Laura Loomer: "Queen of Proofs" With no Proofs, Trump’s Propagandist, and Ukraine-Hater


Laura Loomer's account on X has a million followers, and her posts with blatantly questionable information garner tens and hundreds of thousands of likes. Laura is not a supporter of Ukraine. In 2022, she compared Russia's invasion of Ukraine to illegal immigration to the United States. To find out who Laura Loomer is, her connections with Trump, and how she plays into the hands of the Kremlin, read Molfar's exposé.


Laura Loomer and Her Connection with Donald Trump

Laura Loomer is a self-proclaimed investigative journalist. She dreams of becoming Donald Trump's press secretary, but their "friendship" likely began long ago. For instance, in 2015, when Laura worked at Project Veritas, the organization received a $10k donation (1, 2, 3) from Donald Trump.

Project Veritas is an American organizationfounded by James O'Keefe in 2010. It conducts investigations and journalistic provocations. The organization is known for its undercover videos, capturing various incidents and activities that, in their view, demonstrate unethical or illegal behavior by individuals and organizations. Project Veritas is often accused of using manipulative editing techniques and engaging in unethical journalism.

In June 2017, Loomer and Jack Posobiec—an alt-right activist and supporter (1, 2) of then-President Trump — attempted to disrupt the play Julius Caesar, which drew parallels between the Roman emperor and Trump. Loomer was arrested and charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Laura Loomer and Donald Trump
Loomer and Trump Playing Golf. November 2023. Source of the Photo — Facebook

In 2023, Laura Loomer's mother, Joanna Elizabeth Loomer, posted joint photos of Loomer and Trump on her Facebook page, mentioning their shared visit to a golf club in New Jersey. According to Joanna, Laura, and Trump are friends.

Donald Trump has posted a video captioned, "Thank you, Laura!" In the video, Laura Loomer responds to a question about why she is still single. She candidly admits that it's because she is obsessed with Trump. When her partner once pointed this out, she told him that Trump was “more important.”

"Yes, that’s true. Because Trump is more important than you. Trump is going to save our country. So, you must understand that President Trump is more significant than you. And if you think you’re more important than President Trump, then you probably have some kind of personality disorder. Needless to say, that was the end of that relationship. President Trump is now my number one priority."

Anti-Vaxxer: How Loomer Spreads Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation

Laura Loomer is a proponent of conspiracy theories, particularly those involving Big Pharma. This conspiracy theory suggests that large pharmaceutical companies inflate drug prices and ignore or discredit alternative treatments. Laura has written about this multiple times on her social media (1234). She also spreads anti-vaccine rhetoric. Loomer’s Facebook account follows a user named Yisroel Chaivkayam who is also actively spreading anti-vaccine messages (123).

Laura Loomer posts fakes
"Ultrasound Can Administer Vaccines into the Body Without Needles," Writes Laura

Laura Loomer has also shared (1, 2) videos from the SGH SG Anon account on the video hosting platform Rumble via Facebook. These videos include content related to the Deep State conspiracy theory (1, 2).

On X, Loomer follows the account of Bret Weinstein. This user shares posts from American ultra-conservative journalist and Putin favorite Tucker Carlson. Bret Weinstein promotes anti-vaccine rhetoric, identifies with the anti-vaccine movement, and calls himself a "professor in exile."

What propaganda does Loomer publish?

In addition to spreading propaganda and disinformation on X, Laura Loomer also runs a Telegram channel. 

March 2, 2022: Loomer Called for the Removal of Ukrainian Flags, Describing Them as “Disgusting”

In March 2022, Ukrainian flags were displayed in the U.S. Congress as part of the widespread support from the American government and the public. During this time, Congress passed several resolutions condemning Russia's invasion and calling for increased sanctions against Russia. However, Laura Loomer posted on Telegram, urging the removal of the Ukrainian flag.

Screenshot of Laura Loomer's post

March 24, 2022: “Low-Skilled Migrants from the Middle East”

Another Telegram Post from March 2022 — Laura claimed that under the guise of Ukrainian refugees, permission might be granted for individuals from the Middle East to enter.

**What Laura Loomer is posting**

June 1, 2022: “Drugs Are Deadlier Than Tanks"

Laura, in a manner typical of Russian propaganda, cynically claimed in another post that more Americans have died from drugs smuggled in by Chinese spies and illegal migrants. She asserted that this number exceeds the number of Ukrainian civilians killed as a result of the Russian invasion.

Laura Loomer's Telegram post

It's worth noting that, according to approximate estimates, over 20,000 civilians were killed in Mariupol alone. By the end of 2023, the UN reported over 9,000 civilian deaths and 17,000 injuries while also clarifying that the actual numbers are likely significantly higher due to the difficulties in counting amid ongoing combat operations.

December 23, 2022: Loomer Called for Ukraine to Surrender to Russia

Screenshot of Laura Loomer's Twitter post

February 5, 2024: Doesn’t Like Ukraine Because… She’s Never Been Here?

In December 2023, she propagated that supporting Ukraine could lead to the outbreak of World War III. (1, 2).

What Laura Loomer is posting on social media X
Photo of Laura Loomer from social media X
Photo of Laura Loomer from a Post on X, December 8, 2022. After Her Ban Was Lifted on the Social Network.

July 14, 2024: Laura Loomer Posted Unverified Information About an Assassination Attempt on Trump

Screenshot - Laura Loomer reposting fakes

Shortly after the assassination attempt on Trump, a video allegedly filmed by the shooter began circulating in the media. The young man with long blonde hair says to the camera, "I hate Republicans, I hate Trump." His photo was also posted on X. However, it was later revealed that the video was a fake. The clip and photo likely belong to a prank blogger @jewgazing, who resembles the shooter. The prankster @jewgazing has since hidden his posts on X.

Who is Laura Loomer? 

On the social network X, she calls herself the "queen of receipts." On LinkedIn, she also claims to have worked as an editor for WSVN (Channel 7) since 2013. However, we could not find Laura listed on the company's website. However, we could not find Laura listed on the company's website.

She frequently mentions her work with Project Veritas, but the details of this organization's work are somewhat ambiguous. She worked for this organization for about a year, from 2015 to 2016.

At the beginning of her career, she used the pseudonym Lima.

In 2015, Project Veritas conducted a campaign attempting to identify potential ISIS supporters among U.S. university administrations. As part of this campaign, Laura Loomer, who was then a student at Barry University, secretly recorded a video using a hidden camera. The video includes edited clips of dialogue exchanges. It was released with the interpretation that the university fully supported the establishment of an ISIS support club.

Following this incident, Laura was suspended (1, 2) from the university. One professor in the video sued her for secretly recording the conversation without consent.

Laura Loomer ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020
Laura Loomer Ran for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020, but she lost.

From 2020 to 2023, she collaborated as a reporter with the far-right publication InfoWars, known for spreading fake news and conspiracy theories (1, 2).

Laura Loomer deanonymized

Laura Loomer photo

Born: May 21, 1993

Full Name: Laura Elizabeth Loomer

Social Media:

XLinkedInInstagramTelegramYouTubeRumbleGab SocialGettrPinterest

Laura has multiple Facebook accounts.



Readers (as of February 2024)

Laura Loomer

Digital Creator, last post February 15, 2024


Laura Loomer

Journalist, last post from February 10, 2024


Laura Loomer

Digital Creator, last post February 11, 2024


Laura Loomer

Active, last post from February 15, 2024, posts multiple times a day. First post: February 2024


Laura Loomer

Active, last post from February 15, 2024, posts multiple times a day


Laura Loomer

Active, last post from February 15, 2024, posts multiple times a day


Laura Loomer

Digital Creator, last post November 1, 2023


Laura Loomer

Last post from February 10, 2024 


Laura Loomer


Laura Loomer

Last post from February 14, 2024


Laura Loomer


Laura Loomer (Elizabeth)

Last post February 15, 2024, posts multiple times a day. First post: December 17, 2023


Laura Loomer


Laura Loomer’s Family

Joanna Elizabeth Loomer (Hill) — mother

Joanna Elizabeth Loomer - Mother of Laura Loomer

Social media: FBInstPinterest.

She was born in 1966 (1, 2, 3). According to Facebook, she was born in Bath, United Kingdom. She likely graduated from nursing school there in 1987. In 1990, she moved to the United States. She works as a hospice nurse. She supports Donald Trump. Has two dogs (1, 2). According to a post in Laura's Spanish-language blog, Joanna was adopted.

Jeffrey Brian Loomer — father

Jeffrey Brian Loomer - Father of Laura Loomer

Born on February 16, 1958. Graduated from the School of Medicine at St. George's University in Grenada, West Indies, in 1987 (1, 2, 3). He has been a private rheumatologist since 1992 (1, 2). In 2013 (1, 2), he published a book on fibromyalgia through Mystery Doc Publishing LLC. He is mentioned as an expert in articles by WSVN (Channel 7). He co-owns a house at 5132 E Gleneagles with Valerie Blake Koch (1, 2). The house was purchased in 2018 for $843k (1, 2). According to a post in Laura's Spanish-language blog, he has full custody of the family.

Matthew David Loomer — bother

Matthew David Loomer - Brother of Laura Loomer

Social media: FBInstTWlinkedin

According to LinkedIn, in 2021, he began studying for a Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Arizona State University (1, 2). Since 2022, he has been self-employed as an entrepreneur on Amazon Marketplace. He likely sells (1,2,3) t-shirts mocking U.S. President Joe Biden and featuring images of Tucker Carlson on his own website. He also enjoys Tucker Carlson (1, 2, 3, 4). Like his sister, he is a supporter of the Big Pharma conspiracy theory and a fan of Donald Trump (1, 2) and Elon Musk (1, 2).

Jeremy Loomer — another Laura’s brother

Jeremy Loomer - Brother of Laura Loomer

In 2010, he was living with his father. Since 2019, he has been the founder and owner of the clothing  Slangsta brand (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). According to his Facebook posts (1, 2), he likely has family issues. In one post, he mentioned: “...over a year ago, I was hit by a truck…when I called my father to tell him what happened, he said not to involve him and hung up the phone.”

Laura Loomer is a self-proclaimed investigative journalist who became known for her provocations and disinformation. On social media, she spreads false news and racist remarks. Laura is openly anti-Ukraine, supports conspiracy theories, and promotes anti-vaccine ideas. Her statements on social media only highlight her pro-Russian stance and hostility towards the Ukrainian people.

Laura's political ambitions and connections with Donald Trump demonstrate her extreme bias. Laura Loomer is a prime example of how disinformation and extremism spread through social media, posing a threat to society.











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