Russian Federation in 2014. According to the article, fellow students mocked him because Yevgeny did not wash himself, and sat on a cactus because of a lost dispute.
According to article, after the invasion of the Russian Federation in 2014, became a policeman of the so-called DPR. Declares, that after the DPR referendum in 2014, he left for Moscow, and then returned to join the resistance and joined the "Somalia" assault battalion. The "Somalia" battalion took part in the battles for Sloviansk and Ilovaisk, the siege and storming of the Donetsk airport. In 2015, groups entered to the sanctions list of the EU and Canada.
“PMC Wagner”, “DShRG Rusich”:
Acting Commander "Rusich" on the territory of Ukraine, call sign "Topaz". In April 2022 at interview was dressed in the military uniform of "DShRG Rusich". In October 2022, he gave an interview, in which he stated that he was a mercenary of PMC Wagner. Yevgeny is listed in the "Vagner 4000" list.
Media activity, volunteering:
In 2019, he began by publishing memes on military topics in TG channel, group VK “Topaz_Govorit”, since 2020, began filming interviews with DPR fighters and opened YT "TOPAZ Show" channel. He participated in nationalist streams and was a reporter for Tsarskoye TV (Royal Television).
In 2020, he created his own TG channel, Makeevske Sizo, where he posted his chanson songs until September 2021.
March 31, 2022, posted the next message: “Gentlemen, the admin is going camping. Reports on all applicable fees will be provided on the channel. Take care of Russia, love and your immortal souls. All goodness, truth and beauty.” Take donations through the TG channel “Topaz_Govorit” and website. In December 2022 published video of cars and medicines bought with donations for soldiers of the 33rd motorized rifle regiment.
Human Rights Center:
In December 2022 stated that he is working on the creation of the "Topaz Center", the main function of which will be human rights protection activities, directed for the protection of a Russian soldier, journalist, volunteer and any other person who fights for the greatness and security of Russia. The staff of "Topaz Center" already has 4 lawyers working on a volunteer basis, as well as purchased equipment for the studio. Asked for the donates on the development of the center.
Hatred of Ukrainians and Ukraine. In his TG wrote, that the heads of Ukrainian fighters are already decorating the fences of houses in the so-called "liberated" territories, their genitals are being eaten by dogs, and Russian soldiers are decorating Army albums with their ears. Justify a Russian soldier cutting off the genitals of a Ukrainian soldier on video. Expressed hope that after the end of SMO (Russian-Ukrainian war in propaganda channels is called Special Military Operations), Ukrainians will be handed over to the Russians as slaves.
Hitler's birthday wishes, fascist and imperialist views:
In 2012, he posted a photo with fascist symbols in VK (1, 2, 3), pictures of the invading empire from the movie "Star Wars" (1, 2, 3) and separatist posts (1).

Confessions of obtaining sexual excitement from the murders of Ukrainians:
According to the publication, which includes a fragment of a stream where Rasskazov admits that he gets sexual excitement from killing Ukrainians: “When a person goes to war – this is the same sexual attraction. It's like wanting to fuck. It's like wanting a woman. When you kill a piglet – everyone understands who I call a piglet – you enjoy that his wife is a widow. You savor how they cry with the whole family, how he will come home in a coffin. And an erection appears!”.
Drug use:
According to stream, uses drugs. In 2012, VK published (1, 2) a photo in which he breathes out yellow smoke from his mouth, probably from drugs.
- Leshchenko Valeriia Oleksandrivna / Лещенко Валерия Александровна (15.01.1996, VK, +380991520618, +380951887455, +380632728883, [email protected], skype:asterisk7447, live:lera_party) – most likely a wife/ex-girlfriend. In 2018, she had a residence permit in Makiivka (Donetsk region);
- Rasskazova Vanda Ivanovna / Рассказова (Селиванова) Ванда Ивановна (11.12.1977, VK (1, 2), OK, +79256424706, +79652010140, TG id 1027874656, @vandarass, subscriptions (1, 2), [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], skype: xzibet2, TIN: 2846911124) – mother, in the OK indicates the location Moscow. Her known address is Makiivka, Voskhyi 9 block, apartment 60. In TG, she subscribes to Russian military groups, recruitment and groups labeled "blackmail";
- Rasskazova (Boyko) Valeria / Рассказова Валерия Николаевна (07.05.1985, OK, [email protected]) – a relative living in Donetsk. In 2013, the email [email protected] was listed on a forum in the topic of getting rid of her husband's alcoholism;
- Andriy Oleksandrovych Starykov / Стариков Андрей Александрович (21.03.1974, OK, ІПН: 2710816397) – father. In 2012, he visited Russia with his son. In OK, he spread anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian posts (1, 2, 3). He died in 2018, probably during the hostilities because he served in the army of the so-called DPR together with a soldier Andriy Shishatsky (ОК);
- Yuri Ivanovich Starykov / Стариков Юрий Иванович (12.06.1966, OK) – uncle, together with Evgeny’s brother, live in Samara region. In 2018, he worked in fire safety;
- Sergey Starykov / Стариков Сергей (25.03.1959, ОК) – relative. He has a wife, Starykova Lyubov (22.01.1967, ОК). He evades paying alimony. Likewise, he owns Gothic LLC (stone cutting, processing and finishing);
- Marina Starykova / Старикова Марина (18.12, ОК) – a relative. In December 2022, she posted a post on OK grieving the death of Andrii Starykov. Raskazova Vanda is a friend on OK;
- Anatoliy Horbokon (01.10.1949, OK) – probably grandfather;
- Matvienko Lyudmila (06.05.1973, OK) – aunt, Starykov's father Andriy in the OK lists her as his sister.
Contacts: TG1, TG2, VK1, VK2, VK3, VK4, YT, +380506661540, +79236066081, [email protected], skype: rasskazvz, site.
Additional information:
- Sberbank card 5336 6902 0534 8305 (initials “Евгений Эдуардович”), Tinkoff Bank card 5536 9140 2166 4473, Qiwi wallet 4890494704651223;
- Russian passport: 6021260824, 9316032515;
- TIN of Ukraine: 3482912835;
- known address: 23A Vikova St., Donetsk region, Donetsk.
Conclusions: the activities of the neo-Nazi group "Rusich DShRG" are beneficial to the Russian Armed Forces
Based on the results of the investigation, we can testify to the maximum integration of the “Rusich DShRG” into the military processes of the Russian Federation. The Rusich DShRG militants took part in many conflicts on the side of the Russian Federation: as an independent group and as a separate unit within the Wagner Group. The continued cooperation between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Rusich DShRG is evidenced by the neo-Nazis' participation in the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on the side of Russian troops, as well as the receipt of state awards for this participation. According to the leaders of the Rusich DShRG: "Almost all the fighters of the group received awards from the Russian Federation, state awards of the republics, departmental awards and a number of other awards." The fact of continued cooperation is also evidenced by the recruitment of mercenaries on behalf of the Rusich DShRG in the temporarily occupied Crimea.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not going to accuse the Rusich group of war crimes or investigate cases of ill-treatment and killing of prisoners, which is expressly prohibited by the Geneva Convention. For a terrorist state, this behavior of the military is not new. They turn a blind eye to crimes in exchange for a single favor – the continuation of military operations on the side of Russia. In this regard, the Rusich DShRG fully meets the expectations of the Russian Defense Ministry.
The ties of the Rusich DShRG with Yevgeny Prigozhin, the Wagner PMC and the Russian Ministry of Defense are yet another proof that the terrorist Russian Federation is ready to use any means to achieve its aggressive goals.
Even if these "means" are uncontrollable perverts and looters who pray to Hitler and dream of enslaving women, shooting unarmed men, and killing children.
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