Список ворогів, що створюють загрозу національній безпеці України

Аналітики OSINT-агенції Molfar на основі відкритих джерел інформації створили список осіб, підозрюваних у діях, що становлять загрозу національній безпеці України. У цих реєстрах зібрано інформацію про цих осіб, а також наведено докази та детальний аналіз їхньої діяльності, отримані в результаті незалежного розслідування.

Molfar продовжує збирати та аналізувати інформацію, спираючись на OSINT-дослідження, та експертний аналіз. Наша мета — підвищити обізнаність про потенційні загрози та сприяти захисту демократичних інститутів.

Who Are the Enemies and Traitors of Ukraine?

These registries contain information about individuals whose activities may indicate cooperation with the occupying authorities or support for the policies of the Russian Federation. The registries include various categories of individuals, particularly those who acted in favor of the occupying regime or contributed to its functioning. 


Some Categories of Individuals in Molfar’s Registries

Military Personnel Suspected of War Crimes 
The registry contains information about Russian military personnel whose actions in the occupied territories of Ukraine may qualify as war crimes under international law. Numerous cases of violence against civilians, including mass graves and looting, were documented during the de-occupation of Bucha, Hostomel, and Borodianka. The information was collected from open sources and verified by Molfar analysts.

Russian Security Service Personnel 
The registry includes individuals linked to the FSB, GRU, SVR, and other Russian special services. They may be involved in organizing and coordinating military operations, gathering intelligence, and recruiting agents in Ukraine. The data were obtained from open sources and verified by analysts.

Individuals Suspected of Collaboration in Occupied Territories 
The registry contains information about Ukrainian citizens who may have cooperated with the occupying authorities in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions. Their activities could include facilitating "referendums," organizing administrative control, introducing the Russian ruble into circulation, and coordinating the actions of the occupying forces. The information is based on open sources and verified by Molfar analysts.

Foreign Propagandists 
The registry includes information about individuals who publicly promote pro-Kremlin narratives outside of Russia. They may justify Russia's armed aggression, the annexation of Crimea, and the occupation of Ukrainian territories, as well as call for the lifting of sanctions on Russia. The information is based on public statements and actions verified by Molfar.

Information Availability 
The registries contain verified data, including photos, detailed descriptions of activities, and evidence of possible violations. If you require additional information, contact us at [email protected].

History of the Creation of Ukraine's Enemy List

The OSINT agency Molfar has been working to expose individuals who may pose a threat to Ukraine's national security since 2019. After the start of the full-scale invasion and the temporary occupation of new territories, we received numerous requests to create an archive of individuals suspected of collaborating with the occupying authorities. This formed the basis for creating and developing our registries.

The registry concept is based on the experience of creating the "blacklist" of Russian artists in Ukraine, who were banned from entering the country due to their public support for Russian aggression. Molfar's registries cover a broader range of individuals, including military personnel, security service officers, collaborators, and foreign propagandists. You can explore the lists on this page.

Principles and Timeline for Updating the Blacklist

The OSINT agency Molfar has been identifying individuals who may pose a threat to Ukraine's national security since 2019. After the start of the full-scale invasion and the temporary occupation of new territories, we received requests to create an archive of individuals suspected of collaborating with the occupying authorities. This formed the basis for creating and developing the registries.

The registry is based on continuous monitoring of open sources. Molfar analysts regularly verify submitted information and update the data on individuals in the list if new confirmed facts emerge.

The registry update process includes:

  • Analysis of pro-Russian media and Telegram channels to identify authors of statements and comments by the occupying authorities.
  • Verification of individuals' backgrounds, including their place of employment and position.
  • Gathering evidence of possible collaboration with the occupying authorities or support for Russian policies.
  • Establishing contacts and potential networks, including colleagues and close associates.

The data are carefully verified and stored in the registry. The information is continuously updated based on new facts and confirmations.

Who Can Be Listed as an Enemy of Ukraine?

Who Can Be Listed as an Enemy of Ukraine?

Individuals may be included in the registry if their activities pose a direct threat to Ukraine's national security. This includes not only public support for Russian policies but also active measures in favor of the occupying authorities or armed aggression.

The registry includes:

  • Gauleiters – individuals who perform administrative functions in the occupying authorities.
  • War Criminals – military personnel suspected of committing crimes in the occupied territories.
  • Propagandists – individuals who promote pro-Kremlin narratives and justify Russian aggression.
  • Security Service Personnel – FSB, GRU, SVR, and other Russian intelligence officers involved in coordinating military operations and gathering intelligence.

Inclusion in the registry is based on verified data and confirmed facts obtained from open sources.

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