Russian and Belarusian propaganda shows that Lukashenko-junior is the "crush of all the Rus," probably preparing him as a successor to the Republic of Belarus presidential throne. This is what Alexander Lukashenko wants. After all, the demented maps-lover is finally about to lose his mind, and Russia needs a suitable replacement. Alexander Lukashenko has taken his son to official meetings since childhood, introducing him to Obama, the Pope, Hugo Chavez, and Sheikh Zayed bin Nahyan. Lukashenko's family is investing heavily in a father-son PR campaign so that Belarusians will call Lukashenko "batskai" (like "father" for all Belarusians).
Nikolai — is the younger son of Lukashenko and his doctor. But he is still a dark horse. His demented father, who is still illegally holding the post of president of Belarus, emphasizes that Kolya is involved in Russian-Ukrainian war negotiations.
Molfar's OSINT specialists gathered information about the image of Kolya Lukashenko, whom propaganda is preparing for the potential presidency of Belarus.
Kolya Lukashenko's debutante ball
Kolya Lukashenko made his first public outing in the spring of 2008 when he accompanied his father to the republican clean-up day at the Minsk Arena building area. Later on, the tandem was spotted at practically all the official meetings, explaining this by the child's pathological attachment to his father.
The son-talisman gave the Belarusian dictator a new title – "Kolyas' daddy", forming a direct link in the minds of Belarusians between the president of Belarus and the image of a role of exemplary father, and at the same time – "batska" of the entire Belarusian people. Alexander Lukashenko explained why he took Nikolai with him every time — Kolya did not obey anyone but him (of course, Lukashenko, is an authority here, too). However, it is unknown whether this is a manifestation of a spoiled child's destructive behavior or a PR campaign cover. There are suggestions that this is a pure PR campaign aimed at softening the image of "Europe's last dictator," developed by public relations specialist Timothy Bell, who has worked as a PR specialist for Augusto Pinochet, Margaret Thatcher, and Boris Berezovsky.
"Dad's gift from God": the Lukashenkos' greenhouse relationships
The self-proclaimed Belarusian president fulfills every wish of his "Kolya," whom he "brought up from the brink with his hands." He said this in an interview with Gordon, the Ukrainian journalist, in 2020.
Nikolai often plays the piano for his father — playing music by his favourite composer, Sergei Rachmaninoff. Once, this made the Belarusian dictator publicly cry.
Can you remember how, in 2020, during the protests, Lukashenko and his 15-year-old son, who was fully equipped and holding a Kalashnikov, demonstratively got out of the jet in Minsk? Then Kolya asked his father:" 'Where are they?' (the protesters). Alexander Lukashenko answered: "They ran away when they found out that you would be there" (timecode - 02:18).
Moreover, the self-proclaimed president Lukashenko's sickly love for his son is evident, even though he celebrates his birthday on the same day as his son — 31 August.
In addition to Viktor and Dmytyi Lukashenko, Kolyas' brothers on the father's side, Nikolai has a brother on the mother's side — Dmitriy Abelsky works as a doctor-ophthalmologist.
However, NEXTA Live's investigation shows that Mykola also has a brother born with mental health problems. Matvey Postoyalko is Nikolai's older brother by 2 years, born of Irina Abelskaya. It appears that Lukashenko considered that a child with health issues would harm his career, so Matvey grew up in an orphanage and bears his mother's surname. The last mention of him dates back to 2020.

Kolya is an underage alcohol drinker and a Russian Federation fan
The "promising" Kolya started to have a strong connection with alcohol from childhood. On one of his visits to Armenia, Lukashenko and his son visited the Ararat cognac-wine-vodka factory, which belongs to Tsarukyan.

At 13, Kolya had already been drinking alcohol with his father during a visit to China 2017. Three years later, a visitor spotted him at the Lebyazhyi restaurant in one of the wine rooms described in the Village's article. Now, he has a private tasting room in his apartment.
But the only thing that could be worse than drinking alcohol as a teenager is a friendship with Putin.
Relations with the Russian Federation
Of course, Alexander Lukashenko will try to impose a relationship with Russia on Kolya. The Russian media often publishes some stories about Nikolai and the Russian President: Nikolai went skiing with Putin in Sochi, lighted candles in the Spaso-Preobrazhenkyi cathedral in Moscow in 2019, played 4-handed piano with Putin, hockey with him, had lunch on Putin's yacht, and attended the military victory parade in Moscow.

In 2009, the previous president of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, gifted 5-year-old Nikolai a golden pistol. Kolya loved that toy so much that he had not gone out without the gun in years and carried it everywhere, even during the meeting with the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez.
In 2020, Nikolai apologized to the Wagner PMC members for the detention in Belarus, which had disrupted Ukraine's intelligence operation.
Kolya studied at the Moscow State University gymnasium and regularly visited Moscow.
Hockey player Kolya looks just like his father
Just like Alexander Lukashenko, Nikolai plays ice hockey. He always wears the number 31, while the self-proclaimed Belarusian president wears 01. Lukashenko-junior plays for the President of Belarus team, the Bastion team, and previously — for the Griffons youth team.
He has 3 trophies of the Christmas tournament for the prizes of the President of Belarus and 10 victories in the Golden Puck tournament. And in 2020, he was recognized as both the best scorer and goalkeeper of the Republican tournament.
Kolya's career in hockey was about to increase. In January 2022, he became the head coach of the Dynamo Minsk hockey club. His contract is for 5 years with an unlimited extension option. Nikolai's coaching career started with a bright bang – his team beat the team from the unrecognized "dpr" with a score of 80:1. In the same January, Kolya was awarded as the best player of the match between the president's team and Mogilev's team. He scored as many as 5 goals in the game.
The Bastion and KPRB teams, where Nikolai plays, are always winners. Perhaps Kolya is the team's hockey mascot, just like his father. He may be an excellent player. The poet and composer Yulia Bykova, whose song Nikolai performed as an accompanist at the Spiritual Revival Award, said of Nikolai's musical gift: "I can say that Nikolai is a powerful young man – he even moved the piano."
But at the same time, there is a video of 5 goals scored by Nikolai during one match. The video shows no interference from the opponents or the goalkeeper.
Nikolai's personal hockey coach, Dmitry Baskov, is a suspect in the murder, for which he probably received $210,000 as a reward.
Embezzlement of state funds, passion for luxury and exotic animals
In the Independence Palace, built in 2011 at the cost of the state budget, the Belarusian dictator made a personal SPA cinema for Nikolai. The same building also includes a private apartment with a bathroom, bedroom, and lounge. According to the NEXTA news agency, "Each room is the size of a small two-room apartment." The budget also suffered losses after purchasing a white Yamaha grand piano for $18,000 for Nikolai.
One of the atypical desires was to own exotic animals. In 2016, millionaire Ganik Tsarukyan gifted to Nikolai 4 white lions.
Despite his father's messages not to wear expensive Gucci- "shmucci," Nikolai does not disdain the clothes of the American brand Under Armour, which is not a budget clothing line.
The artificially created image of Nikolai Lukashenko
Alexander Lukashenko attributes the unique abilities to his son. For example, Nikolai learned a foreign language in a country school to translate synchronously to his father. In 2020, he won the district chemistry competition. That's what his father said.
Despite the image of "calm Nikolai," the boy does not consistently demonstrate appropriate behavior. According to the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Lukashenko's spokeswoman, Natalia Eismon, is afraid to talk to Nikolai because he "criticizes" her.
The stewardess on the plane received more damage from Nikolai's abuse. For refusing to close the door on the plane, he bit the woman's hand, yelling that he would shoot her when he became a minister. The question of Nikolai's mental health remains unanswered.
Kolya is a “parliamentarian and peacemaker”
In an interview with Russia's "Rossiya-1" TV channel, Lukashenko said Nikolai had organized the Russia-Ukraine negotiations last spring.
The dictator noted that Nikolai was studying at Peking University but insisted on negotiations.
What does Kolya want?
Looking at the image and the vision of the future that his father and propaganda have prepared for Kola Lukashenka, the youngest son of the illegitimate Belarusian president, does not carry the weight of his words at all.
In 2012, Alexander Lukashenko spoke about Nikolai as his "successor to the torch." Still, he hoped he would live to see Nikolai become president of Belarus. In 2020, in an interview with Gordon, Lukashenko said Nikolai would not be a president. And, in general, Nikolai is “opposition-minded.”
Nikolai believes Xi Jinping is his idol because he is different from his father.
But Kolya has not decided what he wants yet. Maybe his dad knows better, or Kolya has yet to grow up.