
Do Russians Purchase Maxar and Planet Images for Striking Ukraine? Molfar's Analysis of The Atlantic Article
Do Russians Purchase Maxar and Planet Images for Striking Ukraine? Molfar's Analysis of The Atlantic Article

We analyze the article in The Atlantic, in which the journalists write that before the missile strikes on Ukraine, Russia bought satellite images from Western companies. Molfar analysts are testing this hypothesis.

"Neozazis," "foreigners", and “pockets full of gold”. How is Russian propaganda spreading lies about the defenders of “Azovstal”?

Russian propaganda myths about the defenders of "Azovstal." The volunteer community Molfar, together with the NGO "Olenivka Community," has prepared material that debunks the Kremlin's false narratives about the defenders of Mariupol.

Russia's Oil Woes: Molfar's Examination of Long-Range Drones and Charitable Foundations
Russia's Oil Woes: Molfar's Examination of Long-Range Drones and Charitable Foundations

Let's talk about long-range drones and whether they are needed for the military. We asked charitable foundations about this. What did the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation and the "Come Back Alive" Foundation reply?

Maruv "brings peace" to Russia, While Rockets To Ukraine? Singer's Deanon

Singer Maruv continues to earn Russian rubles despite the war. She writes songs in Russian, publishes them on Russian platforms, and does not terminate her contract with a Russian label. Meanwhile, Russians are destroying her native Kharkiv.

Kremlin's robes: how are Metropolitan Onufriy and other UOC-MP priests connected with Russia? Molfar's new registry
Kremlin's robes: how are Metropolitan Onufriy and other UOC-MP priests connected with Russia? Molfar's new registry

Analysts from the Molfar agency have identified connections between clergy members of the UOC MP and Russia. In this article, we present the top 5 individuals within this church - with detailed evidence and their implications.

Visited Skabeeva's TV shows and denied the existence of Ukraine. Sergiy Polishchuk— an ex-member of parliament and an agent of Russian propaganda
Visited Skabeeva's TV shows and denied the existence of Ukraine. Sergiy Polishchuk— an ex-member of parliament and an agent of Russian propaganda

Molfar publishes an analysis of Ukrainian ex-MP Sergiy Polishchuk's public anti-Ukrainian statements and cases of his supporting Russian propaganda.

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